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Looks like a Derby version 2- Birmingham city

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44 minutes ago, Simmo’s left foot said:

I hope we are a bit better than that.

In an ideal world we should be. However every one of their fans that took delight in our predicament deserves to feel the anquish we went through and have their noses rubbed in it.

Having said that, two wrongs don't make a right so I do have empathy for the genuine Brum fans but the partying scumbags deserve to suffer. 

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8 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:

In an ideal world we should be. However every one of their fans that took delight in our predicament deserves to feel the anquish we went through and have their noses rubbed in it.

Having said that, two wrongs don't make a right so I do have empathy for the genuine Brum fans but the partying scumbags deserve to suffer. 

I can feel a touch of karma coming on!

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1 hour ago, Millenniumram said:

Birmingham City are genuinely a vile, scummy club. Not met a single one of their fans who isn’t a complete bamford. One of the very few clubs I wouldn’t mind seeing the back of.

Living in Brum, I know many Bluenoses and generally speaking they are a very self depreciating lot. They've all shown empathy for Derby and our suffering at the hands of the EFL. True, like all clubs they've got their fair share of bamfords and their behaviour at PP was disgusting last season. Whilst I would like those to suffer, I feel sympathy for the many reasonable bluenoses that I know. 

I think that the EFL case against them concerns the fact that the new prospective owners were effectively funding and running the club for a few months until the deal fell through, without prior permission from the EFL.

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Do I want to see BCFC suitably penalised, yes please. They deserve it. Blatant abuse of the rules.  The big factor, yet again though, is it looks like the EFL haven't governed effectively, and who I'm sure will already be preparing several Teflon-coated statements as to why they let it happen. 

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Personally I wouldn't wish what we went through on any club. It's bigger than just the rivalries of fans, it's livelihoods, communities and history. No matter how much I might disdain some clubs, there are more important things than football tribalism and we should know that better then anyone.

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