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The Administration Thread


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17 minutes ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

Let's be fair, there was tremendous momentum and then when the Boro claim was dealt with we all felt that it was the beginning of the end.

We are now countless weeks down the line and the incompetent Q are still no nearer the end point. Fans have simply had enough and there is zero enthusiasm, simply a resignation to the liklihood that the club will cease to exist very soon.

Personally I'm at the point now where I simply don't care anymore and want rid of this whole shambles and start again.

Everyone has had chance to sort this mess out and they have all failed miserably. Bigger issues going on in the world so this has very much taken a back seat. Everyday I've been hopeful that today may be the day but alas not.

How we have ended up at this mess is down to one man and the demise lies at his door. I don't know the reasons why the sale hasnt happened but it is clear that everyone isn't doing their upmost to close the deal. 

The potential buyers should not be seen as the bad guys. Something is only worth what folk are willing to pay. If they offer low you have to compromise.

So very very sad but we have to draw a line and move on. It will take 20 years to get back but we need to start now...

We we need to end this and start again. I’m tired of it and lost any remaining enthusiasm.

i don’t think results have helped to foster any hope


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3 minutes ago, NottmRAM said:

There are bids on the table. Sooner or later, Quantuma and the EFL are going to have to accept one of the bids. It might well be at the end of the season for whatever reason as WR suggested. How could any administrator let a company/club be liquidated when there is a bid to purchase?

It can happen if either the bids are too low to be accepted by creditors or they have terms which effectively make them invalid eg: their offer is contingent on Mel selling the stadium for X or giving it away. 

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10 hours ago, Rev said:

In my opinion, the only attractive thing about being a Phoenix club would be the opposite.

It would give us a chance to be a truly fan owned club, not beholden to the whim and whimsy of a passing businessman, but a truly fan driven project, that spent what it earned and not a penny more.

If that model could only take us so far, and I suspect at this moment it would only be an occasional flirtation with the Championship, so be it. 

It would be our club again, for the first time in many decades.

Our success would depend on our engagement of both the local community, and pulling in fans from farther afield looking for something different in the cesspit of football generally. 

We have a fanatical local fanbase, a fading but still resonant history, a reasonable ground if it can be reunited with the team that currently play in it!

We shouldn't be looking at becoming a Mike Ashley's Newcastle pt II, we should be aiming for an English version of St Pauli.


This article explains the cost of maintaining a ground and training facilities, and the similarities between Boro's and ours is obviously mirrored. They got the costs down to £15.1m. A fan-led consortium could never pay that even if handed the ground for free and the transfer of the training ground lease. It has to be an investor. How many have been involved in cricket, football, darts, table-tennis teams, that when there is a call for volunteers to be fixtures secretary, chairman etc, the whole room goes quiet, that is what fan-led means to me, a few doing it and the rest happy to see it happen. We need Mike Ashley, we need his investment.

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10 hours ago, Rev said:

It would give us a chance to be a truly fan owned club, not beholden to the whim and whimsy of a passing businessman, but a truly fan driven project, that spent what it earned and not a penny more.

Whilst it sounds very attractive, of the fans, for the fans, at the end of the day somebody has to actually run the show and make the big decisions; find and spend the money. Would fan owners be happy  to shell out extra dosh year after year until we reached the promised land of the Prem.  

Who decides and how is it decided? Who picks the CEO and what are his terms of engagement? You don't have to have worked in business to know that the more people there are involved in making a decision, the longer it takes and the less likely a successful outcome. Look at families deciding what to do for a holiday!

So to me fan owned is a pipe dream!

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9 minutes ago, Crewton said:

It can happen if either the bids are too low to be accepted by creditors or they have terms which effectively make them invalid eg: their offer is contingent on Mel selling the stadium for X or giving it away. 

Not to a football club. It's more than a business. It's important to the local community and to the local economy.  It won't be allowed to go under because creditors say "no".

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2 hours ago, Needlesh said:

Not sure how this will pan out any longer, but I start to feel like if our club goes under, that's me done with sport entirely. Not sure I have it in me to care if the world has no DCFC in it.

That's where I'm at with football at least, fallen out of love with it, too much money involved, the clubs in the right place at the right time have become too powerful since Sky, the VAR crap, the constant changing of rules like offside (if you are on the frigging pitch you are active and have an effect on the play - end of!) Handball or not, is it an unnatural position etc so a shot 15 yrds out going for row Z hits an arm above the head as the defender is getting it out of the way for a goal bound shot is deemed a handball and penalty..... but a goal bound effort that hits the elbow isn't so long as the player is moving naturally..... Should be simple, did the defence gain an advantage resulting from it hitting the arm, I think it was Stimac got penalised once for hitting his arm when it was tight across his chest, so the ball would have hit his chest if the arm wasn't there.....

