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B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏


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B4's posts were so often a breath of fresh air, in complete defiance to whatever state the team or the club was on or off the pitch. Every time he claimed we would win 3-0 I knew he truly believed it and it always made me want to believe it too. The most positive and loyal a Derby fan could be, his final thread proudly proclaiming that we will catch Portsmouth summed him up well.

Rest in peace B4. My condolences to all his friends and family. 

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Havent been on this forum for a few years,  but when i read on twitter that b4 had passed away i thought id come read and leave a line of condolences after remembering him from yrs back.


May he rest in eternal peace and his family look back with a smile on his face knowing the he warmed the hearts of the people on this group,  those at pp and other stadiums on matchdays around the country. 


Up the B4 rams  and god bless you sir. ❤️❤️


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I never had the pleasure and privelege of meeting this remarkable young man. I enjoyed reading his posts and admired his loyalty to all thing Derby County! He wasn’t even born in the glory years of Cloughie and Taylor yet his enthusiasm put many of us old PopSiders to shame.

He was genuinely loved and respected by all of us on DCFCfans and the many testimonials on here are proof of this.

My condolences and sincere good wishes at this sad time to David and family.

Thank you for the brightness and warmth which Daniel, B4, gave us in often dark and sometimes cheerless times!

Dan, Dan The great Rams Fan

His real name was Daniel

Yet we knew him as B4

A better football fan you’ll 

Never meet I’m sure


He clearly loved his family

And every Rams fan true

To join the Pride Park faithful

And sing his heart out too!

What do the rest of you think?

Edited by Brammie Steve
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I am unsure if this thread is the appropriate for this post, please remove if it is not.

I first encountered B4 on another forum many years ago. It was a very different place compared to this forum, and at times was not pleasant.

That B4 was able to become such a star here is down to @David and his team. What a valuable resource this forum is for Rams fans. Yes we carp, squabble and throw hissy fits, but the reaction to B4’s passing, and his many posts, show what a strong and supportive community we have.

#BeMoreB4  COYR!

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Been trying to get my head around B4 not being around on here. I've read all these comments and felt little tinges of guilt cos I quite often used to shoot B4 down for some of the things he posted. We did have a few private chats though and I was just looking to see if I kept them, as I often have to clear out my Inbox here, and found a little chat where he was struggling in lockdown and missing supporting Derby at Pride Park and away. I think this sums him up quite well. Heart on Sleeve & Loves the Mighty Derby County


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15 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

(I could never get my head around his hatred of pink. Red yes, that was obvious, but why pink? 😀)

I hope he wouldn’t mind me saying this, but he did tell me the reason when I was standing with him at (I think) Plymouth away.

He said he didn’t like pink because it’s a “girl’s colour”, but he didn’t want to say it publicly out of fear of offending @angieram!

Edited by DarkFruitsRam7
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3 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I hope he wouldn’t mind me saying this, but he did tell me the reason when I was standing with him at (I think) Plymouth away.

He said he didn’t like pink because it’s a “girl’s colour”, but he didn’t want to say it publicly out of fear of offending @angieram!

Yes he told me that too mate apart from the angieram bit

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Oh wow, that is truly awful news.

He was one of the first posters I ever interacted with on this board, and he was always guaranteed to put a smile on my face.

I never met him, but I feel like I did, and his positivity in the face of a lot of life's crap that he faced was always inspiring and remarkable.

He will be sadly missed and my heartfelt condolences to his family and those of you who knew him personally.

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Had a cry when I find out and had another cry now reading all the posts

What a bloke - can’t count the amount of times he’s made me smile on here, it can be a bloody tough forum to read at times when you consider the club we follow but he was just the best

Not only hilarious but completely spot on - the team would do better if we got behind the lads like he did

I still remember laughing my head off as a younger Leicester Ram at the yellow belt saga, in another life I’m sure B4 will be running the resurgent DLF

Haven’t been to a game since my uncle died but would have made the trek from London come rain, shine or national rail strike for the Bristol Rovers game for Daniel

Unfortunately I’m in Vietnam and can’t make it back, have to admit I’m devastated because he deserves the best send off possible - remember back in the days of the DCFC Fans podcast that I said he was my favourite forum member and he always will be

If anyone is sorting out a flag for him etc but finding the cost a bit dear, please let me know as I’d love to help out

You Rams 🐏 

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