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3 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Am afraid you touched a slightly raw nerve with your post so comments weren't solely directed at you so apologies for that....I just wanted to make the point that everyone has the right to contribute on here and comments to the effect of why do you bother posting on here come across as pompous and arrogant.

As I said, everyone is entitled but just don't get the posting from those who have disowned the club.


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3 hours ago, eccles the ram said:

Can someone clarify for me please that, if we go into administration we are docked 12 points, and a further 9 points (if EFL wins regarding our accounts etc...). That makes a gigantic minus 21 points! Is this correct or not?

I don’t know the precise reasons, calculations and what not, but Luton got done for 40+ points over 2 or 3 seasons on accounting, admin and other punishments following the back handlers to agents thing.  They ended up none league … but they fought their way back. 

Stuff it. As long as there is pride park and 11 players in the shirt, I am a supporter. The machinations of the “industry” get more boring by the day 

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1 hour ago, Charlotte Ram said:


Let's not forget the whole point of this forum is about providing a canvas for our opinions - we all have our own experiences, we all have our own lives, we're all different and this all results in all having our own opinions. 

So the OP was making his own opinion on how things look, you've responded with your opinion - they differ.  What I always have issue with (and yes, this is my opinion hence a strong desire to comment on the post) is that because someone disagrees, why should this then elicit a more personal attack from them - I don't think that's right or fair,  especially where retorts are clearly personal and don't look at the big picture: it's not about MEplc. 

To elaborate:

Comment: Where are these minutes from the meeting? After they were submitted back to the club we haven't heard a single thing. See above comments about stupid requests

I thought this was a reasonable statement personally - again my opinion. Why the duck hold the meeting with a select few but then hobble everyone so no-one can say anything.  Absolutely pointless, so to question it is valid I think and is in no way stupid. 

Comment: It's an absolute shambles. In your opinion

Nowt wrong with this - perfect response where you clearly disagree although obviously felt strongly enough to call it out BUT...

Comment: I've seen people respond to this charge be saying the EFL have it in for us. Yes they do

Is your opinion that they do have it in for us, perhaps no different to calling out the "absolute shambles" statement, i.e. an opinion?

Comment: No ticket office all tickets available online

Maybe so but does it work well? Is everyone able to afford the time, or have the technical skills to do this? Factually I think this is no hence the statement was fair

Comment: no mascots, really you are whining about this!!!!

It's important to some, if not you and is a statement of fact.  All teams have mascots so it's factually just one more thing the club is curtailing which will upset one element of the fanbase.

Comment: no roadrider so you can't organise your own transport

As I said at the top, big picture here.  Kids? Non-drivers? Disabled? Drivers who aren't confident to travel on their own? Pretty insular I'd suggest....obviously in my opinion! 

Comment: no communication see multiple comments above I assume when you play poker you show all the other players your hand

I don't think anyone's asking Mel to tell us everything, none of us expect that, maybe just some of what he told a select few and then told them to shut up. Or maybe just a statement of empathy and reassurance to long suffering fans. I don't see that as unfair.

Comment: I love this club. But right now I hate everything that it has become. There is always a team the other end of the A52 you can support

A bit flippant? Why would someone support the dogs who's just declared their love of the club. When you add up everything we are seeing, and being told (or not as the case may be) I'd suggest a lot of us (me included) have a lot to hate about what the club is seemingly doing right now.  Are you telling me that you're happy with where we are and everything you're seeing? If so, I take my hat off to you.  We can only cast an opinion based on what we see - constant embargoes, missed payments, no communication or explanation - nothing that supports a view of positivism about how the club is being run. 

Apologies I've rambled - I usually just smile at such posts, and leave it to other, more thick skinned members to comment, but I guess this time I felt like diving in.  Maybe just getting a speeding ticket has put me in that frame of mind!


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38 minutes ago, sage said:

As I said, everyone is entitled but just don't get the posting from those who have disowned the club.


Which probably shows they haven't, deep down, disowned the club, they're just really, really disillusioned, upset and angry with everything they're seeing so vent accordingly.   

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13 minutes ago, BucksRam said:

Let's not forget the whole point of this forum is about providing a canvas for our opinions - we all have our own experiences, we all have our own lives, we're all different and this all results in all having our own opinions. 

