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1 hour ago, Charlotte Ram said:

No their crimes are far far worse than ours, to illustrate this I will repost something I posted a few days ago;

"How many points deduction will Reading get based on these results?

Reading made operating losses of £43.5million, compared to £40.7million the previous year, while accumulated losses totalled £138million.

Wages were 211 per cent of revenue - slight progress somewhat compared with 226 per cent the previous year. Nevertheless, this is is still above the level recommended by UEFA, which is 70 per cent.

My guess is a fixed penalty £100 fine and a kindly reminder to keep their losses under £100million next submittal."

These numbers are taken from their filed accounts and show that have driven a transatlantic liner through the P&S regulations. This only illustrates even more clearly the vendetta against the Rams, the numbers involved in over spend would/should trigger a 21 points deduction, will it happen, I predict not.  

p.s. Also they have sold their ground, their training ground and the land around the ground, to themselves.

It’d be funny if it wasn’t so tragic, we are being stitched up whilst others behave in a similar or more militant fashion.

The reprisals from EFL to another member of their affiliation won’t be anywhere near as severe as our long winded vendetta. 

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13 hours ago, Topram said:

So tomorrow whilst other clubs are making signings on deadline day poor Rooney will be sat with his hands tied, we have a decent core of 12/13 players but we definitely need an extra 2/3 at least to help with injuries etc. We’ve seen after 5 games how costly not being able to finish games of have been, probably already 3 points less than we should be on! Players like Patrick Roberts can leave for free tomorrow hed be a perfect addition and we can’t even sign him! Rooney has done a great job keeping fans on side otherwise it could of been a very messy few weeks If we’d lost a few! It’s a shame it’s come to this but the EFL will be loving every minute 

Yet Reading who are supposedly under same embargo we are have signed international free agents like halilovic and Drinkwater and Rehman on loans ... Absolute bullsh*t

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8 minutes ago, SparxTheRam said:

Yet Reading who are supposedly under same embargo we are have signed international free agents like halilovic and Drinkwater and Rehman on loans ... Absolute bullsh*t

Chelsea are the Scrooge of deals .  They must be covering 80-85% of wages . They don't do this. Very odd.  Have Reading given Chelsea half there U16 team to get them to cover these wages, like we did with Man Utd to get Mengi for 3 hours of football.

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6 hours ago, SparxTheRam said:

Yet Reading who are supposedly under same embargo we are have signed international free agents like halilovic and Drinkwater and Rehman on loans ... Absolute bullsh*t

Not really, i don't think their owners have declared that they are only putting enough money in to keep the club ticking over or that they have been asked for proof that they will have enough money or willing to put enough money into the club to see the season through.Through the actions that MM has announced that is why Rooney has been left with very little wriggle room to bring players in. and then can only offer £4.5k per week. It is all very well MM saying he is taking these actions because he expects to sell the club but, as we have seen he has been saying that for the last Two years. 

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7 hours ago, GenBr said:

This is from the efl website. We're breaching everything - reading only breaching one thing ?


Derby County

Regulation 16.2 - Failure to provide audited annual accounts

Regulation 16.3 - Annual Accounts not filed with Companies House

Regulation 17 - Default in payments to HMRC

Profit and Sustainability Rules - non-submission of audited accounts


Hull City

Conditions under monitored loan agreement



Breach of Profit and Sustainability Rules

I suppose if your in an Embargo you may as well go all out rather than just having one breach. ??



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sadly It does feel to me like there will be no movement today. Hope I'm wrong but It's so quiet on all fronts that I'd be amazed if this stalemate between us and EFL is resolved fast enough to sign anyone. Also anyone we have our eye on is probably thinking the same and I can't imagine them waiting on a offer from Derby that may never come.....unless they have no other offers at all of course.

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8 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

Limited time to be checking news yesterday. First thing I did on waking this morning. Not a hint regarding where we are with EFL anywhere online. Anyone else feeling sad/angry at where we are at today in particular? (No reflection on our on-field start to the season)

Stuck with the bare squad we've got for the season then ??

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13 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

Limited time to be checking news yesterday. First thing I did on waking this morning. Not a hint regarding where we are with EFL anywhere online. Anyone else feeling sad/angry at where we are at today in particular? (No reflection on our on-field start to the season)

Sad and angry but with Mel more than the EFL. We’re are in this position because of him and even if everything was sorted this morning, do we have anything to bring players in? I doubt it. After the international break if we haven’t signed a forward we are in deep trouble. To win games you have to score goals with this squad that capability is lacking. 
For everyone else Today is transfer deadline day, for Derby it’s Tuesday. Thanks Mel 

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22 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Sad and angry but with Mel more than the EFL. We’re are in this position because of him and even if everything was sorted this morning, do we have anything to bring players in? I doubt it. After the international break if we haven’t signed a forward we are in deep trouble. To win games you have to score goals with this squad that capability is lacking. 
For everyone else Today is transfer deadline day, for Derby it’s Tuesday. Thanks Mel 

Yeah I would also like to “thank Mel” but genuinely not sarcastically….. for funding the clubs deficit in income for the last 7 years to the tune of about 200 million when no one else has stepped forward with the cash. So genuinely thanks Mr Morris. 

