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24 minutes ago, vonwright said:

Why on earth would they agree to 'make no further comment' if this includes, for example, not saying they have submitted the accounts once they have done so? Or telling fans why the non-payment of transfer fees has appeared on our charge sheet again? Or saying anything, however non-specific, about their commitment to paying money owed and protecting the long-term financial future of the club? Why not respond in kind to the anonymous briefings one assumes are coming from the EFL? Who agrees to something like that? It would be crazy. And what would it get us? Do we think the EFL will punish us harder if we tell fans what's going on with filing the accounts, or why we haven't paid the taxman? Why, if there's a positive story to tell? Harder than what exactly? This feels like it's going to a hearing anyway. Why would the EFL tell the owners 'You aren't allowed to say anything reassuring to fans about the club's finances', and why would the club agree? I could understand the EFL not wanting a war or words, and the club agreeing to this, even agreeing to run statements by the EFL.

But complete silence? At a time like this? It's just not plausible. 

Because, as @Charlotte Ram illustrated, maybe the club have agreed to a blanket no further comment in order to avoid potentially making the relationship with the EFL even worse. What we might consider a fairly innocuous comment could be perceived as passive aggressive. Having said that, the club probably should (and maybe have but had it declined) run a brief statement past the EFL for approval. With regard to your question “do you think the EFL will punish us harder”, maybe they will. The last thing you want to do when negotiating, especially if you have a weak case, is antagonise the people you’re negotiating with.

I’m certainly not happy with the lack of information, and don’t believe it can continue much longer, but I am open to the theory, however unlikely it might seem, that the club can’t say anything.

I have this rather naive view that no club, let alone our beloved Derby County, would treat their supporters so poorly if they could possibly avoid doing so.

Edited by Tamworthram
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5 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Because, as @Charlotte Ram illustrated, maybe the club have agreed to a blanket no further comment in order to avoid potentially making the relationship with the EFL even worse. What we might consider a fairly innocuous comment could be perceived as passive aggressive. Having said that, the club probably should (and maybe have but had it declined) run a brief statement past the EFL for approval. With regard to your question “do you think the EFL will punish us harder”, maybe they will. The last thing you want to do when negotiating, especially if you have a weak case, is antagonise the people you’re negotiating with.

I’m certainly not happy with the lack of information, and don’t believe it can continue much longer, but I am open to the theory, however unlikely it might seem, that the club can’t say anything.

Yeah I read that and I repeat: if there is any sort of positive story to tell about any of this, then to agree to say nothing at all about anything financial, however anodyne or unrelated to the points of contention, is something no good lawyer would suggest and no good owner would accept. There's a world of difference between 'not pouring gasoline on a fire' and not saying anything about anything.

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48 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

It is true my sentiments are with Mel and the hysterical criticism he receives, most of which is hearsay, speculation and conjecture. A high percentage of the comments on here are crass and many time vulgar, given the amount of money he has pumped into the club I believe it is my duty to counter silly  comments about him and the club. Remember even Peter Sutcliffe had a defence team and all Mel has done is fund the club for many years, I also remember what was done and said to Lionel and how angry I was at his treatment by the fans.

Finally, I would say that about the mascot there is something not quite right about a man dressed as a sheep playing with children.

Is this Mrs Mel?

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1 hour ago, Charlotte Ram said:

It is true my sentiments are with Mel and the hysterical criticism he receives, most of which is hearsay, speculation and conjecture. A high percentage of the comments on here are crass and many time vulgar, given the amount of money he has pumped into the club I believe it is my duty to counter silly  comments about him and the club. Remember even Peter Sutcliffe had a defence team and all Mel has done is fund the club for many years, I also remember what was done and said to Lionel and how angry I was at his treatment by the fans.

Finally, I would say that about the mascot there is something not quite right about a man dressed as a sheep playing with children.

He has also been the cause of us having to deal with..5 breaches of EFL rules is it now? Putting the club in a position where it is struggling to build a squad capable of competing in this league..not supporting his manager or players in any meaningful way.. so I think he has done a lot milore than just fund the club for a few years. He has driven it into the ground..

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36 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

the club probably should (and maybe have but had it declined) run a brief statement past the EFL for approval.

Please Sir, I know we're at loggerheads, But can we put out a press release explaining our situation, We wont critisise the ELF.

Yeh of course they have Jack Black Reaction GIF

Edited by Unlucky Alf
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1 hour ago, enachops said:

My rant seems to have been deleted by the mods. No idea why??

