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6 minutes ago, DCFC27 said:

Has the embargo actually helped us this year…? Genuinely I’m finding that the tighter our budget the more value we’re getting for money… granted it would be nice if we could get 2/3 more player to help us change a game but I’m quite happy with our starting 11 

The starting 11 aren't the problem it is what is left if there are injuries that are the problem

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14 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

I'm sorry, but I simply cannot ignore the state in which Morris will be leaving the club when he finally sells it. He is leaving it in a much, much worse state than when he took it. A couple of trips to Wembley didn't pan out, but that's football. The club is an absolute shambles as it stands when compared with the well run, sensible club he purchased.

Don’t particularly want to get into this too much and fear putting my head over the parapet with this, but I have long wondered how much our local investors in the last 20 years have had the true best interest of the football club at heart. I guess what I’m saying is who’s come in with the intention of being the chairman for 10-20 years with a long term plan. To me, it’s been a plan to get that prem money asap and that pursuit over 20 years has been absolutely fruitless.

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20 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

Don’t particularly want to get into this too much and fear putting my head over the parapet with this, but I have long wondered how much our local investors in the last 20 years have had the true best interest of the football club at heart. I guess what I’m saying is who’s come in with the intention of being the chairman for 10-20 years with a long term plan. To me, it’s been a plan to get that prem money asap and that pursuit over 20 years has been absolutely fruitless.

I'm not to sure there are that many, Look at the Oystons and what they did at Blackpool, Now owned by "a fan" an invester who had offices in Honk Kong. Unless you get a huge investment, Great fan base ie 30-40-50 thousand gates and start your tenure with zero debt, Then us the fans start to demaned better players, On huge saleries, Then the cycle of borrowing will eventually see clubs fall off a cliff edge.

A vanity project is good at the start, But then there's a price to pay if all your hopes and desires fail.

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28 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

Don’t particularly want to get into this too much and fear putting my head over the parapet with this, but I have long wondered how much our local investors in the last 20 years have had the true best interest of the football club at heart. I guess what I’m saying is who’s come in with the intention of being the chairman for 10-20 years with a long term plan. To me, it’s been a plan to get that prem money asap and that pursuit over 20 years has been absolutely fruitless.

GSE were not local investors, the 3 Amigos were not local investors, so out of the last 20 years we have had the LOG for 1 year and Mel fo 6 years. 

Edited by Charlotte Ram
Bad spelling
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3 hours ago, England Ram said:

I’d only agree in part……

Is it the EFL who have not paid the HMRC? 
Is it the EFL who have not paid Keogh?

Is it the EFL who have not paid agreed transfer fees? 
Is it the EFL who have not paid Delaware? 
Is it the EFL who didn’t pay wages in January?

If the answer is no, then who is responsible for the answer to that question is why we find ourselves knee deep in embargo’s, not only for the accounts submission. 

All football related debts were paid some months ago and the wages, were paid within a week so this post is 99% inaccurate and btw what the fxxx is Delaware, apart from a small state on the east coast.

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45 minutes ago, DCFC27 said:

Has the embargo actually helped us this year…? Genuinely I’m finding that the tighter our budget the more value we’re getting for money… granted it would be nice if we could get 2/3 more player to help us change a game but I’m quite happy with our starting 11 

Fair points - it would be nice to have another centre forward of the type that can run fast, score goals and compete with championship centre half’s - if we did we probably would have to sell them?

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11 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

All football related debts were paid some months ago and the wages, were paid within a week so this post is 99% inaccurate and btw what the fxxx is Delaware, apart from a small state on the east coast.

Have you proof that all football related debts have been paid?

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1 hour ago, Jayram said:

Words fail me. Look at what he has done to this club in 6 short years, look at the state we are in both on and off the pitch. He is the sole architect of this chaos. 
He will eventually walk away from the mess he has created with his fortune very much intact while our club will be lucky to survive...

Watching the SSN transfer deadline day headlines and seeing clubs that 'could have been us', seeing clubs signing players that would come here, it makes it very difficult to disagree with you Jayram.

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1 hour ago, Eatonram said:

What do you want, a spreadsheet? It has been widely reported that Morris has funded Derby to the tune of £200m during his tenure. I haven’t checked the figure. Can we both agree it is a lot of money that no one else has stumped up?

A spreadsheet would be great, from anyone. I think him funding us to the tune of 200m is greatly exaggerated. Ignore the amount he paid for the club and ground. He has that as an asset he can sell at anytime (if he, Pearce, Samuelson, eBay, etc. can find a buyer).  I can agree he has stumped up a ‘lot of money since purchase, but who is to say that no one else would have instead? What is for sure, much of what Morris has stumped up was wasted on high player fees and wages. From the outside it looks like he only had sufficient monies for a 3-4 year splurge, during which time he expected one of his Managers to get him to the Premier League. For the last couple of years the club has been run down to the bare bones, and looks like a husk compared to what it was when he took over custody. 

