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The Administration Thread


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19 minutes ago, I know nuffin said:

I do admire the fans groups but wonder how they think they represent the rank and file of supporters. Recently somewhere I red that bawt have a committee of 13 "founder members" not elected but founder members but they post that should Morris, the stadium owner, be involved they would decide what to do next. Not in my name they will not and I suspect not in thousands of others. Why do they think that they speak for anybody but themselves when they have not even bothered to ask others?

Why not form your own?

Then we can "Not In My Name" you. ?

I'm pretty sure that if it hadn't been for supporters' pressure groups, associations, clubs and even humble messageboards, we would either still have the Amigos, worse (is MM worse? His intentions weren't to carpet-bag the club - at least I don't think so) or we would be a memory.

I'm not going to criticise any group whose intentions are to get us out of this mess, whoever they are, just because they haven't asked my permission.

Edited by Eddie
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2 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

I have seen these rumours floating around. But if Morris is prepared to be involved in a debt for equity swap, can he not also be persuaded to sell his equity stake? Any involvment by him (even as s sleeping investment) will be unpalatable for some.

But why should MM make a gift to our next owner ?

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3 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

But why should MM make a gift to our next owner ?

Why is it a gift to sell an equity stake? If the stake is worth something then someone else will be prepared to pay something for it. And if it's worth nothing then he may as well write it off anyway.

Anyways this is just speculation only slightly more credible than the Clooney rumour and not as much fun.

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2 hours ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

We’re speculating about something that could be (probably is) complete baalocks. Clearly he’s a stakeholder/creditor unfortunately due to the ground that’s probably (hopefully) the limit of his involvement. 

If it does turn out baalocks then BAWT have a lot to answer for. They are the ones perpetuating this rumour and giving it visibility. I was for BAWT initially and I’m not against them now but Nigel Owen pissed me off a bit on RD on Friday night and certainly wasn’t representing views of majority of fans IMO. Think some of them are starting to get ideas above their station.   If it does turn out true then I take it all back.

We will see what transpires. 

Agree with pretty much all of this @BramcoteRam84.  I doubt very much Mel is part of any bid but he will want to know what bidders want to do with the ground (buy, lease, cost, etc).

I’ve started to think the same about BAWT too.  Just over a week ago they did a Twitter poll as to whether people had lost faith in Quantuma.  I think that was out of order.  It’s divisive at a time when they should be uniting supporters.  Last week they published a blog called “storm clouds gathering” which added fuel to the liquidation rumours and they they’re doing the same with the MM speculation.  All smacks a bit of attention seeking to me and unprofessional.  Ramstrust may have received criticism in the past, but they only tweet/blog, etc when there are facts to report (not a member btw).

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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

What’s the process in getting someone banned from being a director by Companies House?? 

That is a very good question.

In my experience, short of announcing Vladimir Putin as your new CEO, everything else seems "above board"? Take the chancer from P&O as a recent example. If he'd have been a rating on a ship and admitted breaking the law (in relation to his job), he'd have been sacked on the spot.

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5 hours ago, Jimbo Ram said:

But don’t forget the roads…..and the viaducts…….but apart from that, what has MM ever done for us…..


3 hours ago, minesahartington said:

The sewage

Did you mean sewerage?... or are you actually saying he's responsible for the poo€ within it!  ?

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19 hours ago, Topram said:

We should hope to see Mel sitting down with the Administrators. This weekend they're meant to be assessing the final bids and part of that will be Pride Park which is not in the Admin's gift, so it's vital that Morris is there agreeing to one thing or another for Quantama to be able to present their preferred bidder to the EFL this week.

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7 hours ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

If it's Mel Morris then I'm sorry but that is the absolute final straw for me.

That man took over a club in the play off final on the brink of the premier League and had left us with no assets, no young players and on the brink of league one with a very probable 15 point deduction as well as currently having 5 players contracted to us next season.

This is a man that wouldn't answer the phone to Rooney to such an extent that Rooney had to call from the club doctor's phone and then Mel answered straight away.

This club has been rotten to the core since this man took over and the only good thing to come out of this absolute horror show is that he will no longer be anywhere near this football club.

Rooney doesn't like him and clearly has no time for him. The amount of effort, heart, passion, desire that these players, Rooney and the coaching staff have put in this season despite all the circumstances, all the issues. These have all been caused by one man.

If he was to takeover or be part of any consortium taking over that would be a smack in the face to all that these players have done. When he's put us in this position solely to reduce the debt he's caused.

The man is a spineless, gutless piece of work and I want him nowhere near this football club ever again.

if he tries to come back the man should be chased out of town with mass protests and boycotts. But I just can't see him coming back thankfully. 

Edited by Leeds Ram
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As fans We don’t get a choice who owns or part owns our football clubs , ive been a derby fan for 55 years , would I let ANY owner make me walk away from such a massive part of my life growing up and following as an adult ? Would I duck ,

I want derby to survive and will support derby no matter who puts the money in to keep them alive , owners come ,stay a while then disappear some people seem to believe supporting the club means you support the ownership, you can support the club but dislike the owners ??‍♂️

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We simply have to survive as a club and as fans buy into a long term rebuild project.

None of this multiple manager sackings if we don't get promoted by Christmas whatever league we may be in. None of this demanding spending money every window. It's going to be painful and we have to understand and go with it. Many fans won't like it but we have to look at Luton and Coventry as examples we must follow.

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