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Please sack them NOW


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1 minute ago, Eatonram said:

We are in a mess, there is no doubt about that, however, how anyone can put this at Rooney's door is somewhat baffling to me. We could have won today and the Rooney Outers would be nowhere to be seen

Agreed, all we can do as fans is support the team on the field, particularly the youngsters. Thought we did that today, but unfortunately there are going to be more days like this, a long road ahead.  I was quite surprised at how 'not gutted' I felt at the end, my expectations for this season must be rock bottom.

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2 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

Yes, but a lot of it is probably illiquid assets. 

Add in the fact I don’t think he wants to put anymore money in than he absolutely has to.

I doubt he'd have that much in assets that he wouldn't be able to pay off a manager, your second sentence it probably the truth, he's choosing not to spend.

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1 hour ago, Chris_Martin said:


and its 50 odd games in charge now and we still don't know what Rooney is trying to achieve in terms of playing style

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd actually rather have Cocu back than keep Rooney. At least he actually had a style (up until the Blackburn 4-0 loss when he abandoned it) and improved some of the academy players. 

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23 minutes ago, Wistaston Ram said:

Agreed, all we can do as fans is support the team on the field, particularly the youngsters. Thought we did that today, but unfortunately there are going to be more days like this, a long road ahead.  I was quite surprised at how 'not gutted' I felt at the end, my expectations for this season must be rock bottom.

Exactly, my son was gutted but I saw it coming with the 11 mins stoppage time. Had an inevitability about it ?

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34 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

We are in a mess, there is no doubt about that, however, how anyone can put this at Rooney's door is somewhat baffling to me. We could have won today and the Rooney Outers would be nowhere to be seen

Stems from the top 

Rooney hasn’t had a single window to operate properly in 

in fact cos of our situation has just seen players leave and had to try and replace them with any Tom dick or Harry that is desperate enough for 4.5k a week 

can’t put this on him 

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38 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

We are in a mess, there is no doubt about that, however, how anyone can put this at Rooney's door is somewhat baffling to me. We could have won today and the Rooney Outers would be nowhere to be seen

What does that even mean? "We could have won". We didn't, because we always concede last minute goals. I don't put it at Rooney's door. I put it at Mel's for hiring Rooney and then not sacking him.

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3 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

Stems from the top 

Rooney hasn’t had a single window to operate properly in 

in fact cos of our situation has just seen players leave and had to try and replace them with any Tom dick or Harry that is desperate enough for 4.5k a week 

can’t put this on him 

What about the one win in 16 from last season when he had a reasonable squad to pick from? Coincided with some of the worst football I have seen in years. He couldn’t motivate the players, failed to develop the youngsters, no pattern or style of play etc etc. It’s not just about the mess we are in now, this has gone on for way too long..

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21 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd actually rather have Cocu back than keep Rooney. At least he actually had a style (up until the Blackburn 4-0 loss when he abandoned it) and improved some of the academy players. 

i found myself thinking this the other day. Am i going crazy??

Even though the style was boring to watch at least it was a style. And in fairness to Cocu, he was very good with the young players. 

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Cocu is a much better manager and coach than Rooney - its as simple as that

Unfortunately we've got Rooney who's not very good and his job as manager is completely hindered by the financial mess the club has got itself into, ironically which he is a part of

It seems that it's going to be a long slow death, without much to cheer about along the way

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You know I've been on this forum for donkeys, and it never changes, same protagonists (mainly, some new ones ) same sack this, same change that, it's all boll@cks, whatever we say will have no impact, except on each other. Mel is the only one able to change thing's, and to my knowledge he doesn't read this. WR doesn't either, so nowt's gonna change cos we say so, and all this in fighting *yawn* 

This is to me was a fun place, where we used to discuss stuff positively years ago, but now, like the rest of social media it's just getting toxic, and I'm more and more inclined to not post lest I get savaged. So hey ho, I've posted, and it will be taken up, don't expect a response, unless its worthy.

We as a club have been in a mess since MM decided to sell, having invested/gambled a fortune (one would like to think the benefit of the club, and himself.) it failed, and now like a failed gambler he is clutching at straws. It's a sad spectacle, but one we are only able to observe and not influence. Wayne, he's highly paid in this division,  and would be unlikely to earn that elsewhere (as what?) So why would he walk ?

With the EFL seemingly intent on our demise, we are collectively buggered. Enjoy the ride (this season) it's going to be interesting/painful,  and because it's likely to be painful, please stop bitching at each other for the sake of being (technically) on the same side. Let's try to play nicely. 

Motto for this season 'Dont feed Trolls, it serves no good' .

Edited by nfb
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18 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

What about the one win in 16 from last season when he had a reasonable squad to pick from? Coincided with some of the worst football I have seen in years. He couldn’t motivate the players, failed to develop the youngsters, no pattern or style of play etc etc. It’s not just about the mess we are in now, this has gone on for way too long..

I’m not team Rooney

but again that’s on the back of a January transfer window where others have strengthened and we had the last 24 hours to pick up whatever scraps remained available .

if he had total normality in that window then how many of those players that arrived would have actually ended up at Derby 

I’m not defending him but I wager even the most hardened champ manager would have find our situation pretty impossible to effectively deliver much from 

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1 hour ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

To be fair,he's having a good crack at forcing himself out over the past month or so,I'm not sure how Mel could make it worse other than supplying him with incriminating photographs involving a nun,3 Springer spaniels and a large pack of lurpak.

Ahhh , you heard that rumour too

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I actually feel for Rooney tonight.

Now, I didn’t watch the game, saw the goals on SkySports News though and read people’s thoughts on the game who did either watch or attended.

His stats are not impressive and I can’t (or wouldn’t) attempt to defend them but boy, was he let down badly by some people’s choice of last season’s POTY today. You just can’t legislate for the mistake for their winner, it was amateur at best, downright criminal at worst. 

Maybe Rooney should call it a day for his own sanity, I don’t know, but I’m not calling for his sacking tonight because I really feel he was shat on from a great height by a player who he thought was one he could rely on and he didn’t deserve that.

I do however acknowledge some of his decisions during the game didn’t impress some but then you always get that don’t you.

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