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Half the problem is that we basically know nothing at all - nobody, the club, the EFL, anyone, is telling us anything. So there's a vacuum that is getting filled with rumours and made-up nonsense.  The suggestion doing the rounds last week was that the HMRC debt is just us using one of the COVID deferment schemes, like a bunch of other clubs have.  If it's the case that us (and only us) are getting punished for something a load of clubs have done then 'beastly' is absolutely right, but we just don't know because no one is telling us anything.  It could be that the other clubs have all cleared their deferred payments months ago, but we are still sitting on ours, we just don't know.  The same with the accounts restatement - we know we've submitted something, but we don't know what it was, or why, or even when we submitted it.

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1 minute ago, Sparkle said:

So if we have genuinely put in what was asked for this date then doesn’t that mean that we need to have some bits removed from our naughty step list ? 
possibly moving to a soft embargo?

Unless we've sorted out our HMRC issues the embargo probably isn't going anywhere regardless of what happens with the accounts.

Edited by JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta
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We don't know if other outstanding matters have been brought up to date, payments to Cocu and staff along with Keogh.I would imagine these are being paid monthly as MM wouldn't want to fork out a large lump sum, perhaps that is why the EFL have only allowed the club to offer 6 month contracts or perhaps the players union, who also represent Keogh, have raised concern with the EFL about possible late payments. We will never be privy to that information but It may not be as One sided as some posters are suggesting.

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5 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

The choice of words in that Sky banner is interesting...assuming it's accurate of course. 

"Restated" implies we've just amended the amortisation numbers for straight line. 

"Revised and...."  implies we may have made other amendments, perhaps around releasing some further profits from the previous stadium revaluation. If so, this might have been necessary to improve our ffp position and also would likely be the reason for the pre-submission dialogue with the EFL. 

Who says accountancy cannot be interesting? Such freedom and potential for skulduggery.... ?

Not necessarily. Just something different to what we were using previously

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1 minute ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

You may be right but we are the only ones with it listed on the embargo tracker on the EFL site, so until we get it removed we are buggered.

Maybe but it’s the EFL who put it on there and not the HMRC so maybe they should insist the all clubs report HMRC issues or would that bring football to an end and not just us 

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2 hours ago, duncanjwitham said:

Half the problem is that we basically know nothing at all - nobody, the club, the EFL, anyone, is telling us anything. So there's a vacuum that is getting filled with rumours and made-up nonsense.

So what you're politely saying is that some folk on here have the boredom threshold of a hungry toddler and in the absence of of factual data, tend to make up any old poo. 

Couldn't possibly comment... ?

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1 hour ago, atherstoneram said:

We don't know if other outstanding matters have been brought up to date, payments to Cocu and staff along with Keogh.I would imagine these are being paid monthly as MM wouldn't want to fork out a large lump sum, perhaps that is why the EFL have only allowed the club to offer 6 month contracts or perhaps the players union, who also represent Keogh, have raised concern with the EFL about possible late payments. We will never be privy to that information but It may not be as One sided as some posters are suggesting.

You could imagine some debate over the Cocu payments, in particular over timing of expensing if paid by instalment. Oh dear, what a complex web Mel weaves 

still guessing we’ll be out of embargo today.  Things really not looking good if we are not 

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