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16 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

What would that entail points deduction wise if the efl followed there own letter of the law etc etc 

£6m is borderline so I'll use more decimal places ?

17 = 5 points (5.97m)

20 = 6 points (£6.073m)

21 = 4 points

Plus extra points for aggravating factors, minus poijts for mitigating factors

The 3 years to 2018 was the first full 3 year period under the £39m/3years rule, so I don't expect 2017 come into it.

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49 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

What would that entail points deduction wise if the efl followed there own letter of the law etc etc 

It seems we’ve been discussing the resubmitted accounts with EFL for ages. Maybe there are other aspects - apart from amortisation - that they object to. Seems we’d need more detail to know whether the proposed 9 point deduction is a try on, or whether it’s a reasonable price to pay for a quiet life 

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How many points deduction will Reading get based on these results?

Reading made operating losses of £43.5million, compared to £40.7million the previous year, while accumulated losses totalled £138million.

Wages were 211 per cent of revenue - slight progress somewhat compared with 226 per cent the previous year. Nevertheless, this is is still above the level recommended by UEFA, which is 70 per cent.

My guess is a fixed penalty £100 fine and a kindly reminder to keep their losses under £100million next submittal.

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51 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

How many points deduction will Reading get based on these results?

Reading made operating losses of £43.5million, compared to £40.7million the previous year, while accumulated losses totalled £138million.

Wages were 211 per cent of revenue - slight progress somewhat compared with 226 per cent the previous year. Nevertheless, this is is still above the level recommended by UEFA, which is 70 per cent.

My guess is a fixed penalty £100 fine and a kindly reminder to keep their losses under £100million next submittal.

Depends on what SG advises.

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