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51 minutes ago, 1967RAMS said:

Easy. Tried to buy Derby and it didn’t work, even tried buying Preston and it didn’t work. Then trying to buy Derby again but it’s still not working. His mouth is trying to cash cheques his wallet can’t or won’t cash. Venture capitalist hoping to make a fast buck. 

Mup pet 

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1 hour ago, 1967RAMS said:

Easy. Tried to buy Derby and it didn’t work, even tried buying Preston and it didn’t work. Then trying to buy Derby again but it’s still not working. His mouth is trying to cash cheques his wallet can’t or won’t cash. Venture capitalist hoping to make a fast buck. 


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25 minutes ago, 1967RAMS said:

What bit of that isn’t 100% accurate? Apart from the speculation that he will bail out of actually buying a club at the 11 th hour. ??. He’s a chancer, and come Monday he will be blaming MM and/or the EFL for yet another attempt at buying a football club going wrong. 

@The Scarlet Pimpernel nailed it with his comment, pure opinion dressed up as fact.

I’ll further clarify why IMO you’re talking nonsense.

He had to show £100m to get in the door with Quantuma 

He had to show £60m to the EFL and go through the owners and directors test, they’ve beefed this up since Birch came on board, hence why the EFL blocked Erik Alonso.

He made an offer, Q thought they could do better so he pulled out. Looked at Preston and didn’t think they had the same potential so when Q came back to him he decided to proceed and has pretty quickly got himself to a position where the deal is close. The guy is absolutely not a tyre kicker.

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1 hour ago, 1967RAMS said:

Easy. Tried to buy Derby and it didn’t work, even tried buying Preston and it didn’t work. Then trying to buy Derby again but it’s still not working. His mouth is trying to cash cheques his wallet can’t or won’t cash. Venture capitalist hoping to make a fast buck.

fab GIF

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1 hour ago, 1967RAMS said:

Easy. Tried to buy Derby and it didn’t work, even tried buying Preston and it didn’t work. Then trying to buy Derby again but it’s still not working. His mouth is trying to cash cheques his wallet can’t or won’t cash. Venture capitalist hoping to make a fast buck. 

His latest tweet is very encouraging, suggests a Monday signing, and fits perfectly with what we’re hearing from other sources. From the agony to the ecstasy ... fingers crossed 

He just gets better by the tweet  

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1 hour ago, 1967RAMS said:

Easy. Tried to buy Derby and it didn’t work, even tried buying Preston and it didn’t work. Then trying to buy Derby again but it’s still not working. His mouth is trying to cash cheques his wallet can’t or won’t cash. Venture capitalist hoping to make a fast buck. 

How on earth can a capitalist - venture or otherwise - make a fast buck by not buying something, or not being able to afford to buy something?

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1 hour ago, 1967RAMS said:

What bit of that isn’t 100% accurate? Apart from the speculation that he will bail out of actually buying a club at the 11 th hour. ??. He’s a chancer, and come Monday he will be blaming MM and/or the EFL for yet another attempt at buying a football club going wrong. 

It strikes me that you are the chancer. Provocative bet, then if you win you’ll shout your mouth off. If you lose it’ll be all quiet on the western front 

All guess work sunshine. 

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