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B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏


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I’m another that doesn’t contribute often but keeps up to date with the forum. I think the fact there are so many like me who feel the need to log in to comment on this thread speaks volumes of how important B4 was to the forum and the club.

I never met him, but I’m going to miss his rallying cries and unwavering positivity on here. His posts always made me smile and second guess my natural pessimistic Derby supporting attitude.

RIP buddy, let’s hope we can carry on from Saturdays result and smash the league in your honour!Β 

Come on you Rams!

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How can the passing of someone whom I never had the pleasure of meeting and have never, to my memory, interacted with directly on here, caused me to shed tears? But that's exactly what has happened. I post very rarely but have been around since the DET days and B4's posts have always stood out during this time. I like to think I'm a positive person but, to his credit, he took it to a different level entirely. The underlying memories I have have been discussed extensively during this thread, but I would like to bring attention to this forum in always being there to defend him against anyone unknowing of his dyslexia. He obviously had the full support and love from you all and I'm sure he knew and appreciated that during his painfully short life. As such it's no surprise to hear and read the outpouring of love, grief and memories from everyone. May he rest in peace in that big old football stadium in the sky.

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13 minutes ago, Bessie1 said:

Like so many casual users of this forum, I always looked out for B4’s posts. Β Apologies if it’s been said already, but my favourite was his regular call for us to bring β€œscraves and flanges”. Β I hope that’s part of the plan for the Bristol game. Β 

That was my favourite as well, but don't forget the ballions, B4 was very passionate about the ballions (black and white ones obviously, never, ever any pink ones)

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25 minutes ago, Bessie1 said:

Like so many casual users of this forum, I always looked out for B4’s posts. Β Apologies if it’s been said already, but my favourite was his regular call for us to bring β€œscraves and flanges”. Β I hope that’s part of the plan for the Bristol game. Β 

Scavers and flanges. One of his inventions I will never forget. Might it be an idea to have Admin rename the flags thread to flanges in B4's honour?

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What a total gut punch to wake up to this morning having read the tragic news.Β 

I joined the forum back in 2013 and B4’s posts would always stick out, his unwavering positivity in the worst of times got myself and others to keep the faith, stick with it and keep going.Β 

you can’t buy passion like that, that’s something that cannot ever be replaced and I for one will miss his posts dearly, this place won’t be the same without him.

RIP buddy, rest easy. Β 

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Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Daniel, sincere condolences to his family. Β B4 was the most positive and vociferous supporter of the Rams and I will miss reading his posts on this forum. Β We should all take a dose of positivity from B4 and use his energy to push the Rams over the line to promotion this season - this would be the most fitting tribute. Β RIP Daniel

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2 hours ago, Alan Ramage 4 EVA said:

Very sad never met him

.I remember the "mentile shutters " at Craven cottageΒ 

There's so many B4isms stuck in my brain that I always think of them whenever the player or word in question comes up.

Our forum and fan base in general will suffer from his absence. RIP.

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The 38th minute of applause sounds great.  I'm in!  🐏


But how about following it with a song... a song with meaning, and yet almost no meaning at all.Β  A silly song, if you will!Β  Upbeat, as it should be, that will make absolutely no sense to outsiders... but we know!Β  How B4 is that!Β Β πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

Quite by chance, one of the silliest songs in living memory (For a few of us! 🀯 ) fits the bill... simple lyrics and catchy tempo... AND gives reference to his hated Rams shirt colour!Β  I'd hope he sees loving banter, rather than all out wind-uppery!Β  πŸ‘€Β Β πŸ€


So, who's up for starting this little ditty, as we enter the 39th minute?
(*Tune... for you youngsters out there... in the video below.)


Let’s have a drink, a drink, a drink,
Whilst wearing the pink, the pink, the pink,
And raise a glaaaass, for our best mate, B4.
For he invented, The scraver and flanges,
And ballions too, so hear us roar!

Now our mate Daniel, he wasn’t a spaniel,
He weren’t a cat, or even butterfly,
He was a true Ram, He was a great man,
And now he’s gone, it makes us sigh.

He wasn’t a reader, but he was our leader,
He’d stand and cheeeeer The Rams to victory
So we’ll remember, in every November
To sing for Dan, for history.

Let’s have a drink, a drink, a drink,
Whilst wearing the pink, the pink, the pink,
And raise a glaaaass, for our best mate, B4.
For he invented, The scraver and flanges,
And ballions too, so hear us roar!



Perhaps we could finish off with a rendition of this, to the tune of "Two-Nil To The Derby Boys"

Be more like the great B4, Be more like the great B4, Be more like the great B4, Be More Like the greatΒ before… etc, etc…



And hey... there's always the option to completely ignore the longer one, and go with the short and simple second option... or no option at all, even!
Let's face it, the Sombreros worra roaring success, but I haven't let that go to my head!  🀣  




Tune, for reference...





#tongue in cheek
#love yer, buddy
#Top man, Top Ram.









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So many funny memories of the lad; his player valuations, from which he could not be shifted and which seemed to infuriate some on here, much to other's amusement; his hilarious disdain for any pink strip and his vomit emoji protests when folk disagreed; his 'fondness' for Rick Parry and all things EFL. He was definitely a lad who had strong opinions and wasn't afraid to voice them, but always did so in a fashion that was humorous.

One anecdote that always stuck in my head was him earnestly advising another forum member who jokingly suggested that his wife wasn't letting him out of the house to, 'pretend you're just nipping out for milk, but then come to the game instead'. Let's be honest, it's was a solid enough plan!Β 

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Haven't posted anything on here for absolutely ages but I've been a lurker (that sounds dodgy πŸ˜‚) and I loved reading his seemingly relentless positivity. I am going to the Bristol game, my first home game of the season! (used to have a season ticket, but life gets in the way) and I'll be sure to wear my colours for B4.

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