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Peterborough United vs Derby County


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16 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

Results aren’t going well so people are looking for someone to blame. Naturally the manager is going to get it, it’s always the most obvious target. We question his tactics, the same tactics we won 6 in a row with and while drawing with Wednesday putting up a performance that on another day would’ve beaten them. We question his in game tactical changes, Peterborough changed and started controlling the game why didn’t Warne react? React with what? What formation and what personnel changes could’ve changed what happened in the second half? A rapid powerful centre forward of the bench maybe? We have a 33 year old target man to replace or play with a 35 year old. We’ve played all season without a right back, with one natural centre back two ageing centre forwards, taking Knight out of squad today then leaves us with minimal midfield options. It’s looking like the season is taking its toll on some players now sadly, but seriously what did people expect?



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I thought Ferguson was in control of this game from start to finish. 

For all our possession first half, how many chances did we create? Their back line stood firm and absorbed the pressure.

Change it up at half time after our side had tired ourselves out making all the running, bring on pace and it's job done with minimum effort. It could have been more and his team are still fresh for next week's challenge. 

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Just now, BramcoteRam84 said:

IMO This I think is the only criticism that could be levelled at Warne in that he doesn’t trust the youngsters. Catch 22 he wants as much experience as possible and I get that but the younger lads can give in energy and in Rooney in particular, there is someone who would impact any game. I scratch my head why he doesn’t start every game, and I think he’s a holding midfielder not a RB, with our issues at CB recently he could do a job there. I also think Liam Thompson was looking good in the games where he came on and in the Barnsley FA Cup game he was excellent, he would’ve been a good option to try and regain control in the midfield today.

Totally agree. I think Liam Thompson could definitely have done a job in many games this season - accept his form had dipped after his emergence last year but as you rightly say, he played well against Barnsley in the Cup. I'd have thought his energy & comfort in possession would have been right up Warne's street, especially as an impact sub in games where we start getting outnumbered in midfield - I suspect his lack of physicality has restricted his chances though.

Rooney does have that physicality though & could simply be deployed as insurance at DCM - in a season where we've seen Sibley at LB & Korey Smith at RB, it surprises me Warne hasn't sought to explore that option.

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Thankfully been out all day so only had to catch up on the petulant rage in here and not live it minute by minute as it happened. 

Biggest take aways; 

Warnes crap for not changing things at HT (when we were putting in one of the best performances of the season away from home). 

Play Rooney and Thommo who have been liabilities more than reliable when playing this season. 

Can’t be arsed to read anymore. This threads a farce. You’d think we’ve actually had a good team and good football to watch for the majority of the past two decades considering the opinions in here. Entitled b*******. 

No doubt Warme and the team can do better. But f****** hell. Have a word.



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Hey lads,

Posh fan here. Just wanted to chip in as have seen some interesting comments on this thread.

I’ll start with saying that in the first half you absolutely played us off the pitch. Most dominant performance from the opposition I’ve seen since forever probably. And I saw us ship 4 against Blackburn away in the first half last season! I was actually taken aback which is a rare thing at this level. Which begs the question are your forwards the issue? I thought Derby were quite powderpuff up front at Pride Park - we just couldn’t hang on with 10 men after a bad sub from our former manager. Same in this game despite playing us off the park. 

Second half - looking on this forum and Derby Twitter a lot of you seemed to have admitted defeat going into HT at 0-0 which was quite puzzling to us given what we saw from you. Why do you think this is a common thing with you? We had the same habit last season and ultimately got us relegated (especially in last 10 minutes). We’ve won 20 but lost 15 so we’re unpredictable.

I saw someone mention earlier going to the Royce pub and they thought it was a nice coincidence. Sir Henry Royce of Rolls-Royce was from Peterborough (Alwalton). Nice little fact for you. 

As for the ‘Peterborough being a dump’ comments, you’ll rarely find a Peterborian that would disagree with you. The irony of our nickname isn’t lost on us! The identity comments are interesting too - you’ll find Peterborough fans that sound completely different. We get a lot of support from South Lincs/Rutland/Northants. As soon as you go East of Peterborough it becomes Fenny (comboyn ‘arvisturr’). Then you’ve got the ‘London overspill’ descendants that follow us. The “only club where the home fans will sing Peterborough is a s******* I want to go home” comment on here made me laugh - it doesn’t get sung but a lot of our support is from outside of the city. So you’re not far wrong.