So the OP was making his own opinion on how things look, you've responded with your opinion - they differ.  What I always have issue with (and yes, this is my opinion hence a strong desire to comment on the post) is that because someone disagrees, why should this then elicit a more personal attack from them - I don't think that's right or fair,  especially where retorts are clearly personal and don't look at the big picture: it's not about MEplc. 

To elaborate:

Comment: Where are these minutes from the meeting? After they were submitted back to the club we haven't heard a single thing. See above comments about stupid requests

I thought this was a reasonable statement personally - again my opinion. Why the duck hold the meeting with a select few but then hobble everyone so no-one can say anything.  Absolutely pointless, so to question it is valid I think and is in no way stupid. 

Comment: It's an absolute shambles. In your opinion

Nowt wrong with this - perfect response where you clearly disagree although obviously felt strongly enough to call it out BUT...

Comment: I've seen people respond to this charge be saying the EFL have it in for us. Yes they do

Is your opinion that they do have it in for us, perhaps no different to calling out the "absolute shambles" statement, i.e. an opinion?

Comment: No ticket office all tickets available online

Maybe so but does it work well? Is everyone able to afford the time, or have the technical skills to do this? Factually I think this is no hence the statement was fair

Comment: no mascots, really you are whining about this!!!!

It's important to some, if not you and is a statement of fact.  All teams have mascots so it's factually just one more thing the club is curtailing which will upset one element of the fanbase.

Comment: no roadrider so you can't organise your own transport

As I said at the top, big picture here.  Kids? Non-drivers? Disabled? Drivers who aren't confident to travel on their own? Pretty insular I'd suggest....obviously in my opinion! 

Comment: no communication see multiple comments above I assume when you play poker you show all the other players your hand

I don't think anyone's asking Mel to tell us everything, none of us expect that, maybe just some of what he told a select few and then told them to shut up. Or maybe just a statement of empathy and reassurance to long suffering fans. I don't see that as unfair.

Comment: I love this club. But right now I hate everything that it has become. There is always a team the other end of the A52 you can support

A bit flippant? Why would someone support the dogs who's just declared their love of the club. When you add up everything we are seeing, and being told (or not as the case may be) I'd suggest a lot of us (me included) have a lot to hate about what the club is seemingly doing right now.  Are you telling me that you're happy with where we are and everything you're seeing? If so, I take my hat off to you.  We can only cast an opinion based on what we see - constant embargoes, missed payments, no communication or explanation - nothing that supports a view of positivism about how the club is being run. 

Apologies I've rambled - I usually just smile at such posts, and leave it to other, more thick skinned members to comment, but I guess this time I felt like diving in.  Maybe just getting a speeding ticket has put me in that frame of mind!


It is true my sentiments are with Mel and the hysterical criticism he receives, most of which is hearsay, speculation and conjecture. A high percentage of the comments on here are crass and many time vulgar, given the amount of money he has pumped into the club I believe it is my duty to counter silly  comments about him and the club. Remember even Peter Sutcliffe had a defence team and all Mel has done is fund the club for many years, I also remember what was done and said to Lionel and how angry I was at his treatment by the fans.

Finally, I would say that about the mascot there is something not quite right about a man dressed as a sheep playing with children.

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2 hours ago, hintonsboots said:

Time for some communication with the fans please Mel.


Exactly. The idea that we might have agreed to say nothing on the matter - literally nothing, not even 'we can't say much about this while negotiations are ongoing but want to reassure fans that X, y, z' - is frankly absurd. They know how worried fans are. They aren't talking because they don't want to. You can hardly blame people for assuming this means the situation is pretty bad. The only alternatives are that the club has signed a ridiculous one-way gagging clause with a party with which it's in dispute; or the club doesn't care that fans are worried; or the club is just terrible at communicating. 

The fact is the only communication the club has done is a mandatory meeting, a fair time ago now, and whose participants were slapped with an NDA. At a time when the fans most need to hear from the owners, where are they?


Edited by vonwright
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3 minutes ago, vonwright said:

Exactly. The idea that we might have agreed to say nothing on the matter - literally nothing, not even 'we can't say much about this while negotiations are ongoing but want to reassure fans that X, y, z' - is frankly absurd. They know how worried fans are. They aren't talking because they don't want to. You can hardly blame people for assuming this means the situation is pretty bad. The only alternatives are that the club has signed a ridiculous one-way gagging clause with a party with which it's in dispute; or the club doesn't care that fans are worried; or the club is just terrible at communicating. 