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I've got a feeling the embargo will be lifted soon and we'll be able to bring in a couple of players we wanted.

If not, we can still survive this league even with a points deduction. Having Knight come back into the squad soon and Bieliek back in a couple of months, they are probably better than any signing we could wish for. 

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37 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

All football related debts were paid some months ago and the wages, were paid within a week so this post is 99% inaccurate and btw what the fxxx is Delaware, apart from a small state on the east coast.

They were the group that owned/leased the food and beer outlets on the concourse.

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1 hour ago, atherstoneram said:

Doesn't really matter whether it's a Derby supporter or not he has seriously messed up. Some think because, to use their words, "he is one of us" that he shouldn't get so much flak, would people be so defensive if the owner was Sheikh Mah Whilly or Crown Prince Mustafa Laugh who also claimed to love the club and only had the clubs interest at heart etc. The only interest he had in his heart was his own,he wanted to bask in the glory of taking the club to the promised land but once it failed he was lost and didn't know what to do

I doubt ANYBODY thinks he's done a good job, you're missing the point entirely.

I'd like him gone, I just don't see fit to relentlessly pillory the guy when he clearly tried hard to deliver.

You do.

We're different.

As for basking in the glory.

That's just your opinion based on nothing other than what you want to believe.

You don't know the guy. You don't know that's the case.

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8 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I doubt ANYBODY thinks he's done a good job, you're missing the point entirely.

I'd like him gone, I just don't see fit to relentlessly pillory the guy when he clearly tried hard to deliver.

You do.

We're different.

As for basking in the glory.

That's just your opinion based on nothing other than what you want to believe.

You don't know the guy. You don't know that's the case.

No i don't know the guy,but i have seen him emblazoned all over the back pages when he signed Lampard / Rooney but when the going gets tough he makes the various supporters groups sign a NDA and has the audacity to say if fans start booing him he could walk away.That tells me all i need to know about the guy.

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1 hour ago, TuffLuff said:

Don’t particularly want to get into this too much and fear putting my head over the parapet with this, but I have long wondered how much our local investors in the last 20 years have had the true best interest of the football club at heart. I guess what I’m saying is who’s come in with the intention of being the chairman for 10-20 years with a long term plan. To me, it’s been a plan to get that prem money asap and that pursuit over 20 years has been absolutely fruitless.

Surely every Rams fan also wanted to get to the Prem asap?

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2 hours ago, Charlotte Ram said:

All football related debts were paid some months ago and the wages, were paid within a week so this post is 99% inaccurate and btw what the fxxx is Delaware, apart from a small state on the east coast.

Lol!! 99% nice.

You have no idea who Delaware are, and for this and all other points the answer is the club.

Delaware provide the hospitality and catering at the ground, mostly all the stuff for the restaurants and match day hospitality we don't see as well as the front of house. Owed millions by the club.

The inaccuracy might be that some of these have now been cleared so not currently responsible for the current continued embargo, but the HMRC one continues to be and although the others may have been removed they all play a part in the state we find ourselves.

So, for the current state of the club I'll concede 20% inaccuracy in the post due to them not being the current reason.. the other 80% I'll stand by as the reason we find ourselves in this plight.

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3 hours ago, TheSlate said:

Not taking this seriously due to mis-use of apostrophe. 

As one who has dyslexia I had to find the apostrophe to see what you were getting at ?

You were lucky though, half the time I spell a word and it doesn't pick up it is spelt wrong but it means something completely different so it can be 'interesting' to say the least when I miss it ?


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53 minutes ago, England Ram said:

Lol!! 99% nice.

You have no idea who Delaware are, and for this and all other points the answer is the club.

Delaware provide the hospitality and catering at the ground, mostly all the stuff for the restaurants and match day hospitality we don't see as well as the front of house. Owed millions by the club.

The inaccuracy might be that some of these have now been cleared so not currently responsible for the current continued embargo, but the HMRC one continues to be and although the others may have been removed they all play a part in the state we find ourselves.

So, for the current state of the club I'll concede 20% inaccuracy in the post due to them not being the current reason.. the other 80% I'll stand by as the reason we find ourselves in this plight.

I'm not arguing against your post because I genuinely don't know the situation. 

It's my understanding that Delaware North own 50% of ClubDCFC, who provide the catering. I presume it changed with the new set up, but my understanding was that they took the catering proceeds, and paid us a set fee, which was tied to the match day attendance. In this scenario  they would pay us, so it's hard to see how we owe them.

I suppose what I'm asking is, why do we owe them money and how do you know about it?

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