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2 hours ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

And in the case of outcome 2, even if this materialises, if they cannot deduct points for an FFP breach, they will make sure it takes them until after the transfer window has shut to confirm this. They will probably do their best to delay it to the closure of the second transfer window to disadvantage us as much as possible in lieu of not being able to deduct points.

I believe the EFL executive decides this and my understanding is that now comprises of Rick Parry, Trevor Birch, some independent non-exec directors, Nicholas Randall (Forest), Peter Ridsdale (Preston), Neil Bousor (Middlesbrough), along with some Lower league representation including Jez Moxey (Burton).

It is absolutely clear what the championship appointed club representatives will be advocating and why I will be amazed if we sign anyone else before the deadline.

I will also be amazed.

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15 minutes ago, Crewton said:

John Percy saying on Twitter we're trying to reach agreement on punishment with the EFL. They want 9 points, which we're trying to negotiate down. 

On the bright side, we'll only be 1 pt behind Forest when we beat them at the weekend ? 

Edited by maxjam
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4 minutes ago, Crewton said:

John Percy saying on Twitter we're trying to reach agreement on punishment with the EFL. They want 9 points, which we're trying to negotiate down. 

I understood from various posts that the punishment for failing P&S is partly defined and partly at the whim of the EFL for aggravating circumstances.

It can only be the latter part that is negotiable. So perhaps we have a minor, say 3 point failure of the calculated number and they want to add a further 6, which would be jaw-droppingly unreasonable given the complete cods up they made of their case. 

The sheer malice and capriciousness is mad. 

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6 minutes ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

If the EFL had a watertight case they wouldn’t negotiate they would just apply it surely 

I maybe wrong but I think we could appeal against the punishment the EFL give us but not the verdict.

It makes sense to agree the punishment as it brings the issue to a close for both parties and removes the need for further appeals

If Percy is right it looks like we really breached the FFP in a number of seasons ???

9 points ????

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The negotiation will be down to the fact we could've sold players etc to change our p&s figures which we cannot do retrospectively now if we change the accounts after the inital sign off.

Seems like neither us nor the efl want it to go to a tribunal again which is good.

Maybe a 3pt deduction with an additional 3pts suspended?

All embargoes removed & we move forward

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