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Our Queen


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As a life long socialist, people assume I wouldn't want a monarchy. But I've always appreciated what the the Queen did for our nation. She was a true figurehead that brought to the country that sense of nationalism and respect from other nations round the world. More than some of our politicians have managed to do

Would I want us to become a republic, with the ability to vote for a president every few years? No thank you. I'll just point across the pond and the disaster that trump presided over and the on going turmoil he is responsible for.

No I'll stick with what we've got as long as the privileged family that provides us with our head of state, can carry on with honour and dedication shown by our late Queen.

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People can talk about her many castles paid for by the tax payer and what not, but she really was a servant, and took that role really seriously. Every breath she took she must have been thinking about how it would look, how should a queen act. I don’t envy her at all. 70 years, no retirement, no break, she did an absolutely amazing her job and literally gave her whole life to this country.

I really hope her son and grandson will follow in her footsteps, but honestly, we’ll never see the like of her again, they are enormous shoes to fill. We’ll certainly never see another 70 year rein. And it’s doubtful we’ll ever see another queen in many of our lifetimes. 

We get very blaze about the royal family here, but this news will reverberate around the world. She is loved the world over. The commonwealth was her passion, and she travelled all over.

To misquote Terry Pratchett again, ‘we live in interesting times’. It is concerning. As if enough wasn’t going wrong already, this constant rock of 70 years has now gone. It certainly seems like the end of an era (it literally is the end of the Elizabethan era) and the start of something scary and new, and possibly not very good. 

I’ve probably watched too much TV. I hope Harry and William don’t own any dragons. 

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1 hour ago, TigerTedd said:

People can talk about her many castles paid for by the tax payer and what not, 

They do and I always think shut up ffs. 

"Just a family sponging off the state in 15 bedroom council houses..." 

It's up there with "when we were kids we didn't have iPads and computers. We had to make our own entertainment" 

I swear it's just people wanting to be moaning barstools. 

Like today "why should we mourn?"

Why should we mourn David Bowie? George Michael? Heath Ledger? We don't know them. Why are they so special? 

I'm not into the world of celebrity but famous people influence all our lives. Whether it's fond memories watching The Royal family or out with your mates at concerts or a song that defines a period of your life or that actor that brings back  fond memories. Famous people who we don't know have an effect on us. How many people have been brought together by David Bowie's music? 

In the case of Elizabeth II she's symbolic of this country. The Queen, The Palace, fish and chips, bad weather, a cuppa tea, the Union Jack... The things that we embrace, that make our culture, heritage etc etc. You don't get much more symbolic that the Queen!! 

It seems there's so many people that need to tell us how unbothered we should be. Why?

An apparent nice old lady dies and people are like "what did she do for me?". She's part of your culture? Your history? The story of your land? 

Give it a week and then some gang member will stab another gang member in Notts and they'll all be back online pouring out the "what a tragic waste of precious life. He would have gone on to play football for England" 

The Queen dies and the gobshite minority like Trevor Sinclair need to tell you how not bothered they are. 

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8 hours ago, 1of4 said:

As a life long socialist, people assume I wouldn't want a monarchy. But I've always appreciated what the the Queen did for our nation. She was a true figurehead that brought to the country that sense of nationalism and respect from other nations round the world. More than some of our politicians have managed to do

Would I want us to become a republic, with the ability to vote for a president every few years? No thank you. I'll just point across the pond and the disaster that trump presided over and the on going turmoil he is responsible for.

No I'll stick with what we've got as long as the privileged family that provides us with our head of state, can carry on with honour and dedication shown by our late Queen.

I don't have a problem with the Queen to be fair. She seems to have carried out her role with a lot of decorum, and honestly she seems to be quite a charming, funny person. 

I'd vote for her to be Queen. But that's my only objection. You don't have a say in it. 

I don't think Charles and Camilla will be a fraction as popular as she was, so I suspect a royal crisis heading over the horizon. She really kept the firm going - are the next batch going to be able to live up to the same standard?, I have my doubts. 

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I just think we are so lucky to have been born in the era she presided over. She has been a calming influence in an uncertain world.

And on top of that she always seemed like a lovely lady.

Finally, I think we should respect the fact that there’s a grieving family at Balmoral, just like all those who are grieving for lost one’s right now.

I never met her, or even saw her in public, but I was always glad she was there.

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Phillip came to me today, 
and said it was time to go. 
I looked at him and smiled,
as i whispered that "I know"

I then turned and looked behind me, 
and seen I was asleep. 
All my Family were around me, 
and I could hear them weep. 

I gently touched each shoulder, 
with Phillip by my side. 
Then I turned away and walked, 
with My Angel guide. 

Phillip held my hand, 
as he lead the way, 
to a world where King's and Queens, 
are Monarch's every day. 

I was given a crown to wear
or a Halo known by some. 
The difference is up here, 
they are worn by everyone. 

I felt a sense of peace, 
my reign had seen its end. 
70 years I had served my Country, 
as the peoples friend. 

Thank you for the years, 
for all your time and love. 
Now I am one of two again, 
in our Palace up above.

**not my words, but how lovely ?**

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7 hours ago, Alpha said:

In the case of Elizabeth II she's symbolic of this country. The Queen, The Palace, fish and chips, bad weather, a cuppa tea, the Union Jack... The things that we embrace, that make our culture, heritage etc etc. You don't get much more symbolic that the Queen!! 

I was just discussing this with my wife, she’s not originally from Britain. 

