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EFL Verdict


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30 minutes ago, JfR said:

You know, the more I think about it, the more bizarre it seems that the EFL are making and very openly broadcasting the fact they're making a separate fixture list based on a points deduction that hasn't happened. They've just invented a potential punishment that's different to the punishment that has actually been handed out and are going to publish a set of fixtures based on this imagined punishment, even though there's no suggestion that it's likely that it will actually be given.

What a weird organisation.

Vindictive organisation........there are people there, who appear relentless to prove us guilty of something, who just wont stop until they’ve done so, because some members have it in for us.

Thats how it looks, that’s how it feels.

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1 minute ago, Zag zig said:

Vindictive organisation........there are people there, who appear relentless to prove us guilty of something, who just wont stop until they’ve done so, because some members have it in for us.

Thats how it looks, that’s how it feels.

The EFL invested so much into "getting" DCFC that they now can't afford to be seen to "fail".


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Still don’t get how:

- EFL rules don’t state the method of amortisation to be used

- we submit accounts using a legitimate accounting method which the EFL accept

- we submit 2 more years accounts using the same method which the EFL accept

- Keiran ‘finance expert in his own head’ Maguire tells the EFL that we’re doing something different to all the other teams

-EFL charge us over multiple issues and lose

- EFL appeal a small part of the charges and win but now threaten to relegate us if they decide to appeal again.

Surely their appeal was only against the fact that we’d not been clear enough in telling the EFL accountants that we’d used a different accounting technique. The fact that the latest appeal has decided we should have been fined for the issue rather than given a good telling off doesn’t legitimately leave scope for a points deduction for last season - so relegation shouldn’t even be a consideration at this stage.
This is a vindictive statement meant to cause as much trouble as possible - at a time when all clubs are in dire straits due to COVID. Appeals from either side simply drag out this farcical process and cause more damage - the EFL need to remember they have a duty to protect all clubs and not continue to attack us just because their chief exec is best mates with a nasty little man in a Middlesbrough - particularly when they have history of letting clubs with far larger FFP breaches off the hook……

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8 hours ago, Norman said:

So, all we have to do is wait for Mr. Pearce to confirm to us fans at 9am, that we will be inside the allowed losses for that period. Surely, as a club, we already know the calculations. Hopefully the morning won't bring complete silence. 

I would also state, if we do fall outside the permitted losses, we can argue we would have sold players to alleviate the losses. We are no longer in a position to change what happened years a go. Can't see this going anywhere to be honest. 

Appeal after appeal coming up. 

This has been my argument all along, we wouldnt have done some of our business if the EFL hadnt signed off the Amortisation policy.

We wouldnt have signed Bielik, Jozwiak and I imagine Rooney wouldnt have been here.

It's like being granted planning permission for an extension and then being hit with a punishment because the planners realise your house is now bigger than theirs and everyone elses.

We need to wake up and quick, the EFL are literally doing anything and everything to destroy our football club. This is a battle of egos between Parry and Morris and our club and the fans are collateral damage.


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8 hours ago, San Fran Van Rams said:

This for me is the question - if we do fail the FRS rules based on the resubmission, could we argue that spending decisions taken during that time period were based on a methodology that hadn't been questioned and we had assumed to be correct, and that we weren't acting in a subversive manner in when doing so? 

I'm not sure if there is any precedent in other walks of life on this but I guess its like being given a speeding fine when your speedo is 10mph out

Actually it's like the police telling you it's ok that your speedo is 10mph out and then the police fining you for it a year later.

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4 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

This is a vindictive statement meant to cause as much trouble as possible - at a time when all clubs are in dire straits due to COVID. Appeals from either side simply drag out this farcical process and cause more damage - the EFL need to remember they have a duty to protect all clubs and not continue to attack us just because their chief exec is best mates with a nasty little man in a Middlesbrough - particularly when they have history of letting clubs with far larger FFP breaches off the hook……

Yes. I think the fine and resubmitting accounts was a fair compromise. 

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17 minutes ago, JfR said:

This clarifies the situation a bit:
Possibility of relegation last season is to do with the EFL appealing the original charge to have it changed
Resubmission of accounts would require new charges if there are any breaches, so wouldn't result in relegation last season

So it's not the case that any breaches in the resubmitted accounts will result in an immediate relegation.

And that’s the crazy part - they appealed the part of the original charge that said we weren’t clear enough in explaining to the EFL that we were using a different accounting method - thereby admitting that their own processes were too lax to spot the difference in accounting methods, yet they think that we should have a point deduction because they were too incompetent to sign off the accounts correctly….. what an absolute bunch of winkers they are….. 

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8 hours ago, DCFC90 said:

The worrying thing for me is, if we're appealing and it's taking such a long time, no-one is going to want to sign for us because they don't know which league we'll be in next season. Why has it taken over 2 years to get to this position?

If we were in league one then it’s a totally different finance situation where we wouldn’t be allowed to sign next to no one basically due to wage caps in league one etc 

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If the EFL do appeal this verdict, thus placing us in yet another transfer embargo while it is sorted, then the club should be shouting out the unfair treatment from every rooftop.

The restrictions placed on our ability to trade over several seasons now are as much of a punishment as any points deduction. Surely no-one still believes that the EFL haven't got it in for us?

Fans of other clubs laughing at us might do well to remember it might be their turn next. Once the EFL have succeeded in destroying us they will turn to someone else.

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2 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

What a mess to get in. The club has only its self to blame.

But does it though? The accounts were signed off. There was no problem. If there was, I am sure there are many of things the club wouldn't have done. You cannot say it's fine and then a year later say actually no it's not. As much as I question the way the club has been run, this is EFL incompetence.

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