I’ll wrap up with advice for future visits. If you go to Drapers (the Spoons) you’re going to get herded to the ground probably. Same thing happens with Cambridge/Northampton/Leicester/Forest etc. Brewery Tap is popular (across the station). Multiple on Oundle Road as well leading to the ground. Charters (the barge on the Nene) a fan favourite as well - just buy multiple at a time as it gets packed.

Interesting to read your thoughts. You definitely seem a more intelligent bunch than Forest fans haha.

Good luck for the rest of the season. 


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So the result was inevitable as soon as Peterborough changed it up and we didn't react, and it has become a regular pattern. some of it is Paul Warne's limitations tactically, vis a vis only changing like for like in many of our matches. But he also only has a small squad without the variety to make substantial changes to our tactics, especially mid-match. Some of his team selections are also questionable - Apparently Louie Sibley's middle names are "drop me at the earliest opportunity even when others have played worse consistently or when I have just played an absolute belter in recent matches". Ironically all we were missing in the first half was someone who could have a shot and get it on target. Funny that, or it would be if it wasn't so sad - and frustrating. Yes we were playing without an out-and-out striker, because McGoldrick is a number 9, but isn't an out-and-out striker, while Collins runs around in an out-and-out striker's shirt. So to keep kicking the one player who has the potential to hit the target in the balls isn't wise.

Someone else has mentioned the issue of recovery times, with our older players looking tired and jaded, but that is the downside of playing a "gas-out" style with such a small squad. Could Paul have rotated the squad better? Well no, the squad isn't big enough to do that. There are loads of factors to our plight, and we can't just single single one of them out. The real culprit is the EFL. Seeing us relegated should have been punishment enough for Mel's misdemeanours, and while their had to be restrictions on how we run the club, our restrictions are so severe that they are strangling the life out of us. The EFL must be laughing in their sleep because they have stitched us up like a kipper.

Many were frustrated that we didn't make any inroads on Peterborough's goal against such a poor side despite being on top for most of the match. But they were only poor because we made them poor. White had a particularly good game, and played some lovely through passes. He is better further forwards and always seems to want to move the ball forwards, which is good. Roberts was very good as well. A tactical change worth trying is when Mendez-Laing is burning down the wing it might be worth have someone track him on the opposite wing and time hi run to arrive at the far side of the penalty area in case the ball is over-hit, as the second winger would be completely unmarked and in on goal. 

Finally, the supporters were stupendously good today, drowning out the home fans for most of the match, and apparently staying behind for the players after the match, despite the result. Excellent!

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20 minutes ago, angieram said:

I thought Ferguson was in control of this game from start to finish. 

For all our possession first half, how many chances did we create? Their back line stood firm and absorbed the pressure.

Change it up at half time after our side had tired ourselves out making all the running, bring on pace and it's job done with minimum effort. It could have been more and his team are still fresh for next week's challenge. 

I cant possibly think it was in Ferguson’s game plan to not have a single shot in the first half? No the posh fan who has posted was right, we outplayed them but didn’t have the belief to capitalise.

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3 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

I cant possibly think it was in Ferguson’s game plan to not have a single shot in the first half? No the posh fan who has posted was right, we outplayed them but didn’t have the belief to capitalise.

Well no, it probably wasn’t quite that, but I’m sure that their game plan at least had some element of “stay in the game, let them tire themselves out and then capitalise”.  If you’ve watched any of our recent games, the pattern of play has been obvious.

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8 minutes ago, 1934UTP said:

Hey lads,

Posh fan here. Just wanted to chip in as have seen some interesting comments on this thread.

I’ll start with saying that in the first half you absolutely played us off the pitch. Most dominant performance from the opposition I’ve seen since forever probably. And I saw us ship 4 against Blackburn away in the first half last season! I was actually taken aback which is a rare thing at this level. Which begs the question are your forwards the issue? I thought Derby were quite powderpuff up front at Pride Park - we just couldn’t hang on with 10 men after a bad sub from our former manager. Same in this game despite playing us off the park. 

