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Comrade 86

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About Comrade 86

  • Birthday 05/02/1884

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  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/10/12/starlink-russia-ukraine-elon-musk/
  2. But apart from this Ghost, really, what evidence is there? 😋
  3. Love it. Best since Poom and still time to improve further. Ladies and gents, we have ourselves a proper stopper.
  4. Loved it too. And before @DarkFruitsRam7 pipes upt to tell us there's a Scandiwegian version that his mate said is way better, I've watched it and it's not. Not even close. So there. With bells on it.
  5. Performance artists these days! How do they even think this stuff up? 😋
  6. Local Locals 1 Super Rams 3 Yates (like buses)
  7. That's what I was referring to Hants.
  8. Remarkably, he's still commentating. I watched the track cycling world championships last night there he was, positive as ever and he'll be doing the final races tonight. The man is superhuman and this is obviously very sad news, but he'll go on his terms and I suppose the first part of that was not hiding it. Huge respect.
  9. Won't be watching that video, but obviously very much hoping both riders make full recoveries. I do love this sport, but it's hard to imagine a more dangerous game. Meanwhile, Darth Marko as I think he's now been well dubbed by @Alph is in the news again having mocked Lando Norris' mental health issues. At various times, Lando has openly and IMO courageously discussed his race day anxieties and it sounds like he spends them in borderline panic attack which is a bit grim. Marko, as only Marko can, has jumped on these supposed 'weaknesses' as reasons why Lando cannot win the WDC. The ever classy Zak Brown sums it up well: Brown said he was "disappointed but not surprised" by Marko’s remarks. "Lando has been kind of an ambassador for mental health. Toto [Wolff, the Mercedes team principal] has spoken about mental health, so I think it's a serious issue that we've tried to talk about and bring to the forefront. "Poking at that situation I think is pretty inappropriate and kind of sets us back 10-20 years. "It's all fun and games in how some people go racing and what tactics they use from a sporting perspective, but I thought that one was in pretty poor taste." Full article here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/articles/cy5y6gqzr0qo
  10. Fair do's. When responding to your posts in future, I'll do so using crayons.
  11. I said mid-table, you said playing like Millwall. Stick to voicing your own opinion, not mine.
  12. Not a pet owner, but I do have a deal of sympathy for anyone who owns a firework-nervous pet. It seems like it's a hefty share of hounds who do seem affected and some quite disturbingly so which is awful. As it is, I'm surrounded by folk who seem to love a firework and they go off all year round it seems to me, as I think it's common in these parts to reserve a few for dad's birthday so he can blow some s*** up then too. It doesn't really bother me, but there's a care home a few hundred yards from me and it can't be pleasant for them as it's often way past the watershed and quite often after midnight. Perhaps silent fireworks for home use and the full sound effects only at licensed and sanctioned events might be a compromise all could live with? I'd like to think that more imaginative shows could replace fireworks in time anyway.
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