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9 minutes ago, cosmic said:

The fans could start organising post-match peaceful protests. I know Morris threatened to walk away if we did... so we can only hope he finds some integrity and sticks to his word! 

It's not even a protest for him to walk away. It's more of a protest to get their act together. 

I don't want Morris gone for the sake of it. I want him to act like any other owner in the Championship with a club not under embargo. I want to become a football fan again, not constantly having to worry about off-the-field issues. I want a club that has an open ticket office. 

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1 minute ago, Ambitious said:

It's not even a protest for him to walk away. It's more of a protest to get their act together. 

I don't want Morris gone for the sake of it. I want him to act like any other owner in the Championship with a club not under embargo. I want to become a football fan again, not constantly having to worry about off-the-field issues. I want a club that has an open ticket office. 

I can't see the point of worrying about the off field issues,there is bugger all we can do about it.

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53 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

Confirmation that we haven't submitted our audited accounts - despite having an extended deadline. 

As much as it pains me to say it, we should be hit with the harshest punishment possible. Mel Morris and Stephen Pearce have got such an easy ride from the fans considering what they have done over the past 12 months, including trying to shift the club on to very obvious charlatans. 

We have a group of honest pros & kids shouldering issues today that were due to a Derby County team and Mel Morris of yesteryear. It's absolutely shameful to see. I absolutely cannot stand Derby County in its current form. It's a disgusting stain on English football. 

You will get a backlash from this, there are still people who would lick Mels backside if he asked nicely.

But your last sentence is absolutely spot on, we really are. 

I think the "Mel Morris he does what he wants" has gone to his head a little bit.

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40 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Now you are being silly.

If there's one constant throughout all of this debacle it's the club's steadfast refusal to offer any form of communication whatsoever - why do you think now that this will miraculously alter?

TBF they did hold meeting though but it is secret?and only a select few know what is going on, maybe, or maybe it was another anger venting exercise.  #crowdfundingstatueforMel

Edited by Spanish
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9 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

I can't see the point of worrying about the off field issues,there is bugger all we can do about it.

I know, you're correct, and I keep wondering why I get myself worked up and angry - it's just football right?  But it's not is it.  It's a club we've steadfastly supported for a large proportion of our lives, an outlet to provide an escape from the stresses of life but one we now helplessly watch apparently going down the pan.  Outside looking in, there's a massive  perception it's being hugely miss-managed, embarrassingly and ineptly so.

It's the silence that gets me - the complete lack of communication with fans, who are expected, week in, week out to shell out their hard earned cash to help keep the club afloat. I don't expect a full list of reasons, I know there's NDAs and commercial discussions to protect, but at least flipping acknowledge we're here - it won't solve everything but at least it may show (to some of us) we are valued and that we exist.

Moan over.  I'm hungry - I'm going to get a taco. 

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All these supporters paying for match day tickets and now putting copious amounts of money into the club for season tickets.

And our owner doesn't have the common decency to submit the accounts on time or to pay other clubs what they are owed and to even offer communication to the fans.

Where are these minutes from the meeting? After they were submitted back to the club we haven't heard a single thing.

It's an absolute shambles.

I've seen people respond to this charge be saying the EFL have it in for us.

Well they might do, they might not.

But if they give us a deadline to submit our accounts and we don't do it and then we decide we aren't going to pay a transfer fee installment that is due. Then the blame lies solely at one man's door.

Anyone sticking up for him is deluded.

No ticket office, no mascots, no roadrider, more charges, no communication.

I love this club. But right now I hate everything that it has become.

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A simple uninformed guess at the impasse is - we have been offered a points deduction on the basis of agreeing to ..... . We don't agree with that so it just goes on and on. In the minds of the EFL we are therefore not co-operating. In the minds of our team, we are not being treated fairly, so it could just be a matter of principle. This would suggest that the case for giving us a points deduction is not quite strong enough and would only lead to further legal wranglings which neither side wants. Only a successful side will bring the fans back now but it has always been that way. COYR 

All I want for Xmas is the embargo lifting.

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19 minutes ago, eccles the ram said:

Can someone clarify for me please that, if we go into administration we are docked 12 points, and a further 9 points (if EFL wins regarding our accounts etc...). That makes a gigantic minus 21 points! Is this correct or not?

You want a worst case scenario?

  • 12 points for admin
  • 12 points for '18 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors
  • 12 points for '19 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors
  • 12 points for '20 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors

75 points deducted.

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3 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

You want a worst case scenario?

  • 12 points for admin
  • 12 points for '18 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors
  • 12 points for '19 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors
  • 12 points for '20 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors

75 points deducted.

No play offs then! I’ll cancel the hotel booking

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9 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

You want a worst case scenario?

  • 12 points for admin
  • 12 points for '18 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors
  • 12 points for '19 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors
  • 12 points for '20 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors

75 points deducted.

So points do not mean prizes in this game. Take the nine and do a runner. We would then be six points adrift of fourth bottom. We can just scrape it. Long time since we had 75 points. COYR

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Where are people getting this idea of a sudden influx of money from? Match day sales are 10,000 at best including away fans. even at an average of £30 per ticket that's only £300K. less than a million quid so far this season.  

season ticket sales for this season? god knows but i can't see it being more than a couple of thousand on top of those who carried theirs over from last season. 

Ticket sales will have just about covered August's wages for players and employees. 


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