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This is how the EFL try and relegate us. They couldn't do it by taking points last season so they'll hamstring our ability to put a squad out this season.

Meanwhile multiple other clubs that absolutely took the piss just crack on as normal. The EFL are unfit to govern our game.

Enforce the rulse consistently or scrap them.

Edited by JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta
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26 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

Yeah I would also like to “thank Mel” but genuinely not sarcastically….. for funding the clubs deficit in income for the last 7 years to the tune of about 200 million when no one else has stepped forward with the cash. So genuinely thanks Mr Morris. 

Couldn’t agree more, but now it’s a poo show so all that thanks is retracted 

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27 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

Yeah I would also like to “thank Mel” but genuinely not sarcastically….. for funding the clubs deficit in income for the last 7 years to the tune of about 200 million when no one else has stepped forward with the cash. So genuinely thanks Mr Morris. 

The number might not have been so high had he not sailed so close to the wind financially. 

He's a gambler, but instead of using SkyBet like normal people he gambles on start ups and businesses. He made a bad bet on Derby and its cost him. Occupational hazard.

Edited by JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta
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2 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

This is how the EFL try and relegate us. They couldn't do it by taking points last season so they'll hamstring our ability to put a squad out this season.

Meanwhile multiple other clubs that absolutely took the piss just crack on as normal. The EFL are unfit to govern our game.

Enforce the rulse consistently or scrap them.

I’d only agree in part……

Is it the EFL who have not paid the HMRC? 
Is it the EFL who have not paid Keogh?

Is it the EFL who have not paid agreed transfer fees? 
Is it the EFL who have not paid Delaware? 
Is it the EFL who didn’t pay wages in January?

If the answer is no, then who is responsible for the answer to that question is why we find ourselves knee deep in embargo’s, not only for the accounts submission. 

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1 hour ago, CBRammette said:

Limited time to be checking news yesterday. First thing I did on waking this morning. Not a hint regarding where we are with EFL anywhere online. Anyone else feeling sad/angry at where we are at today in particular? (No reflection on our on-field start to the season)

I have long held a desire for us to actually see how we go with the squad we have got and grown ourselves one season, rather than blindly follow this "kid in a candy store" feeding frenzy that the transfer windows create.

However, I envisaged this happening through a reset for the whole league, not just one club!

And not when the club is already on its knees player-wise through a combination of EFL sanctions and owner inability to fund incomings - or even keep hold of some of the players we had.

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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

Sad and angry but with Mel more than the EFL. We’re are in this position because of him and even if everything was sorted this morning, do we have anything to bring players in? I doubt it. After the international break if we haven’t signed a forward we are in deep trouble. To win games you have to score goals with this squad that capability is lacking. 
For everyone else Today is transfer deadline day, for Derby it’s Tuesday. Thanks Mel 

I haven’t quite lost hope yet. If @Davidhasn’t got a yellow ticker tape transfer banner up on the front page by 10.00 though I know it’s going to be a disappointing day.

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18 minutes ago, England Ram said:

I’d only agree in part……

Is it the EFL who have not paid the HMRC? 
Is it the EFL who have not paid Keogh?

Is it the EFL who have not paid agreed transfer fees? 
Is it the EFL who have not paid Delaware? 
Is it the EFL who didn’t pay wages in January?

If the answer is no, then who is responsible for the answer to that question is why we find ourselves knee deep in embargo’s, not only for the accounts submission. 

I agree, we have not fufilled our obligations for what ever reason so hence where we are. Re points deductions and FFP/Covid, I hope that everyone (including ourselves) have any appropriate deductions as per the rule book. With Covid the EFL need to look at what people are stating as their losses due to Covid, I seem to remember Stokes covid losses were rediculously high.

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48 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

Yeah I would also like to “thank Mel” but genuinely not sarcastically….. for funding the clubs deficit in income for the last 7 years to the tune of about 200 million when no one else has stepped forward with the cash. So genuinely thanks Mr Morris. 

Please can you show your workings as to how you get to about £200m of investment.

A significant reason we have had a significant deficit in income during his tenure is buying average players at top dollar, and not getting any fees at the end of their contracts, and in between paying wages that were inappropriately high to our generated income. He has gambled spectacularly badly.

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