Foreigners have this idyllic view of Brittania. Rolling hills, fish and chips, tea and scones, cricket. They all think we live in a James Herriot novel.

The queen sits as the figure head of that idyllic idea of Britain. She’s a symbol, a brand, as iconic as the Union Jack. 

time will tell, but I doubt Charles will have that same impact as a symbol. I suspect, probably through no fault of his own, his brand may become synonymous with this new, slightly crap, realistic view of Britain.

i really feel like that last vestige of idyllic Britain, as unreal as it may have been, has gone with her. And we won’t be seen in the same way by foreigners, tourists etc. there’s enough to be depressed about at the minute, and this just adds to the list.

and I’m normally a very positive person. 

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

I suspect a royal crisis heading over the horizon. She really kept the firm going - are the next batch going to be able to live up to the same standard?, I have my doubts. 

I was thinking similar. It almost reminds me of the situation in Yugoslavia when Tito died. He held that place together and was fondly regarded by almost all the citizens. Even now people still revere him.

But once he'd gone, it was never the same and we know what happened next. Hopefully nothing that drastic here, but I agree it will hard going. Especially with our pooh-stirring press

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I'd abolish the Monarchy in s heartbeat and I have no problem people making jokes about anything unless it's done with malice. It's the beauty of living in a country that has free speech.

Having said that, she was a remarkable person and a true force of nature.

And I think it's obvious that she really was a servant to the country and always wanted the best for her people.

So, I definitely admired her and feel bad for her family and staunch Royalists like almost all my family including Mrs Badger.

But I'm not sad per se, more reflective. Because like @GboroRam, I think it could get rocky for the Royals with Chazza presiding over affairs.

I won't say RIP because that would suggest I believe in souls and heaven, but ya know, I hope her family can celebrate the good times of which there were many.


Edited by Bob The Badger
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The queen was old school up until the death of the queen mother, in 2002.  The dealing of Diana’s death was one example of her sticking to protocol at the time.

King Charles will be a change, but King William will probably be unrecognisable from Queen Elizabeth’s reign.

I wonder if they will eventually move out of Buckingham Palace and open it fully up?

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2 minutes ago, Boycie said:

The queen was old school up until the death of the queen mother, in 2002.  The dealing of Diana’s death was one example of her sticking to protocol at the time.

King Charles will be a change, but King William will probably be unrecognisable from Queen Elizabeth’s reign.

I wonder if they will eventually move out of Buckingham Palace and open it fully up?

If one good thing can come of the Queen passing away it will be the reform of the Monarchy. 

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3 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I'd abolish the Monarchy in s heartbeat and I have no problem people making jokes about anything unless it's done with malice. It's the beauty of living in a country that has free speech.

Having said that, she was a remarkable person and a true force of nature.

And I think it's obvious that she really was a servant to the country and always wanted the best for her people.

So, I definitely admired her and feel bad for her family and staunch Royalists like almost all my family including Mrs Badger.

But I'm not sad per se, more reflective. Because like @GboroRam, I think it could get rocky for the Royals with Chazza presiding over affairs.

I won't say RIP because that would suggest I believe in souls and heaven, but ya know, I hope her family can celebrate the good times of which there were many.


I’m not so sure I mourn for the person, as I wouldn’t mourn for most people’s grandmas if I don’t really know them. I feel sad for the family, and I remember the achievements, but I don’t feel sad for myself.

But I do mourn for the end of an era. I’m genuinely concerned for what this new era will hold.

I’m not finding much positivity to hold onto, to be honest. And the queen dying has properly hammered that home. The final nail in the coffin, as it were. 

or maybe it’s a personal thing. Turned 40 this year, my best years are behind me, maybe I’m just projecting that into the world as a whole. That’s a conversation for the therapist (aka Barman). 

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6 minutes ago, Boycie said:

The queen was old school up until the death of the queen mother, in 2002.  The dealing of Diana’s death was one example of her sticking to protocol at the time.

King Charles will be a change, but King William will probably be unrecognisable from Queen Elizabeth’s reign.

I wonder if they will eventually move out of Buckingham Palace and open it fully up?

I can imagine Charles has waited so long for this, he’d be very reluctant to make any drastic changes. But William is from my generation (we were born in the same year and looked identical as kids, I’m convinced we were swapped at birth and I am the actual rightful heir, just call me John Snow). I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he has plans for a big reform, if not a full on abolishment.

I think it’s always better if a royal family chooses to abolish the monarchy, rather than being ousted. You don’t want your legacy to be being the last king. But it’s okay if that was your choice, and you weren’t guillotíned by your people. 

this will all happen in our life time (is like to think I can outlive Charles, I’m not that old yet). So it’s all scary, interesting times. 

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I feel very sad. For me, it feels like a part of my British identity has now departed. I am a royalist I guess, you can become very political about what is the point of the monarchy, why do we pay for them. For me, it's what they represent and provide back to society. There are so many aristocratic families in this country who sit around and offer nothing in return. The Queen gave everything she had, as a privileged person, back to the common folk. A constant and supportive figure throughout her life.

This icon wasn't born to become Queen. When she was a child, she thought she would have a fairly normal life and dreams of her own. That all changed. She then devoted her life to service, never retired and never complained once, after all the hardship the country has endured. Even when her own family tried to tear itself apart, she held onto the fragile foundations and tried to build bridges. Even recently when she looked so ill and fragile, she did her upmost to attend and carry out her duties. What a hero. 

I don't feel this country will ever be the same without her. The end of an era. RIP ma'am.

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