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The Administration Thread


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I think this is a good thing.  In Quantuma’s statement last night they touched on the process referring to NDA’s, data room, etc.  Bearing in mind that to start that again puts us where we were in February with CK being announced as PB in April.  I think this the EFL saying “crikey, we haven’t got two months, more like two weeks!!”.

Whilst they might want get a feel for the likelihood of CK’s cash landing in the next few days, I’d like to think they’d want to know who the parties that are interested are.  If, as per some reports, they’ve already provided proof of funding, the EFL can start their tests tomorrow.  You’d think that people like MA and AA would be a rubber stamping exercise, the others, depending who they are, might take a bit longer.

The EFL have been in the spotlight over our case a bit and their existence is under threat.  They’ll come out smelling of roses if they can help get a PB in place in the next fortnight, should CK’s deal fall through (I don’t think it will and the money will land in the coming days) and will no doubt say “if it wasn’t for our intervention DCFC would be no more”.  They will not want us to go bust.  Neither will the other 23 L1 clubs.  We will be a big draw guaranteeing a huge away following and sell out crowds at pretty much every ground.  That will be massively important for the smaller clubs in that division.

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1 minute ago, CBX1985 said:

Fine, but most could not justify expense with no guarantee of any games.  You would never get your money back in liquidation.  


I see EFL as a bit of a scapegoat.  I think they're an easy target, but in tough position - and do have to make difficuly choices.

We know Q had someone lined up a PB.  We don't know who... Could have been CK.  

It wasn't CK. EFL are certainly not a scapegoat in fact they get off amazingly lightly because they control the media. 

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8 minutes ago, CBX1985 said:

Fine, but most could not justify expense with no guarantee of any games.  You would never get your money back in liquidation.  


I see EFL as a bit of a scapegoat.  I think they're an easy target, but in tough position - and do have to make difficuly choices.

We know Q had someone lined up a PB.  We don't know who... Could have been CK.  

You are Rick Parry and I claim my £5.....

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6 minutes ago, CBX1985 said:

I see EFL as a bit of a scapegoat.  I think they're an easy target, but in tough position - and do have to make difficuly choices.

We know Q had someone lined up a PB.  We don't know who... Could have been CK.  

The EFL made the unprofessional and cowardly decision to pander to Gibson so making it even harder for any buyer. The EFL's own rules did not demand they do this, it was pure chickenshit from Parry.

The EFL are a disgrace and unfit to conduct busines and will never be forgiven in Derby.


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54 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

In that case he's fibbing as reports says he paid ex amount of millions...cash?‍♀️

Leasing ain't cheap for exclusive use you have to put down about 20 % of the net worth, and pay a holding fee for the lease every month, usually around 1-2 % of the net worth, for that you get the maintenance of the plane and hangar rent and preferential rates on crewing etc. My guess full price would be around $20m for a2009 Gulfstream G550, so $4m down and $300k per month.

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Just catching up with the thread after an afternoon's gardening for the sake of my sanity.

I'd just like to thank everyone posting on here for their take on things. Although I love Derby County, I don't really understand the intricacies of what is going on and your posts have both clarified and complicated things by turn and I am grateful to see a range of opinions on our situation to inform me.

I feel like we are on a long and winding road where we can't see what is round the next corner.

I was very excited about Chris Kirchner and all fired up about his plans for the club  to take us back to former glory with the support of Wayne and the team, but now I'm a bit more uncertain. Mike Ashley is possibly the best bet financially and experience-wise but he doesn't seem to have any passion for our club. I don't know where I stand at the moment.


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1 hour ago, Mihangel said:

He does, EJM are are a jet management company (the clue's in the name), they handle licensing, registration, maintenance, flight planning etc etc because people who aren't aviation professionals don't tend to know how to do that....

He is not the registered owner on the paperwork, believe me i have access to the database. EJM operate an exclusive lease system a little like buying a car on PCP.

Just looked again and Knight Frank have an interest in the plane also. CK may have funded the lease though Knight Frank as well, this is not unusual and in someways good news as if he borrows any cash they 100% sure he will repay!!!.

Edited by I DONT MIND
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4 minutes ago, I DONT MIND said:

He is not the registered owner on the paperwork, believe me i have access to the database. EJM operate an exclusive lease system a little like buying a car on PCP.

Who kircher or mike not on paper work.

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Wondering, I know the infamous Teeside dog botherer still has someone on the board but do notts? Reckon they'd have to give the seat up now they have that little certificate thing for 12 months (not bitter at all). Just thinking there cant be any more hostile than those two - this is the part where the EFL give it to the ambulance chasing car park attendant from Wycombe.

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3 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

One of the consistently most vocal critics of Q has been Krasner, who was Wigan's administrator  Wigan's admin took 9 months and they went through three preferred bidders. Wigan didn't have EFL charges or Boro and Wycombe claims to deal with. Not sure that Q are doing any worse a job than he did. 

Don't see the two clubs as being comparable in size. Doubt someone like MA would be interested in Wigan to extract revenue from. Even with our gargantuan debts we're still more appealing which automatically makes Q's job easier. Same with Bury et. al too for that matter.

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2 minutes ago, Chopper said:

Wondering, I know the infamous Teeside dog botherer still has someone on the board but do notts? Reckon they'd have to give the seat up now they have that little certificate thing for 12 months (not bitter at all). Just thinking there cant be any more hostile than those two - this is the part where the EFL give it to the ambulance chasing car park attendant from Wycombe.

Yeah they will not be on the board as they are no longer a member. 

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8 minutes ago, Miggins said:

Mike Ashley is possibly the best bet financially and experience-wise but he doesn't seem to have any passion for our club.

Mel Morris apparently had passion for our club look how that turned out, giving players b*llockings at half time and administration.

Mike Ashley is passionate about money and success is the only way to make it in this game.

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17 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

You are Rick Parry and I claim my £5.....

How did you guess? ? Joke.

16 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

The EFL made the unprofessional and cowardly decision to pander to Gibson so making it even harder for any buyer. The EFL's own rules did not demand they do this, it was pure chickenshit from Parry.

The EFL are a disgrace and unfit to conduct busines and will never be forgiven in Derby.


Truth is, people are annoyed with everyone.  Q, MM, EFL.  Passion does this.  But we are where we are, and unless you correct me, we don't know the inside track.  I don't agree with the narrative that people are out to get us.  But people will always act in their own interests.

I care less about fault at this stage and more about solutions. Getting angry with boogieman is satisfying, but not entirely productive.   

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6 minutes ago, I DONT MIND said:

He is not the registered owner on the paperwork, believe me i have access to the database. EJM operate an exclusive lease system a little like buying a car on PCP.

No. The have owned planes placed with them. They do also offer charter services but this isn't the case with CK. Have a look around at all the very wealthy and who their jets are registered with, Bill Gates as an sample...

You do realise that these registers are in the public domain right? You have access to the 'database', so does everyone else on the planet with internet access!

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