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The latest from the club via Chris Coles


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We ask the club to engage in better communication with fans, and then tie everyone up who attends with an NDA. That is more bad PR as far as I am concerned, even if it is to let the club publish the minutes first. Then they haven't given the attendees a date/time when they will publish the minutes by?

You keep saying it could only be for one line. Well that isn't true. The NDA I am sure is covering all the content discussed tonight. However, any information already out in the public domain isn't covered by the NDA. I'm not sure how much 'new' news will come out of tonight to be honest.

MM had a great chance to be open and transparent, and his leadership is sadly lacking again for me here. A chance to build bridges with fans (which he and the club desperately need to do) and he's continuously failing.

For the record - you absolutely should attend but I'm with Texas Ram here - this is bad PR from MM and a bad way to approach supporter engagement.



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8 minutes ago, David said:

I would agree with @angieram mostly, for me, you have to walk in, be respectful, have no agenda and represent your group with the questions they have raised.

You have to be able to accept that certain issues the club are not able to discuss, even with a NDA in place with us.

From reading comments on Twitter, some fans sound like they would walk in there and look to interrogate Mel using torture techniques seen in the Middle East.

I would suggest these are the wrong people, as are those that cannot form a sentence without using profanity and abuse.

Ugh so yes men then, no, first of all it’s not just men and some attending tonight were part of the letters demanding answers from the club, and are just as vocal within the meetings without crossing the line.

For the record, I’m not saying I am the perfect person to go, for consistency it’s either been myself or @Boycie who has attended most of the meetings for us in my absence due to illness.

This will be only my third I have been able to attend I think, now I’m back on my feet will take over from Boycie who hasn’t been happy with the selection of pork pies on offer before the meetings.

How quickly are you going to post after the meeting? Even if its the vaguest terms - ie  it went ahead, all the topics were discussed and seemed promising and further information will follow ASAP.. 

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Just now, KBB said:

I'm glad David is representing the forum. I've never met him, or anyone from here, so dont know him personally, but he always strikes me as a good bloke.

If it was me going I would probably panic when it was my turn  to ask a question and would probably end up asking what Mels favourite flavour of crisp are.

Definitely cheese n 'pickle' flavour. 

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2 minutes ago, David said:

I wouldn’t say subjects or topics, just details which could be very minor, even down to one sentence throughout the night.

It’s difficult to say whilst the meeting hasn’t taken place and it would be wrong me to speculate.

The NDA is something I will be looking to bring up for clarification that can be included in the minutes.

Right now it’s overshadowed what is an important meeting tonight and put those that are attending in a difficult position.

Thanks again for the response David. I'll leave it there as you've been patient enough tbf and explained it well. I guess it's something that has put the cat amongst the pigeons because it's a tool that hasn't been used before and because it has the words 'non disclosure' in them makes people nervy. Hopefully, after this evening's meeting we'll all be in a better position of understanding what is happening at the club ? 

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3 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

Definitely cheese n 'pickle' flavour. 

Or when he has jacket potato with cheese and beans does he go beans or cheese first.

Things are the things we need to know.

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10 minutes ago, Spanish said:

Do you think they be sent in draft to all attendees for approval? It’s just if they are tomorrow may not be possible.  Managing expectations really

Those that attend never approve the minutes, they are simply emailed to us

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I’m gonna give the benefit of the doubt and suggest any NDA will be about names involved as it could effect the takeover/signings going forward. If it’s anymore, then obviously they’ll be uproar but can’t see the point in being annoyed about it before a word is spoken.

To be honest, ideally I think they should be updating Radio Derby and the DET as I think they then hit the wider fan base but it is what it is from that standpoint. 

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If people going can comment without breaking any NDA (as david says it's not as black and white as that) simply say things are hopefully going to be ok then they will do me.

For me the club needs a 5 year total reset from top to bottom. I am patient and if I'm totally honest the premier league isn't the big prize for me. If we somehow got promoted I am not bothered about seeing the top 6 at PP. I go to support Derby, not watch a £billion squad destroy ours.

I want the club to be stable, sustainable and respected. At the moment we are none of those.

Obviously if those going hear very worrying things about the club a comment of "things will get worse before they get better" will at least let us know where we are at.

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1 hour ago, rammieib said:


We ask the club to engage in better communication with fans, and then tie everyone up who attends with an NDA. That is more bad PR as far as I am concerned, even if it is to let the club publish the minutes first. Then they haven't given the attendees a date/time when they will publish the minutes by?

You keep saying it could only be for one line. Well that isn't true. The NDA I am sure is covering all the content discussed tonight. However, any information already out in the public domain isn't covered by the NDA. I'm not sure how much 'new' news will come out of tonight to be honest.

MM had a great chance to be open and transparent, and his leadership is sadly lacking again for me here. A chance to build bridges with fans (which he and the club desperately need to do) and he's continuously failing.

For the record - you absolutely should attend but I'm with Texas Ram here - this is bad PR from MM and a bad way to approach supporter engagement.

I have just now contacted the club and had it confirmed that the NDA will be discussed tonight on record and in the meeting minutes, clarifying why it was asked for us to sign. 

I’ll leave the NDA questions there now as it would be wrong for me to continue speculating.

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25 minutes ago, KBB said:

If people going can comment without breaking any NDA (as david says it's not as black and white as that) simply say things are hopefully going to be ok then they will do me.

For me the club needs a 5 year total reset from top to bottom. I am patient and if I'm totally honest the premier league isn't the big prize for me. If we somehow got promoted I am not bothered about seeing the top 6 at PP. I go to support Derby, not watch a £billion squad destroy ours.

I want the club to be stable, sustainable and respected. At the moment we are none of those.

Obviously if those going hear very worrying things about the club a comment of "things will get worse before they get better" will at least let us know where we are at.

Shame patience isn't a strong point in the modern fan. 

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1 hour ago, rammieib said:

You keep saying it could only be for one line. Well that isn't true. The NDA I am sure is covering all the content discussed tonight. However, any information already out in the public domain isn't covered by the NDA. I'm not sure how much 'new' news will come out of tonight to be honest.

You make a lot of assumptions about the club being the ones enforcing this NDA because they don't want to talk about things

As part of any company takeover process pretty much all meetings where senior management (or senior stakeholders in the business) are going to discuss almost anything with outside parties (which we as fans are in a business context) would be covered by an NDA - Regardless of the content of the meeting and what is said there

The club and employees within it will be covered by an NDA as part of the takeover process/negotiations - But the people attending tonights forum won't be - So there would be a requirement which likely comes from whoever is currently negotiating to buy the club (if they're sensible) to make sure this is covered by an NDA as a matter of course

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