Second half - looking on this forum and Derby Twitter a lot of you seemed to have admitted defeat going into HT at 0-0 which was quite puzzling to us given what we saw from you. Why do you think this is a common thing with you? We had the same habit last season and ultimately got us relegated (especially in last 10 minutes). We’ve won 20 but lost 15 so we’re unpredictable.

I saw someone mention earlier going to the Royce pub and they thought it was a nice coincidence. Sir Henry Royce of Rolls-Royce was from Peterborough (Alwalton). Nice little fact for you. 

As for the ‘Peterborough being a dump’ comments, you’ll rarely find a Peterborian that would disagree with you. The irony of our nickname isn’t lost on us! The identity comments are interesting too - you’ll find Peterborough fans that sound completely different. We get a lot of support from South Lincs/Rutland/Northants. As soon as you go East of Peterborough it becomes Fenny (comboyn ‘arvisturr’). Then you’ve got the ‘London overspill’ descendants that follow us. The “only club where the home fans will sing Peterborough is a s******* I want to go home” comment on here made me laugh - it doesn’t get sung but a lot of our support is from outside of the city. So you’re not far wrong.

I’ll wrap up with advice for future visits. If you go to Drapers (the Spoons) you’re going to get herded to the ground probably. Same thing happens with Cambridge/Northampton/Leicester/Forest etc. Brewery Tap is popular (across the station). Multiple on Oundle Road as well leading to the ground. Charters (the barge on the Nene) a fan favourite as well - just buy multiple at a time as it gets packed.

Interesting to read your thoughts. You definitely seem a more intelligent bunch than Forest fans haha.

Good luck for the rest of the season. 


The half time thing is pretty simple to be honest.  Bar last week where the first 45 minutes were the worst I've ever seen from a Derby side considering the level of opposition, we tend to look play very well first half then like clowns with size 15 slip ons for 20 minutes after the break.  This has been the case for about 6-8 games and has cropped up a fair bit throughout the season.  Unfortunately, probably due to loan fee restriction,  we were unable to bring in a quick forward to give us another avenue in games.  Dobbin is quick but not a striker and really couldn't hit a cows arse with a banjo.

Basically, when McGoldricks WD40 starts running out after 55 minutes we only have the rusty tinman in Collins to bring on to replace or assist.   We also desperately need a natural left back and haven't brought one in.  I do feel that Warnes more pressing football has perhaps limited us in terms of game management as we have a fair few old players and a fair few young ones that are probably feeling the pace for different reasons.  Wouldn't have minded Marriott back as an option to be honest on a six month impress us for more contract.

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15 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

I cant possibly think it was in Ferguson’s game plan to not have a single shot in the first half? No the posh fan who has posted was right, we outplayed them but didn’t have the belief to capitalise.

No, of course not, they would have hoped to score on the break. 

Which they didn't because our defence was disciplined and held firm when called on. 

But at 0-0 at half time, they had taken the sting out of us and still had game changing options off the bench and the energy in the rest of the team to back it up.

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18 minutes ago, angieram said:

No, of course not, they would have hoped to score on the break. 

Which they didn't because our defence was disciplined and held firm when called on. 

But at 0-0 at half time, they had taken the sting out of us and still had game changing options off the bench and the energy in the rest of the team to back it up.

I'm not sure I'd put them in the soak it up and hit on the break type.  There a better side than the Exeters, Oxfords and Lincolns who did this and at home.  We were just better than them first half, played dreadfully for 25 minutes of the second and played OK for the last 15.  Rinse and repeat for 6 weeks.

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44 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

The half time thing is pretty simple to be honest.  Bar last week where the first 45 minutes were the worst I've ever seen from a Derby side considering the level of opposition, we tend to look play very well first half then like clowns with size 15 slip ons for 20 minutes after the break.  This has been the case for about 6-8 games and has cropped up a fair bit throughout the season.  Unfortunately, probably due to loan fee restriction,  we were unable to bring in a quick forward to give us another avenue in games.  Dobbin is quick but not a striker and really couldn't hit a cows arse with a banjo.

