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The Administration Thread


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13 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

Gotta say, whilst I respect Nixon and get the idea of his patreon, Im not sure using the plight of a club in our predicament is an ethical way to get new followers.

Like I say nothing really against his work or his info, just that this move is taking advantage of people who are desperate for any info.

Nixon & Co are just a different kind of parasite, damaging and frustrating in a different way to the blood-sucking gump running Middlebrow, and Mr Cowpig at Widdicombe Wanderers.

Leeches we can't get off our backs.


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40 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

On the plus side......

Mel is rapidly climbing the league table of most evil balds in history. What it is with male pattern baldness and susceptibility to malign influence?

Keep pure of heart and keep your follicles boys!

For those who have already advanced down this dangerous road, please, do not go gently into that good night, but rage, rage against the dying of the follicles! Put every effort into redeeming the lot of the hairless. In a world of Mels, be a Colin Gibson.

flash gordon GIF by Maudit

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31 minutes ago, I know nuffin said:

He said Team Derby you know the ones supposed to represent us the fans

Hang on, Who elected them to represent us as a representative organisation for us the supporters?‍♀️, MPs, Local business people, Councillors and Uncle Tom Cobbley and All.

There appears to be some in this group who like to get their name and mush in the press, Meanwhile fans are going through pain and heartache not knowing what the hell is going off.

They certainly don't represent me!

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58 minutes ago, LazloW said:

While I don’t really care who buys us if it means having a club next season,  if it were to be MA, I’m not finding his (reported) approach particularly endearing.

I suppose what I’d really like is somebody who is passionate about being our owner and who will do whatever it takes to get us, get the stadium, pay the creditors (at least to the level that doesn’t get us another deduction) and shows signs of really wanting to get us moving in the right direction as quickly as possible.

Kirchner ticks most of those boxes.

The silence from Ashley and all of the conjecture about him waiting until we’re completely buggered, paying less, getting another 15 points taken away and so on leaves me feeling a bit nervous about the long term. Even without the protestations of football’s most entitled fans (the toon), this all seems a bit sterile and more about a cold business opportunity than a real desire to see us rise from the ashes. 

Of course, it could all be speculation and the silence from anybody in the know about his offer - or lack thereof - might just be a sign of respect for the process and for Mr Kirchner (?). 

Just wish I could be refreshing my browser every 10 mins to see if we’ve signed a new player, rather than this constantly depressing saga.

 Another possible way of thinking about Ashley is, the less he spends to buy the club, the more he can spend on it. If it had been possible to buy us before the January window it would have been a different story, but the EFL and Gibson ensured that was impossible. So now the actual value of the club is very little, so how much is it worth not to have a 15 point deduction next season? Probably not worth £20 million. Maybe it's better to try to survive and then use that £20 million on the club later? I'm just thinking aloud, trying to be generous.

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13 minutes ago, Curtains said:

RD saying money isn’t running out. 

Worried we might lose players though 

They are right, the money isnt running out, the money runs out at the end of May.

Nixon has said previously that "everyone knows what the real deadline is".

The problem is so so many failed promises and self imposed targets and deadlines.

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