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  1. May I suggest Roy you spend a little time in Tipton in the West Mids, Pronunciation, Latin, Syllables, Language, Nouns, Adjectives and verbs have no use what so ever to the locals. It's another feckin world I tell ya ☺️
  2. Save the earth and buy an EV, Sod the battery fed chicken factories and the slave wages to pick the coffee beans 😁
  3. You certainly are as it's Val Kilmer 😁
  4. https://www.11v11.com/matches/derby-county-v-manchester-city-11-november-1989-89481/
  5. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes Last season I got free world football through a Vietnamese TV station...until they block my IP Address πŸ‘Ž
  6. I know people who are minted and to tight to pay, They have a "loaded" fire stick and the football that's on offer is limitless for the princely sum of Β£59.95 for a year One is a ST holder and also has Sky TV they had BT sport until they upped the price a couple of years ago, Binned BT and got a fire stick now gets all the EU games for the one off price above...what's not to like πŸ‘
  7. I have to put this ear 😁 as I seriously think it's funny...the bounds of stupidity have found a home πŸ™„ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/videos/cldy39vpv4qo
  8. Kane was invited to a couples only fancy dress, He turned up dressed as a Clam, The doorman says it's a couples only party, But I'm with a girl he said, Where is she, Here on my back...it's me shell I'll get me coat 😁
  9. I've only seen him play once...Blackpool at home 1-0 and a cracking goal, Nice to see the fella here, Best thing I can describe is when you've done all your shopping on a hot day, Get home put all the stuff away, Open the freezer get that Strawberry chocolate Magnum out and bite into it...great feeling ☺️
  10. It aint looking to good is it? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cz5r18zm7lpo
  11. Voyage...on YouTube with Gillian Anderson, A UFO that was seen over a Cincinnati airport, There's a cover up by the FBI, A mathematics student gets involved to find the truth...maybe one for @Carl Sagan if he's not seen this I love stuff like this as I don't think we're the only planet with intelligent life out there. 8-10 enjoyed it πŸ‘
  12. Rio Ferdinand when Rodri didn't play in the 2nd half 😁
  13. I'm a proud Englishman...so Who did he bring this pride back to...Players, Pundits, Media or fans Players...of unimaginable wealth Pundits...who are paid to Bla Bla Bla Media...who swing from tree to tree to look for their next headline Fans...who demand we win. Not a pop at you Alph just a question πŸ‘
  14. Back in the dark ages the FA consisted of all the regional heads of FA councils...watch Mike Basset the film 😁old men on a jolly. Today I do not know, Who, Why or how they go and pick the next England manager, G Neville yesterday said and I quote "he'll be here for the next 2 Internationals" well there's a shock...he was wrong. Sept 7th is our next game, I hope we have a new manager by then and not someone who'll fill in for a couple of games, Potter and Klopp are not contracted to anyone so talks would be pretty straight forward and no compensation to pay, Both ex EPL managers so would know who the players are.
  15. Southgate did well, But not well enough, I never really took to him, I guess it was his persona through the media, There wasn't a spark that would ignite, He saw off most of the middle to smaller Nations, But when the push came the shove...the spark faded. Stories are now coming out that things were said in the dressing room at HT and things needed to change on the field https://metro.co.uk/2024/07/15/moment-england-star-lost-it-gareth-southgate-euro-2024-final-21231967/ We the England supporters demand success but only one Nation can win the World Cup Final/EU Final, We see an array of young English talent week in week out in the EPL and those on foreign shores, But being overly cautious or trying to fit an E-Type engine into moggy 1000 takes technical knowhow...I don't think Southgate had it. Over to you...The FA, Either Potter or Klopp for me, I have Saxon blood so I can accept a German 😁
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