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Controversial non football views unchallenged - No Politics etc

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Same as the other thread. No replies please.

Keep it light though. Looking for controversial views the little things like biscuits, travel and gardening etc

No politics, big social issues or attacks on other posters please.

Finally....NO REPLIES

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Humans are a vile, self-serving and heartless species. Whether it is corruption, war, climate change, biodiversity, plastic or inequality we are unable to think beyond personal benefit and manage to ignore the suffering they cause to others. Ultimately, it will prove the demise of modern civilisation, maybe not in our lifetime but the end position is all but guaranteed as they are simply too many routes to if for them all to be avoided.

There, that light enough for you.

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Jaffa Cakes are biscuits.

Game of Thrones was terrible.

IPA's and craft ales taste bloody awful.

Bitcoin and crypto is not the future, it's just a cult.

Grown men should not still be watching super hero films.

Elon Musk is not a genius.

Android devices have had their day and need to accept their death.

Adverts are necessary to fund a websites ability to remain online. Ad block users are website murderers.

Cricket is just a game for blokes to get out the house and have a nap, any defence of it online is just keeping up the act.

Dressing up, singing football songs at the Darts once a year is weird.

Vaping makes you look a bit of a wally.

Shoppers at retirement age should not be anywhere near a supermarket or shopping centre at the weekend or bank holidays.

Using hashtags in forum posts shows your age.

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I think it perfectly acceptable for taxi drivers to change lanes and/or pull in to the kerb without prior hint nor indication.  It's also okay for them to completely block a narrow street (oft with parked cars either side) for 3 or 4 minutes, whilst they wait for their passenger to leave the house and lock up.

They have a hard enough job as it is!



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Posted (edited)

Birthdays should always be celebrated like you're a child 

most people I encounter in bookshops are pretentious t**** who wouldn't know a good novel if it slapped them in the face 

adults who read children's books/ya should be named and shamed publically (you can't call yourself a real reader if you can only read what adolescents can) 

if you don't tip 10% at a restaurant after paying more than £50 for a meal you shouldn't be welcomed back 


Edited by Leeds Ram
re-read the opening post
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Most music can be great, apart from the two extremes of commercial pop music and heavy metal.

Alas, these 2 genres seem pretty popular with many good posters on here.

All tv with "real" people in it is ultimately pointless.

Western Civilisation will ultimately collpase due to trashy, commercial, mainstream culture.

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