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Jozwiak- is it time to go?

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Some Derby fans love a scapegoat dont they , dont worry Kamil you are in good company at the moment , Roos , Fozzy , Max  Bird , Lawrence , Kaz before he even kicked a ball have all suffered the same negativity from some fans , for what its worth i think a settled team , settled formation and Kamil will come good

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54 minutes ago, Premier ram said:

Some Derby fans love a scapegoat dont they , dont worry Kamil you are in good company at the moment , Roos , Fozzy , Max  Bird , Lawrence , Kaz before he even kicked a ball have all suffered the same negativity from some fans , for what its worth i think a settled team , settled formation and Kamil will come good

I remember Hendrick getting the same sort of stick, ridiculous.

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6 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

I get it's only highlights, but when I watch these videos he is playing with confidence. At Derby he seems to lack that at the minute. 

What you can take away from these highlights are exactly what we have witnessed in a Derby shirt. Excellent close control, decent sprints and pace, brilliant dribbling ability and a reliable player in close spaces.

But in these highlights I see not shots of any power. I also barely see any crosses from outside the box. Interstingly, there are about 6 or 7 clips of him beating the defender with skill before cutting to another highlight. Where is the cross or killer pass? It was probably scuffed or failed to beat the first man.

These highlights leave out a key ingredient for an atacking player. An end product! And that's exactly what has been missing from Joz's game while at Derby. I maintain, technically, he is superb. But strikes the ball like a fairy.

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9 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

What you can take away from these highlights are exactly what we have witnessed in a Derby shirt. Excellent close control, decent sprints and pace, brilliant dribbling ability and a reliable player in close spaces.

But in these highlights I see not shots of any power. I also barely see any crosses from outside the box. Interstingly, there are about 6 or 7 clips of him beating the defender with skill before cutting to another highlight. Where is the cross or killer pass? It was probably scuffed or failed to beat the first man.

These highlights leave out a key ingredient for an atacking player. An end product! And that's exactly what has been missing from Joz's game while at Derby. I maintain, technically, he is superb. But strikes the ball like a fairy.

Yes you are probably right. At the end of the day players are judged on end product. We simply need to see more of that from Jozwiak. 

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4 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

Interstingly, there are about 6 or 7 clips of him beating the defender with skill before cutting to another highlight. Where is the cross or killer pass? It was probably scuffed or failed to beat the first man.

Exactly what I thought. But there was also plenty of good stuff too. 
let’s hope that with a bit of encouragement, and some other forward players with attacking intent that he can link up with, that he’ll come good for us. 

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Personally, I'm not comfortable with starting threads aiming at knocking individual players. 

At times like this, we need to be doing everything we can to assist the team, not destroying players' confidence.

Joz has given things to teams in the past, it's up to our coaching staff to play him in a way that brings it out of him once more.

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21 minutes ago, ram59 said:

Personally, I'm not comfortable with starting threads aiming at knocking individual players. 

At times like this, we need to be doing everything we can to assist the team, not destroying players' confidence.

Joz has given things to teams in the past, it's up to our coaching staff to play him in a way that brings it out of him once more.

Won us a fairly important penalty final game of the season i seem to remember, wish people would give the lad a break tbh.

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21 hours ago, simmoram1995 said:

I’m sorry to say but I think his performance yesterday signifies that he is not needed in this team. Lack of effort or quality and I think he looks disinterested and disengaged. I think he’d be better off being loaned out or sold. That way we might be able to sign a player or loan a winger who could cut it in this league.

what are your thoughts?

I'm sorry to say but I think your post signifies that this kind of attitude is not needed in this forum. Lack of patience and I think you went into the weekend with a pre-set opinion of the player and have looked for reasons to criticise him. I think you'd be better off being loaned out or sold. That way we might be able to sign a poster who could cut it on this forum.

I'm judging you based on your performance in this one post and the fact you have a grand total of 7 posts under your belt (at time of posting) - That seems fair right? 



(answer: No, no it doesn't) 

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There's no point in us keeping him if the majority of people's minds have already been made up, if everything he does well is written off as inconsequential and anything he does poorly highlighted and picked apart. Players targeted with threads like this might as well go, they rarely turn it around, especially without a change in management.

The fans only expect one thing from a winger, but we don't play him in a way that produces that, so why bother playing him at all?

Tactically we use him almost purely as support to the full backs, he receives the ball with his back to goal more times than any other winger I can remember. He's hardly ever actually able / allowed to play his own game. We've seem to have coached any directness out of him, he looks confused more than anything and when he gets a rare opportunity to actually 'do something'  it shows.

Against Huddersfield our tactics first half / first hour were based on keeping us solid defensively, keeping shape, staying in the game before subbing on players like Sibley & Ebosele to be more direct and go for the win. Sure enough Jozwiak is selected to play for the first part of this, it doesn't give him any real scope to produce anything going forward and the one chance he does get he fluffs, before being subbed off, and slagged off.

'Inconsistent wingers' thrive on seeing lots of the ball, facing goal and having four, five (or more!) opportunities to produce something per match. For Jozwiak those opportunities are rare as rocking horse poo and as such there's immense pressure on him every time he is presented with a promising situation. I think he's struggling to carry the weight of that and as opposed to doing what comes naturally he's overthinking everything.

People are comparing him to past attackers who've played in good teams, been allowed to build up confidence and form in systems set up with an emphasis on getting them involved - I don't see how he's ever going to get that chance here, especially not with the moaners and groaners at the ground on his back.

Edited by Coconut
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