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You're going to Wembley, but, You’re staying down😄


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I sispect ze Shiffield Winsday fins are wishing they had played Derby now however seeing their recent form I think we might have scrapped past them although I think our lads were just knackered and couldn’t give any more 

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1 hour ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

While it’s hilarious and amazingly ironic given the s**** they were dishing out last weekend, think next season is tougher with Wednesday in it. 

This could be a massive setback for the Wendies that might set them back two or three years. Their finances are fragile and with 96 points they should have gone up. What do they do next? Sack the manager who got 96 points and replace him with who? And they need a younger squad. They're in a turmoil that they need to get out of quick.

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21 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

This could be a massive setback for the Wendies that might set them back two or three years. Their finances are fragile and with 96 points they should have gone up. What do they do next? Sack the manager who got 96 points and replace him with who? And they need a younger squad. They're in a turmoil that they need to get out of quick.


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Nothing against Wednesday, honestly. They seem to be a club who go through very similar circumstances to ourselves. I knew the reaction from fans would be gold, and it is. 

It is poetic in a way that the team they essentially got into the playoffs absolutely clowned them not a week later. The players must be absolutely kicking themselves, hindsight and all that, but it’s going to play on their mind. Interesting summer for them. Darren Moore will be sacked, that’s for sure. Insane when you consider they got 96 points, but the writing is on the wall.

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But.. But last week was revenge for relegating them, conveniently forgetting their points deduction for accounting 'error' was actually halved well into the season by 6 points.  Also conveniently forgetting their charge was black and white, as opposed to our retrospectively made up b*******. 


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Up down up down, we got out the elevator before the doors closed.      Isn't there something fundamentally wrong when a team that finishes 20 points ahead of another in a league, gets their whole season derailed in the course of one game.    Being nothing but impartial for one minute, just doesn't seem fair.

Let's be honest, I got sympathy for any club name (in this league particularly) that fails a promotion.      It's easy to say when you've made it and can sit back and look on at others endeavors or lack of but it's true.     I caught the Derby score last weekend, you got screwed by a poor referee or decision and missed out by a point or something.      That's got to be tough, sincerely, do sympathize.       This league is horrible, the thought of a team getting so near and missing out due to one incident or afternoon, you got to show certain empathy.

Sheffield Owls / Wednesday whatever you call them, at one time seemed even money for an automatic promotion but endured a strange loss of form at critical time and folded.     Some fan here caused a ruckus or something.      Not to condone any behavior but can kind of see where the frustration comes from.



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7 hours ago, Brailsford Ram said:

This could be a massive setback for the Wendies that might set them back two or three years. Their finances are fragile and with 96 points they should have gone up. What do they do next? Sack the manager who got 96 points and replace him with who? And they need a younger squad. They're in a turmoil that they need to get out of quick.

Agree with all that. There’s no way that squad can go again it needs an overhaul and there will be question marks about Big Dave (Darren Moore) as to whether he’s the right man to take them forward. They could face a Sunderland scenario now. 

However their finances aren’t that fragile given they can get around FFP more in the lower leagues. Chansiri is a billionaire so can put money in, whether he will when he’s sunk so much into them already is another matter. But we could face a Villa scenario where they’re outbidding us for same targets.

Edited by BramcoteRam84
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9 minutes ago, The Key Club King said:

Not a great result for Derby as they were 20 points ahead of us. That's a gap that we need to make up and they need to maintain. It looks like a collapse, but 96 points will win the league most years and we were a country mile off that. 

You never know what will happen next season. I almost feel like something must have happened (but I haven’t checked) but look at MK Dons. Finished 3rd last season on 89 points. This season they could only muster half that. Wycombe reached the play offs but amassed 18 less points this season. Plymouth picked 21 points more this season and Ipswich 28.

I agree that Wednesday will probably be a threat next season (but probably so would Barnsley, Bolton and Peterborough), that they’re quite the same as MK Dons or that we’re anywhere near as advanced in our recovery as Ipswich are but things could be a little different next season especially if Wednesday also need a bit of a rebuild and change their manager. 

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