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Wayne Rooney


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I had issues with the signing in the first place, didn't think it was the way to go, apart from the first three months I was largely dissapointed with the player and the closing stages of last season were awful and I really didn't think he any future.


Through everything that's transpired since I am coming to love the man.

Whatever the future holds, I have nothing but best wishes for him. I hope he gets a shot a job that isn't a total bin fire.


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1 hour ago, Alpha said:

We all want people with the best ability at the club but it's the ones with character that are inspirational. 

Take Lampard's team vs Rowett. Rowett was better statistically. But something about the character of the Lampard team made that season more enjoyable for most

Rooney may not be the coach many wanted or the best we could have had. But the guy is a winner and has bounced back more times in his long successful career than you could count. I actually don't think he's been a bad manager. More of a "meh" than bad considering the circus Derby have been for some time

I think he's the best thing we could ask for right now. Always been a Rooney fanboy though. 

In a weird way the harder the job has become the better he seems to have done. The way he's gone about his business is truly commendable and he deserves a hell of a lot of respect for it.

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52 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

I was critical of his management style last season. However this season, his leadership has been top class, listening to his after match interviews, the way he’s conducting himself and also the anecdotal stories we are hearing I wouldn’t want anyone else leading us at this time. Thank you Wayne  

It’s almost like he was a rookie learning as he goes….

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Not easy to feel like singing from the terraces at the moment.

Yet to put into another perspective, sing for the team and for the manager who are pouring their hearts and souls into playing for the club even under the most trying of circumstances.

I am going to remind myself of the situation that Derby are in, because to me it feels like we are the mean machine.

- Mean Machine (2001)

- Escape to victory (1981)


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1 minute ago, Andicis said:

Hard not to be impressed by Rooney. He's been incredible at leading us through this dark period for the club. The right man at the right time.

Agree. Probably some other team will take the benefit of his learning though as he will probably leave at end of the season (when his contract expires?)* as I doubt he will want to manage L1 nor has any experience of that level.

*If administrators let him stay that long.

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Good to see the other thread locked and move the discussion in here.

At this point the club needs a figure to rally around and one who is doing the right thing. I've not been a Rooney fan since he entered his twenties, but over the last few weeks he has made a good go of changing my mind. Where on earth would we be without him right now? The man has been a total star.

Yet I can't help thinking the Administrators will be forced to terminate his contract when they step in. There's no chance they can afford to  pay him. Maybe, he will cease to be the official manager but will continue to do the job for free unofficially, until a buyer is found? This is Derby County. Very strange things happen.

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I was quite vocal in my opposition to Rooney last season, and before everything got even more serious, I was keen for him to leave at the end of the Sheff Wed game.

He has done okay with the team this season, but yes, as a representative of the club he has kept his dignity and acted as a rallying point for the club, and for that I thank him.

I agree with @Carl Sagan my suspicion is he wont be here that long, whether that is his decision or the administrators, but hopefully I'm wrong.

One thing I would say is that we've been very lucky to have had Wayne through this, and Philip Cocu through the various debacles (including the Joiners mess). Both have represented our club excellently at times when they must have wondered what the hell they have gotten themselves into.

It didn't work for Cocu on the pitch, but off it, he was outstanding. It would have been interesting to see how he would have coped with this too.

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11 hours ago, therealhantsram said:

In today's press conference, Rooney denied this.

He did say though that he had bought some training equipment out of his own pocket.

How come, with a 'state of the art' Cat 1 Academy, that has presumably had millions of pounds pumped into it by Mel, that we had no cameras to record training?

Surely in this day and age that is one of the fundamental basics?

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24 minutes ago, ScamRam said:

How come, with a 'state of the art' Cat 1 Academy, that has presumably had millions of pounds pumped into it by Mel, that we had no cameras to record training?

Surely in this day and age that is one of the fundamental basics?

Nigel Pearson stamped on our old drone

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28 minutes ago, ScamRam said:

How come, with a 'state of the art' Cat 1 Academy, that has presumably had millions of pounds pumped into it by Mel, that we had no cameras to record training?

Surely in this day and age that is one of the fundamental basics?

Nigel Pearson smashed them all up in a fit of rage before he got sacked ?

*surprising lack of ostriches attacking cameras on t'internet - this is the best I can do, you'll just have to use your imagination to fill in the gaps


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We are almost certain to be playing in League 1 next season so we might as well get used to it now, no matter whether the points deduction is 12 or 21 or somewhere in between.

The administrators have made it clear that Roo is going nowhere and so has he, much to his credit.

SO - time to ditch the disrespectful song, time to show up to games if we possibly can, time to bombard Radio Derby with defiance and support for the players and staff, and above all time to get behind Roo and support him.

Like the Brexit debate, the time has come for everyone to accept that we are where we are and that Roo is our man for the next few seasons, during which I'm sure he will get his coaching badges, do his very best for us, and play his part in turning things around from the current unprecedented disaster.

The administrators are confident that a buyer can be found, that the club is "95% viable" going forward, and that Roo is their man.  I like those odds!


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1 hour ago, LondonRam2 said:


We are almost certain to be playing in League 1 next season so we might as well get used to it now, no matter whether the points deduction is 12 or 21 or somewhere in between.

The administrators have made it clear that Roo is going nowhere and so has he, much to his credit.

SO - time to ditch the disrespectful song, time to show up to games if we possibly can, time to bombard Radio Derby with defiance and support for the players and staff, and above all time to get behind Roo and support him.

Like the Brexit debate, the time has come for everyone to accept that we are where we are and that Roo is our man for the next few seasons, during which I'm sure he will get his coaching badges, do his very best for us, and play his part in turning things around from the current unprecedented disaster.

The administrators are confident that a buyer can be found, that the club is "95% viable" going forward, and that Roo is their man.  I like those odds!


I think there will be a stronger rapport with the media and club going forward for some reason.

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1 hour ago, roboto said:


Dr Roo, Dr Roo

Calling Dr Roo

Dr Roo, Dr Roo

pick up Mel (pick up Mel)

edit: I’m rubbish at linking YouTube videos…

One for us older generation

"Doc, doc, doc, doc, doctor Roo

I just don't know, don't know

Won't you help us doctor Roo

Doc, doc, doc, doc, doctor Roo"


Edited by RoyMac5
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