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3 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:


I’m being real. This isnt China or Taliban-controlled Afghanistan where you rewrite history and erase people after the fact. Maxwell wasn’t an exposed criminal at the time he owned Derby. 

And as I said to Rev. Hitler wasn’t a criminal when he rebuilt Germany’s status after the first war. 

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5 minutes ago, jono said:

And I love you too but on this one I can’t cross my line. Plans go amiss, the outcome of a series of events is poor but if one of the architects is bent beyond belief then an parochial outcome is secondary. Hitler built a motorway network in Germany and rebuilt its economy after the first war. … So what ! There’s a bigger picture in life. 

Well, I guess Mel's legacy will be that nice new bridge, that he didn't pay for, and a ruined football club, which he did.

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1 hour ago, Charlotte Ram said:

HMRC will not let the debt sit there without a payment plan, that is a fact, I have also heard that a majority of clubs in the EFL are having payment plans with HMRC as are most small/medium sized companies in the UK, on VAT HMRC are giving up to 12 months payment plans on 2020 2nd quarter payments, this is a definite fact based on personal experience.

What you have heard and what is true are Two very different things.You seem to like saying what you post are the correct facts and other people who question the situation at the club have no idea what they are talking about.You are just surmising same as everyone else, unless you are close to MM and have inside information.

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5 minutes ago, Rev said:

Well, I guess Mel's legacy will be that nice new bridge, that he didn't pay for, and a ruined football club, which he did.

And an established academy  along with 5 years of hope filled busting a gut to lift us up. It didn’t work, big mistakes have been made, his cash ran out. 

If Mel come to my house, I’d offer him a brew and a rueful shrug of the shoulders. .

. Maxwell or the Amigos ? Door slammed in face 

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I like many more have seen the trouble we were in in the 80s, The Maxwell and 3 Amigos debacle but this is the worst. Why should I renew mine and my family's St. 

I was privalidged to get an invite to a night with Sam Rush and Paul Clement at Derby uni.

Sam Rush that night told how transfers had been structured 250k Nick Blackman rest based upon appearances, promotion etc. I was also told a few seasons ago about further transfer structures, this is one of the reasons we are in it so deep, why did MM and Rush settle there dispute without the truth coming out. I dispair at what I read in the press dragging us through the mire for all to read, this club is a total embarresment to all Dcfc fans, its showing in attendances that people are voting with there feet.

How many parents will have stopped coming bringing the new generation of fan due to what's going on, the damage to our club could have a damaging effect for seasons to come. 

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4 minutes ago, jono said:

And an established academy  along with 5 years of hope filled busting a gut to lift us up. It didn’t work, big mistakes have been made, his cash ran out. 

If Mel come to my house, I’d offer him a brew and a rueful shrug of the shoulders. .

. Maxwell or the Amigos ? Door slammed in face 

I’d do the same but I’d fart in his brew and put my hand over it and then give it him. The other 2 I wouldn’t even brew up a fart for them lot and just shut the door 

Edited by Barney1991
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Mel has been very lucky that Rooney and the players are giving it absolutely 110% on the pitch because if this team didn’t care if This team didn’t fight for the club on the pitch then the poo would of hit the fan by now! He’s lucky the on field stuff has given him some breathing space, he’s absolutely no where to be seen he’s caused this mess and he doesn’t seem to want to fix it, he surely new by having a fans meeting signing NDA so they couldn’t tell the thousand of other fans what was going on was going to cause anger and separate the fans? Been weeks and still not had a proper write up of what was said or what’s actually happening at the club! joke 

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1 minute ago, Crewton said:

I remember when Maxwell loaned £1m to Spurs so they could buy Gary Lineker, at a time when he was starving DCFC of funds and denuding the squad. Lineker promptly scored the only goal of Spurs win at the BBG, helping us on our way to relegation. No-one could say he didn't have Derby's best interests at heart. 

Mentioned that one a while back. Think they signed him after he ditched his Thames Valley Royals idea. A loan as a down payment to buying them.  Then he overspent on purchasing the New York Times and couldn't shift Derby as by that time we were pretty much down.  Think he wanted 10 million for the club, which was a huge sum at the time, to help him buy Spurs.  He wouldn't sell to Pickering either and used Brian Fearn as a go between and took the Saunders and Wright money to make up the difference.  


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8 minutes ago, jono said:

And an established academy  along with 5 years of hope filled busting a gut to lift us up. It didn’t work, big mistakes have been made, his cash ran out. 

If Mel come to my house, I’d offer him a brew and a rueful shrug of the shoulders. .

. Maxwell or the Amigos ? Door slammed in face 

Hope im still worth over £500m when my cash runs out ?

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1 minute ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Mentioned that one a while back. Think they signed him after he ditched his Thames Valley Royals idea. A loan as a down payment to buying them.  Then he overspent on purchasing the New York Times and couldn't shift Derby as by that time we were pretty much down.  Think he wanted 10 million for the club, which was a huge sum at the time, to help him buy Spurs.  He wouldn't sell to Pickering either and used Brian Fearn as a go between and took the Saunders and Wright money to make up the difference.  


I remember when he was trying to flog Dean Saunders and allegedly his method was sealed bids by the interested clubs to drive up the price, am sure Clough at Forest was interested in buying Saunders but told Maxwell where to get off if he was going to play that game. 

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3 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

I remember when he was trying to flog Dean Saunders and allegedly his method was sealed bids by the interested clubs to drive up the price, am sure Clough at Forest was interested in buying Saunders but told Maxwell where to get off if he was going to play that game. 

Yes, well as legend has it, Brian only tolerated RECEIVING sealed envelopes around transfer time..... ?

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49 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

Bored to death with all of this now, cant wait for the day the embargoes are gone, accounts are submitted & Mel/Pearce are out of this club - the sooner the better

can't imagine there is anyone who would disagree with those desires. Especially Mel himself.

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