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About Day

  • Birthday 26/02/1982

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  1. Anyone know how big his manhood is, can we get that in there somewhere?
  2. Just adding a reminder of our terms of use. https://dcfcfans.uk/guidelines
  3. Just an add-on here. For those Derby fans that would like to discuss political issues with fellow Derby fans, Derby County Mad is a forum that would be better suited. https://boards.footymad.net/forumdisplay.php?f=2428 It's one board with OT (off topic) mixed in with Derby County, inside the top 5 topics you have a General Election topic as well as a Brexit one. Over 1000 pages combined to get your teeth into. I strongly recommend it for anyone looking for that mixture of discussions.
  4. No, he hasn't been charged for saying she's not very good at punditry. You're making light of his tweets, dare I say stretching and twisting, something which the Police/CPS are being accused of. As for this forum, like the Police, if we receive reports on this forum we act on them. You're now the second person to claim abusive DM's yet we have yet to receive any report of these, without this we simply cannot take any kind of action. It would be a permanent ban if we received evidence of this. Report it now, if you have abusive DM's I will ban that member immediately. This forum was created to discuss Derby County, we have a small number of users that see this more as a platform to discuss politics and attack the woke left or far right, despite us prohibiting that content. If we are to lose those members that cannot let that go I am happy, the off topic area on this forum has been a no go area for many members for too long now with ongoing left v right tensions leaking into every topic. Even now, a discussion on Joey Barton and Eli Aluko is seeing politicians being thrown in, you may say these are perfect examples that can be used as comparisons, yet they are not remotely the same. This is an accusation of grossly offensive tweets from Joey Barton to Eli Aluko, which she has reported to the Police and the CPS have taken the decision to charge given the evidence, which I would assume is a little bit more than Eli Aluko is not a very good pundit, which I would agree on, and I can say this freely. You may not like the malicious communications act, however it's there to protect us all online from being on the receiving end of abuse. This is not political, this is not wokeness gone mad, it's a law that is being correctly used to protect you, myself and others online.
  5. Nobody has claimed Joey Barton has made death threats, threats of physical and sexual violence, hence why nobody has attempted to even show you these. Joey has been charged under the malicious communications act, which to quote. The MCA 1988 and CA 2003 continue to encompass ‘grossly offensive’ and ‘indecent’ messages. The CA 2003 also encompasses messages which are obscene or menacing, and persistently making use of a public communications network. https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/communications-offences Also the Police have not just taken it upon themselves to charge Joey Barton, Eni Aluko has filed a complaint with the Police, which is why an investigation has taken place and seen Joey charged. The Police do not just have an officer sat on social media all day arrested people for tweets made, yet they have a duty to investigate when complaints have been made. Have Rowling, Braverman filed complaints with the Police against individuals?
  6. Just went to try this and worked fine, no error messages at all
  7. You do realise that would be the death of all social media platforms, including forums such as this if we allow a free for all? Digital laws have been slow to catch up with the evolution of the internet. These laws in place are a good thing and we should be happy they are being enforced, otherwise the internet would be a hugely toxic place overrun by abusive trolls. It’s honestly baffling that anyone would be upset by the Police prosecuting.
  8. Absolutely no need to be bringing party politics into a transfer topic on a football forum which has politics under prohibited content in the forum terms of use. Can we just, you know, not. Thanks.
  9. Is the promotion of Carling ok, Pukka Pies? Alcoholism and obesity can also destroy lives. How far do we go with this? Should be refuse to play in the SkyBet Championship? My only gripe is when the betting companies do not appear to be legitimate gambling website, these in the far east with no website, no online presence at all.
  10. Not sure why the Police and courts are being criticised here. We have laws in place, one of which is malicious communications. A victim has made a complaint and the CPS feel they have sufficient evidence to prosecute. Are we expecting the Police and CPS to wave the victim away, sorry, we have better things to do with our time? They are there to protect and serve be it petty theft to serial murderer. Joey Barton is also a public figure, his words can rally hundreds if not thousands amplifying the abuse his victim will have received. I have zero sympathy for the guy, we’re not throwing him behind bars, however it’s costing him thousands for being a helmet online. Hopefully it’s a deterrent for others that think they can use social media to start hate campaigns against individuals.
  11. Joey Barton has been charged by police over alleged malicious communications online. It follows an investigation by Cheshire Police who said the charges related to messages the former footballer sent between 1 January and 18 January. Barton, 41, posted on X that he had been charged over his tweets about Eni Aluko, a former England footballer and pundit. He will appear at Warrington Magistrates Court on Tuesday 30 July. https://news.sky.com/story/joey-barton-charged-by-police-over-alleged-malicious-communications-13183255
  12. Day

    John McAtee

    Totally understandable. Wouldn’t be overly concerned yet given the source. HITC rehashed by FLW. The ultimate click baiters. Save these thoughts for when someone more credible comes along with it
  13. Day

    Fantasy EFL

    It’s live. Created a league. Let’s see who can be bothered with it past August https://fantasy.efl.com/league/join/NHVJS9QW
  14. Day

    John McAtee

    Can confirm. Although he’s rumoured to have a bit of an interesting life outside of football, recently said to have spat at another woman on a night out….not the first time either. https://www.dorset.live/news/dorset-news/dorset-influencer-caught-up-sweary-6839049
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