Anyway, Morris is the worst chairman we’ve had. Worse than Maxwell, worse than the Three Amigos. His reckless spending spree has led to this. Should we be thankful for someone wasting so much money? I don’t think so. This is the worst we’ve been since 1984. Shambolic.

Stephen Pearce. Equally as bad. He was finance officer before too. He’s should be overseeing the day to day running of the club. No communication, no ticket office. After a pandemic, the club is alienating its fans further. The club is on its knees. It’s a disgrace how this great club is being run. 

I didn’t see your rant so can’t comment but comparing Mel to the Crooks that Maxwell and the 3 amigos were, is probably the most stupid, rude, insulting, ill informed comment I think I have ever seen on this forum. 

Really ? Think about what you said there, it’s shameful. 

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2 minutes ago, jono said:

I didn’t see your rant so can’t comment but comparing Mel to the Crooks that Maxwell and the 3 amigos were, is probably the most stupid, rude, insulting, ill informed comment I think I have ever seen on this forum. 

Really ? Think about what you said there, it’s shameful. 

We weren’t under all of these restrictions under those regimes.  Not saying they were shameful individuals, but the Maxwells saved the club and under their stewardship got the club to 5th. I honestly don’t think we’ve ever been as bad as this since 84. Statement stands. 

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17 minutes ago, enachops said:

We weren’t under all of these restrictions under those regimes.  Not saying they were shameful individuals, but the Maxwells saved the club and under their stewardship got the club to 5th. I honestly don’t think we’ve ever been as bad as this since 84. Statement stands. 

Then he sold Wright and Saunders and took the cash

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Disappointing news on the reinstated issue on the naughty step but I expect that one to go away soon enough.

I assume that this must relate to either Lawrence Belick or Jozwiak - I can’t understand why we brought either of the two Poles if the club knew how tight finances were? 
I would expect that ourselves may well be due some money from all our various sales in the last couple of years? 
worth mentioning that no one seems to care that we have had basically zero income and indeed this season at our current league matches there are probably 8,000 sat there who paid last season so little new money.

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10 minutes ago, enachops said:

We weren’t under all of these restrictions under those regimes.  Not saying they were shameful individuals, but the Maxwells saved the club and under their stewardship got the club to 5th. I honestly don’t think we’ve ever been as bad as this since 84. Statement stands. 

The Nadir for the club was 2003 when it went into receivership because the Co-Op bank pulled the plug, and was purchased by the Amigos for £3, we were close to extinction then that is not happening now 

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11 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

Not sure you’re not missing a not here 

Yeah - you’re correct! I couldn’t edit it.

Maxwell and the Three amigos were deplorable humans. Mel’s intentions are to be applauded. But the way he has ran the club into the ground from such a position of strength, for me, is worse than the regimes of Maxwell and co. 

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6 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

The Nadir for the club was 2003 when it went into receivership because the Co-Op bank pulled the plug, and was purchased by the Amigos for £3, we were close to extinction then that is not happening now 

The problem is, none of us can be certain that the next few months won't feature a bankruptcy event. My feeling is that it won't happen, but I suspect that the run up to one would look alarmingly like this.

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23 minutes ago, jono said:

I didn’t see your rant so can’t comment but comparing Mel to the Crooks that Maxwell and the 3 amigos were, is probably the most stupid, rude, insulting, ill informed comment I think I have ever seen on this forum. 

Really ? Think about what you said there, it’s shameful. 

I agree that the 3 amigos comparison is too much, they were bent from the off.

Comparing Mel to Maxwell however, isn't beyond the pale.

Both invested their money to get us back up to the top table. One successfully, back when a few quid extra could really make a real difference, one with nowhere near the same results, albeit in a harder environment to succeed.

Maxwell was patient with his manager, Mel wasn't

At the end of Maxwell's reign, he sold off some playing assets, pocketed the cash and sold us on in a much better position than he bought us, didn't he?

While knowing he was under the pump for the fraud he'd committed elsewhere.

I was pre-teen at the time, so maybe my memories are incorrect, apologies if so.

Mel has taken over a championship club, on the eve of a Play Off final, and several years later will leave us in a worse league position than he inherited, not owning our own ground, in debt to God knows how many people, at odds with our regulator, and operating as a shell of functioning club.

Basically, he took over a cheap and cheerful ship, which offered 3 day cruises to Bruges and back, promised we'd be like the QE11 in a few years, and now we're adrift like the Mary Celeste.





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