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12 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

Apologies as havent read back but just been told by a jubilant red dog that a 5th charge has been added to our list on the efl site?

which one is it?

and wtf is going off ?:( 

Payment of transfer fees got took off at one point and has appeared back on. SO presumably we've missed a payment and the other party has immediatly raised it to the EFL, so that ges back on the embargo list until paid.

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8 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:


Any money being spent is copious. What's not a lot of money to you might not be to someone else.

When the EFL ask us to resubmit our accounts by the 18th August. You think that submitting them by the 18th August is a stupid action? It's the required action. That's what we have to do.

Mel Morris could sit down Infront of RamsTV or Radio Derby and tell us everything he is legally allowed to say. If the EFL can come out and say what we have and haven't done then the club can.

Another stupid request is a fan wanting to know what's going on? Are you actually insane?

The EFL did extend the deadline and still to this day we have not submitted our accounts as it is still on the charge sheet. It's in black and white. You can't argue that.

No mascots doesn't affect me? But my son loves seeing Rammie and Ewie and I imagine a lot of other children do to.

I'm not just thinking of me here. Same with a roadrider. Every club puts coaches on for their fans. Not every fan can drive, 16,17,18 and some adults, older people prefer it. I can drive. It doesn't affect me. But it affects a lot. But your response is find another way?

Tickets are online. Yes. But it's a shambles. Anything that goes wrong, you can't phone, you can't email. 

I can't believe you've defended us this much.

Oh and yes. You are deluded.

Some of your responses are a joke.

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15 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:


If there ever was a need for the eye roll emoji then this post typifies that.

I admire your consistency though in your steadfast support for Mel Morris, some may say misguided, and your refusal to entertain anything remotely critical to be said against the guy I'll give you that much. 

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9 minutes ago, tinman said:

of which how many paid their money to the club last year and are not paying anything for this season? 

No idea how it’s worked to be honest. Tried to buy tickets and ticket office wasn’t open. Not tried since. Had season ticket for seven years until 2019/20.

I would guess easily more than 10,000 have paid but I might be completely wrong. 

Edited by TheresOnlyWanChope
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1 hour ago, Ghost of Clough said:

You want a worst case scenario?

  • 12 points for admin
  • 12 points for '18 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors
  • 12 points for '19 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors
  • 12 points for '20 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors

75 points deducted.

You missed out a series of three pointers if we don't pay the wages:-)

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40 minutes ago, Spanish said:

you'll be the only left waving soon sagey

I don't think things are good but some of the drama queens on here...also don't understand why people who want nothing more to do with this disgusting club are happily posting on here.  

Edited by sage
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Just now, sage said:

I don't things are good but some of the drama queens on here...also don't understand why people who want nothing more to do with this disgusting club are happily posting on here.  

pretty tough time especially if you work in an environment where people are taking the pi55 all the time.  In their hearts they remain full on fans and I am sure they are just frustrated.  We all react differently.  There are some on here who enjoy calling others not 'real fans' or 'not right minded' when you me and all the others just want our club back and on an upward trajectory.

Obviously not moaning about your post

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1 minute ago, Spanish said:

pretty tough time especially if you work in an environment where people are taking the pi55 all the time.  In their hearts they remain full on fans and I am sure they are just frustrated.  We all react differently.  There are some on here who enjoy calling others not 'real fans' or 'not right minded' when you me and all the others just want our club back and on an upward trajectory.

Obviously not moaning about your post

it will all come out in the wash,,,in the meantime i shall enjoy the good football we are playing 

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9 minutes ago, sage said:

I don't think things are good but some of the drama queens on here...also don't understand why people who want nothing more to do with this disgusting club are happily posting on here.  

Sympathy, Bravado, Support, Angry who knows, You may or may not know that a message board gives people the opportunity to vent their emotions...it's good reading tho, Others opinions that go against ones own.

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14 minutes ago, sage said:

I don't think things are good but some of the drama queens on here...also don't understand why people who want nothing more to do with this disgusting club are happily posting on here.  

That's like saying I don't understand why people refuse to entertain any criticism whatsoever against Mel Morris and so on....people react in different ways to adverse news, some bury their heads in the sand and refuse to face up to reality, some vent as their personal coping mechanism and so on. Each to their own. 

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40 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

Can't even be arsed to respond to this because your responses are that idiotic. 

Is the American location user name, they’re all the same! ? 

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