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Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)


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That tweet has slightly diminished the positivity I previously had. Seems a little bit desperate (particularly if there were supposedly 6/7 very interested parties) and a bit tinpot. Oh well, maybe it’s just standard practice (or it’s fake?).

Edited by LazloW
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20 minutes ago, LazloW said:

That tweet has slightly diminished the positivity I previously had. Seems a little bit desperate (particularly if there were supposedly 6/7 very interested parties) and a bit tinpot. Oh well, maybe it’s just standard practice (or it’s fake?).

its called leaving no stone unturned. Retweet it and who knows Warren Buffet or Jeff Bezos might email them. Amazon Prime Park Stadium anyone? 

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1 hour ago, angieram said:

Isn't it their duty to get this out far and wide so that no-one can come along later and say they didn't know about it? 

I'm not going to knock our administrators for being open and transparent, given that was one of the things we have all been complaining about recently.

Exactly... it's a modern age. Why would they want the 538 interested parties clogging up their day-to-day email boxes rather than the this specially made one for us because we're so so special!

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12 minutes ago, alram said:

again, i question the truth of anything those administrators say. if there were so many credible parties interested why an earth would you post an email address to twitter.


massively worrying

Not even slightly worrying - they have an obligation to any potential creditors to find the very best deal for the club. If they limit their search to the few parties that have already been in touch, they'd be wide open to a charge of dereliction of duty.....

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2 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

Not even slightly worrying - they have an obligation to any potential creditors to find the very best deal for the club. If they limit their search to the few parties that have already been in touch, they'd be wide open to a charge of dereliction of duty.....

Or the parties who have already been in touch  have said thanks but no thanks not at those prices.

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1 hour ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

You don't mean to say it's been put out as a "timewasters go here" move?

After I sent them an email saying I was a discrete professional football investor with a world champion boxing history, house on tiktok and experience of investing in sheff wednesday and i had plans to sign £20m players....

Discrete, or discreet? 

Sorry, personal bugbear. Ignore me. 

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It's not just about the bottom line price though is it, it's potentially also about controlling the primary asset. i.e. the ground (and training facilities). The Administrators have already indicated that interested parties expect that to be part of the deal and we don't really know where MMs head is on that one.

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1 hour ago, alram said:

again, i question the truth of anything those administrators say. if there were so many credible parties interested why an earth would you post an email address to twitter.


massively worrying

Genuine question, when you say “again”, have you had reason to question anything they say before?

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41 minutes ago, JMC said:

It seems to have been deleted? Just looked on twitter and the tweet is no longer there. I'm no technology expert though! 

Not suprised its been deleted! Any Forest fan that didn't send an image of a ? & balls to that email address should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

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