The fact is the only communication the club has done is a mandatory meeting, a fair time ago now, and whose participants were slapped with an NDA. At a time when the fans most need to hear from the owners, where are they?


You don’t know that. As I said in an earlier post, maybe they have agreed with the EFL that they’d make no further comment until the matter is resolved. 

I hate the fact that we don’t know what is going on but I don’t believe for one minute it’s simply because the club don’t want to communicate. 

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7 minutes ago, vonwright said:

Exactly. The idea that we might have agreed to say nothing on the matter - literally nothing, not even 'we can't say much about this while negotiations are ongoing but want to reassure fans that X, y, z' - is frankly absurd. They know how worried fans are. They aren't talking because they don't want to. You can hardly blame people for assuming this means the situation is pretty bad. The only alternatives are that the club has signed a ridiculous one-way gagging clause with a party with which it's in dispute; or the club doesn't care that fans are worried; or the club is just terrible at communicating. 

The fact is the only communication the club has done is a mandatory meeting, a fair time ago now, and whose participants were slapped with an NDA. At a time when the fans most need to hear from the owners, where are they?


Got to say I agree. While I've been prepared to cut Mel some slack, surely some communication from the Club to its lifeblood (the supporters) is not a lot to ask.

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34 minutes ago, BucksRam said:

Let's not forget the whole point of this forum is about providing a canvas for our opinions - we all have our own experiences, we all have our own lives, we're all different and this all results in all having our own opinions. 

So the OP was making his own opinion on how things look, you've responded with your opinion - they differ.  What I always have issue with (and yes, this is my opinion hence a strong desire to comment on the post) is that because someone disagrees, why should this then elicit a more personal attack from them - I don't think that's right or fair,  especially where retorts are clearly personal and don't look at the big picture: it's not about MEplc. 

To elaborate:

Comment: Where are these minutes from the meeting? After they were submitted back to the club we haven't heard a single thing. See above comments about stupid requests

I thought this was a reasonable statement personally - again my opinion. Why the duck hold the meeting with a select few but then hobble everyone so no-one can say anything.  Absolutely pointless, so to question it is valid I think and is in no way stupid. 

Comment: It's an absolute shambles. In your opinion

Nowt wrong with this - perfect response where you clearly disagree although obviously felt strongly enough to call it out BUT...

Comment: I've seen people respond to this charge be saying the EFL have it in for us. Yes they do

Is your opinion that they do have it in for us, perhaps no different to calling out the "absolute shambles" statement, i.e. an opinion?

Comment: No ticket office all tickets available online

Maybe so but does it work well? Is everyone able to afford the time, or have the technical skills to do this? Factually I think this is no hence the statement was fair

Comment: no mascots, really you are whining about this!!!!

It's important to some, if not you and is a statement of fact.  All teams have mascots so it's factually just one more thing the club is curtailing which will upset one element of the fanbase.

Comment: no roadrider so you can't organise your own transport

As I said at the top, big picture here.  Kids? Non-drivers? Disabled? Drivers who aren't confident to travel on their own? Pretty insular I'd suggest....obviously in my opinion! 

Comment: no communication see multiple comments above I assume when you play poker you show all the other players your hand

I don't think anyone's asking Mel to tell us everything, none of us expect that, maybe just some of what he told a select few and then told them to shut up. Or maybe just a statement of empathy and reassurance to long suffering fans. I don't see that as unfair.

Comment: I love this club. But right now I hate everything that it has become. There is always a team the other end of the A52 you can support

A bit flippant? Why would someone support the dogs who's just declared their love of the club. When you add up everything we are seeing, and being told (or not as the case may be) I'd suggest a lot of us (me included) have a lot to hate about what the club is seemingly doing right now.  Are you telling me that you're happy with where we are and everything you're seeing? If so, I take my hat off to you.  We can only cast an opinion based on what we see - constant embargoes, missed payments, no communication or explanation - nothing that supports a view of positivism about how the club is being run. 

Apologies I've rambled - I usually just smile at such posts, and leave it to other, more thick skinned members to comment, but I guess this time I felt like diving in.  Maybe just getting a speeding ticket has put me in that frame of mind!


Eloquently put bucks,but you are wasting your time and energy mate.

