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B4 - for ever a Ram ๐Ÿ


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Never met B4, but in 2020 Iย  mentioned my mum passed away in a post somewhere and within minutes B4 private messaged to say he was there if I needed to talk - he regularly messaged me checking to see if i was ok anr I can only thank him for showing such compassion to somewhere he never knew and had nothing to gain from this.


Reading through these posts, this seems to be a similar theme and shows what a lovely human being he was.

RIP mate, thanks for the positive vibes and I hope Derby do it this year ๐Ÿ™ย 

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Not a regular poster, but an avid reader of this forum. My sincere condolences to Daniel's family, friends and all who knew him.ย 

B4 was always positive and his love for Derby was very clear. It is also very clear from other members posts, his love and support for fellow Rams. This takes a special type of person.

Brought me joy and positivity in our darkest hours with his rallying posts to stick together and fight for our club.

RIP Daniel a Derby legend ๐Ÿย 

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Havenโ€™t posted on the forum in a long time but was extremely saddened to see the news about B4 on Twitter.ย 

While I never knew Daniel personally, I used to recognise him at a lot of the away games and, on the forum, I looked forward to his weekly war cries. B4โ€™s passion for Derby was always evident and I admired his ability to see the positives even at some of the darkest times in the clubโ€™s history.

Thoughts go out to Danielโ€™s family at this difficult time, he will be sadly missed by so many. RIP B4ย ๐Ÿ

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1 hour ago, Hustler said:

@angieramย apologies if this has already been posted but are B4's family accepting charitable donations in his memory?ย 

No, nothing yet. It really is very early days and I think they are just trying to understand their loss.

I will keep in touch and let everyone know what they decide to do.ย 

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As I reflect on this upsetting news and read how it's affected so many I feel that I must let it be known how much my matchday experience will never be the same again. I have sat in the same seat in the East Stand since it was built, together with my wife, and sat right in front for many years was Daniel and his dad. I am a regular reader of this forum but rarely contribute. I do remember when there was much speculation as to who top fan B4 was. It eventually dawned on me that he must have been sat in front all that time. He reluctantly admitted that he was indeed the one and only B4.

I should have known because I had been discussing team selection and tactics every game for years. Half time changes that were always needed were rarely implemented by the manager, who should have known better. Sweets were often handed around and whatever happened on the pitch Daniel's support was unwavering and I sometimes felt ashamed that I couldn't raise my game when things just weren't happening and I had a feeling of impending doom.

It was a shock not to see and hear him yesterday but it was a privilege to have known Daniel.


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Jeez , reading all the posts this morning has brought tears to my eyes as did the news last night , when that happens over someone youโ€™ve never met in person it tells you something ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ,

was wondering if it would be fitting if we could chip in and have this thread printed and perhaps presented nicely in a remembrance book format for his family as a mark of what a special lad he wasย 

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ย The only down side to this thread is the number of folk who have mentioned spirit... and not one of you has mis-spelled it!ย ย 
We all loved flanges and scravers of course, but "Spirt" was a personal favourite of mine.ย  I'm gonna miss that!ย ย ๐Ÿ˜ขย 



Lots of usernames on here that I simply don't recognise.ย  A couple of dozen previous posts here, a few hundred there.
Countless claims of "Don't post very often but..."
Numerous lurkers clicking away on their keyboard.
Even a few new sign-ups for the sole purpose of passing on their condolences.
And a list as long as your arm, of posters who never met the lad... me included... "But felt like we knew him"!

I've also very briefly touched on my own PM's shared with B4... all at his behest I hasten to add... and I'll not add to that, as those conversations remain private, suffice to say, I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was (shame on me!) to now learn that he pretty much contacted anyone and everyone that had posted of the merest hint of troubles in their own lives... whilst the lad himself arguably suffered more than most.

Every word in this thread points to someone special.ย  Of that, there is no doubt.ย  Unique.ย  Caring to the core.ย  One of a kind, amongst many of a kindred spirt! (๐Ÿ˜‰)
Arguably, the clearest evidence of that eons old adage "You don't know what you have until it's gone".

I hope to God that if he didn't know then, he knows now!ย  It's clear how his being... and now his parting soul... has touched so many of us.

He truly will be forever remembered.ย 



Edited by Mucker1884
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15 hours ago, sage said:

When I heard this sad news last night, I was absolutely gutted, B4 was such a positive man, an optimist in times of mediocrity, a true believer who only faltered once, when we were on the brink 16 months ago. The thought of losing his beloved Rams, filled him with dread.

However, it is only tonight, reading everyone's tributes, with an unashamed tear rolling down my cheek, that the bigger picture emerged. Tales of chats at service stations and concourses, his passion at at games and most tellingly, the private messages of encouragement or empathy when other posters were going through a tough time. Even when he had his own troubles, which would have left most of us exhausted and probably would have prevented all of us attaining his relentless positivity.

The reason behind those chats and messages, as well as good human nature, is we are family. We have something which binds us together, a shared love, a community. We live in a polarised society, where politicians, media and social media seek to expose and amplify any divisions and isolate us. However, we have an attachment, a forum, a club, a badge, a team to rally round and no-one rallied round The Rams more than B4. For those, like B4, who may find life hasn't always been kind or easy, that sense of attachment is even stronger and more important.ย 

They say you die twice in life, once when you stop breathing and again when people stop remembering you. Daniel, we will remember you, we will remember your rallying cries, your kindness to others and most of all the purity of your faith for the team you love.ย  ย  ย  ย ย 

Wonderful tribute mateย 

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