Only good thing in recent times is goal line technology,  although I do remember that not picking up a valid goal in the 1st Yr, Villa was it? 

Finally, social media, keyboard warriors spouting so much vitriol or fake news that causes shocking reactions and has now, IMO, with the availability of drugs, led to increasing violence and bad behaviour at games.

Sad times

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15 minutes ago, Macintosh said:


This article explains the cost of maintaining a ground and training facilities, and the similarities between Boro's and ours is obviously mirrored. They got the costs down to £15.1m. A fan-led consortium could never pay that even if handed the ground for free and the transfer of the training ground lease. It has to be an investor. How many have been involved in cricket, football, darts, table-tennis teams, that when there is a call for volunteers to be fixtures secretary, chairman etc, the whole room goes quiet, that is what fan-led means to me, a few doing it and the rest happy to see it happen. We need Mike Ashley, we need his investment.

Cracking article that is, thanks for sharing. Don't half make you think. You can see what the bidders are up against, clear the debts but then further on-going funding is needed to just stand still let alone 'go for it'. 

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1 hour ago, Macintosh said:


This article explains the cost of maintaining a ground and training facilities, and the similarities between Boro's and ours is obviously mirrored. They got the costs down to £15.1m. A fan-led consortium could never pay that even if handed the ground for free and the transfer of the training ground lease. It has to be an investor. How many have been involved in cricket, football, darts, table-tennis teams, that when there is a call for volunteers to be fixtures secretary, chairman etc, the whole room goes quiet, that is what fan-led means to me, a few doing it and the rest happy to see it happen. We need Mike Ashley, we need his investment.

Informative article, thanks for posting.

1 hour ago, FindernRam said:

Whilst it sounds very attractive, of the fans, for the fans, at the end of the day somebody has to actually run the show and make the big decisions; find and spend the money. Would fan owners be happy  to shell out extra dosh year after year until we reached the promised land of the Prem.  

Who decides and how is it decided? Who picks the CEO and what are his terms of engagement? You don't have to have worked in business to know that the more people there are involved in making a decision, the longer it takes and the less likely a successful outcome. Look at families deciding what to do for a holiday!

So to me fan owned is a pipe dream!

Yeah, you're right. 

It's just too much trouble, I guess I'll just support whoever's top of the glamorous Premier League if the worst happens.


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43 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

Surely they can’t get paid extra and who will pay them? The bids won’t get higher. They must be on a set fee

They're on a daily-rate type of agreement.  They get paid out of the proceeds of the sale/liquidation - they're ranked behind MSD (and anybody else with a fixed charge), but ahead of HMRC and everyone else.  So it's in their interests to sell (or liquidate) for as much as possible, to make sure they get paid.  There's no incentive for them to drag things out then liquidate the club as there probably won't even be enough assets left to sell to cover their fees.  The best outcome for Quantuma is a successful sale that gets done reasonably quickly (both from a personal reputation perspective, and a "making sure we get paid" one).  Trashing their reputation by dragging things out and then failing to sell, will not help them get the next job, even if they make a few extra bucks from this one. 

If the creditors feel that Quantuma are taking excessive fees, there are processes in place for them to challenge the fees in court etc. 

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1 hour ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

The last 2 years have been draining and those in charge simply dont give a flying duck about the fans.

Shame on you MM 

Q you couldn't find your way out of a paper bag

More and more fans are feeling like this. There is only so much you can take.

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6 minutes ago, Rev said:

t's just too much trouble, I guess I'll just support whoever's top of the glamorous Premier League if the worst happens.

I sense a bit of sarcasm there which is fair enough. True fans really want to get involved but the practicalities are absolutely enormous in becoming fan owners. Step one the club is liquidated, say 5000 fans want to put some money in to start up a new club. Do any of them know how to go about doing that, who to talk to, the legal stuff? So maybe a few richer fans will sort of float to the top and begin to draw up a plan. 

Then the fun starts; "who put you in charge? X or Y will do a far better job! I want my money back, nobody said it wold cost this much!"

All the while the clock is ticking. Another season is lost. It would be slightly easier to buy and rename Mickleover Sports.

As far as supporting a Premier side, why not? Top players are a joy to watch and appreciate, and supporting one team adds a bit of spice to televised games. I still follow my boyhood team Torquay, although it must be 50 years since I last saw them play. In those days I also followed Wolves for some long lost reason, and I still have a certain fondness for them. Logic doesn't come into it!

As someone said "Spread the love".....Just don't tell the wife!


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At least when we get liquidated we’re allowed back into league 2. Especially if we’d start in league 1 with -15.

People need to realise here’s duck all to buy, especially when you can get another championship club for not much more.

Mel Morris, the man that stripped Derby of its assets (stadium) and  is about to get it liquidated. He should be chucked in prison for being able to do this. 

Edited by GeneralRam
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