Basically, when McGoldricks WD40 starts running out after 55 minutes we only have the rusty tinman in Collins to bring on to replace or assist.   We also desperately need a natural left back and haven't brought one in.  I do feel that Warnes more pressing football has perhaps limited us in terms of game management as we have a fair few old players and a fair few young ones that are probably feeling the pace for different reasons.  Wouldn't have minded Marriott back as an option to be honest on a six month impress us for more contract.

A lot of our fans were puzzled letting Marriott go but sad fact is he’s probably past it. Can still do a job at this level probably but not for top 6. I remember being surprised that Lampard didn’t use him a lot in your final vs Villa? Despite his goals at Leeds? May be wrong. 

Didn’t know you had Mendez-Laing. Good player for us but like with a lot of our players he excelled after leaving haha.

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I really don’t get all this talk of Warne out and we must get up this season.  A look back at the last few seasons shows that teams rarely bounce straight back up to the Championship.  And of the perceived “big clubs” such as Sunderland, Ipswich and Sheffield Wednesday, Sunderland took 4 seasons, Ipswich are in their 4th season and Sheffield Wednesday their 2nd.  I know some will say we shouldn’t compare ourselves to other clubs, but my point is it’s by no means an easy league to get out of and name, reputation and history count for very little.

And no club has had to cope with the challenges we’ve had coming out of administration.  To be in the top 6 near the end of March is a great achievement.  It will take a long time to recover as we really need to build everything back from the ground up.  I watched on Rams TV and briefly caught a piece about the women’s team and they talked about the effect of administration on them and how they were lucky to keep players.  We may talk about being lucky to have a club but effect of one bald man’s actions have had a wide ranging effect on DCFC at all levels.  You don’t come back from that quickly.

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18 minutes ago, 1934UTP said:

A lot of our fans were puzzled letting Marriott go but sad fact is he’s probably past it. Can still do a job at this level probably but not for top 6. I remember being surprised that Lampard didn’t use him a lot in your final vs Villa? Despite his goals at Leeds? May be wrong. 

Didn’t know you had Mendez-Laing. Good player for us but like with a lot of our players he excelled after leaving haha.

I think a lot were.  Me included.

Mendez Laings been decent, but seemed a more destructive player pre Warne and having far less defensive drop back requirement.  He's feeling the pace like a few others and really could have done with coming out the starting 11 a bit more than he has over the last month or so.  Saying that, he's a strange winger in that he offers more goal threat and strength in beating a player than actual crossing ability. 

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1 hour ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

I cant possibly think it was in Ferguson’s game plan to not have a single shot in the first half? No the posh fan who has posted was right, we outplayed them but didn’t have the belief to capitalise.

Tbf we’ve played to ‘contain’ teams first half sometimes this season, mostly when playing clubs above us/near us. Then try attack second half. Some merit in it but no team sets out to not have a single shot. You were all over us first half and we couldn’t compete. Whether we suddenly learned how to defend or your forwards are just bad is the question. I think a mix of both. 

As I said earlier we’re unpredictable. We’ll lose 5-0 to Bolton and 3-0 to Cheltenham then smash Plymouth 5-2. 

A lot of our fanbase had written the playoffs off completely last month. We’ve lost 15 games. But we seem to be winning at the right time.

Seems neither of us do well at each other’s grounds. 

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2 hours ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

Results aren’t going well so people are looking for someone to blame.

Yes and its @David with his "just promote us now thread"!!!  Right up there with the gypsy curse. I'm sort of joking but also sort of believe it esp the longer this just goes on. I know I am crazily superstitious but I dont care

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7 hours ago, NottsRam77 said:


how about we do something totally revolutionary and give one manager a whole season and a couple of unrestricted transfer windows to mould a squad that fits how they want us to play instead of expecting them to turn someone elses players into instant promotion material 



I reckon the club will give Warne exactly what you suggest.  

But here’s the thing. We know these players well. We know what they’re capable of. They are not delivering. Not one of them is playing to his potential. That’s a problem the manager has to fix, whether or not he’s bought them. 

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