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1 minute ago, Eatonram said:

Radio Derby just said on their news bulletin that the Club have yet to resubmit the accounts..........goes against the Sky report with quotation marks attributed to the EFL that Restated accounts had been submitted. This is driving me up the wall and driving some supporters away. Very worrying.

I think they just misinterpreted the efl's statement that further information had been recieved from the club.....1 plus 1 equalled three.

Edited by kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong
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3 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

It is true my sentiments are with Mel and the hysterical criticism he receives, most of which is hearsay, speculation and conjecture. A high percentage of the comments on here are crass and many time vulgar, given the amount of money he has pumped into the club I believe it is my duty to counter silly  comments about him and the club. Remember even Peter Sutcliffe had a defence team and all Mel has done is fund the club for many years, I also remember what was done and said to Lionel and how angry I was at his treatment by the fans.

Finally, I would say that about the mascot there is something not quite right about a man dressed as a sheep playing with children.

Yeah, I get that @Charlotte Ram - but you could argue that we see enough to warrant much of the negativity toward Mel and Pearce. What would be wrong of him making a statement to try and allay fan's fears? But he chooses not to and I simply can't believe he's been legally shackled to the effect he's not allowed to say anything at all?  I think bar none we all accept Mel's poured millions into the club and I don't think anyone would be ungrateful, nor question his passion and desire to see us right, at least at the beginning.  But you can't deny our business plan has been flawed for years - far too many bad, expensive signings for a start. Players leaving for nothing, or on under-valued transfer fees. As for vulgar comments - I agree, but that's why we have moderators, and if something were deemed as too strong I'm sure they'd be on the case.

And as for the mascot comment at the end - err, perhaps bordering on libelous? If I were him and read this I'd be more than a little peeved at the "playing with children" analogy. Just saying.....

Anyway, onward and upward.

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41 minutes ago, jono said:

I don’t know the precise reasons, calculations and what not, but Luton got done for 40+ points over 2 or 3 seasons on accounting, admin and other punishments following the back handlers to agents thing.  They ended up none league … but they fought their way back. 

Stuff it. As long as there is pride park and 11 players in the shirt, I am a supporter. The machinations of the “industry” get more boring by the day 

This 100% this.

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9 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

You don’t know that. As I said in an earlier post, maybe they have agreed with the EFL that they’d make no further comment until the matter is resolved. 

I hate the fact that we don’t know what is going on but I don’t believe for one minute it’s simply because the club don’t want to communicate. 

Why on earth would they agree to 'make no further comment' if this includes, for example, not saying they have submitted the accounts once they have done so? Or telling fans why the non-payment of transfer fees has appeared on our charge sheet again? Or saying anything, however non-specific, about their commitment to paying money owed and protecting the long-term financial future of the club? Why not respond in kind to the anonymous briefings one assumes are coming from the EFL? Who agrees to something like that? It would be crazy. And what would it get us? Do we think the EFL will punish us harder if we tell fans what's going on with filing the accounts, or why we haven't paid the taxman? Why, if there's a positive story to tell? Harder than what exactly? This feels like it's going to a hearing anyway. Why would the EFL tell the owners 'You aren't allowed to say anything reassuring to fans about the club's finances', and why would the club agree? I could understand the EFL not wanting a war or words, and the club agreeing to this, even agreeing to run statements by the EFL.

But complete silence? At a time like this? It's just not plausible. 

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49 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Maybe we're waiting for this money to pay the 'missing' transfer instalment?

Fair chance this is right. It’s what happened when the wages were unpaid in Jan (awaiting £from BZI). Consistent with the line that Mel will now put no more cash in than is absolutely necessary. 
that is not to say he would let the club go into administration - that is quite a different thing. 
don’t panic 

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My rant seems to have been deleted by the mods. No idea why??

Anyway, Morris is the worst chairman we’ve had. Worse than Maxwell, worse than the Three Amigos. His reckless spending spree has led to this. Should we be thankful for someone wasting so much money? I don’t think so. This is the worst we’ve been since 1984. Shambolic.

Stephen Pearce. Equally as bad. He was finance officer before too. He’s should be overseeing the day to day running of the club. No communication, no ticket office. After a pandemic, the club is alienating its fans further. The club is on its knees. It’s a disgrace how this great club is being run. 

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