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Posts posted by i-Ram

  1. 8 minutes ago, David said:

    The boring but factual reply to your question would be....nobody on here knows.

    There is a business plan in place, a plan which the details have not and will not be made public, so how could we know?

    Even with those details, it really depends on where that puts us in Warne's mind, he might feel like it's the best budget he's ever had, or feels like it's going to be a struggle.

    So yeah, it's a discussion killer of an answer, but nobody knows.

    God knows 😉

    Yep Yes GIF by BrabantinBeelden

  2. 30 minutes ago, AshfieldRam said:

    Unpopular opinion...

    I think it's admirable that he wants to play out the end of his career at his boyhood club. Certain players of that age might chase the money (Players going to the Saudi League for example), but he is doing this from his support and love of Notts County. 

    I would love him to stay, but hats off to his motives if he does go. 

    I think you will find that as a little boy Karim Benzema had loads of pictures of Saudi Pro League Al-Ittihad on his bedroom wall. The money is really an ancillary consideration.


  3. 7 minutes ago, TomTom92 said:

    I’ve got no proof. But I’d be very surprised if no offers came him for him during the last 2 years of him being here. He sat on a big fat contract rather than playing..his prerogative but not stuff of comic books is it.
    I could be wrong and maybe he never had an offer to leave but I doubt it. 

    Ok, but I didn’t read beyond I’ve got no proof.

  4. 1 hour ago, TomTom92 said:

    Nobody was as big a waste of money than that cockroach Anya.

    Why do you call him a cockroach? My understanding, which is limited admittedly, is that he was signed on a transfer fee with instalments based on appearances/milestones. It was the club who didn’t want to play him rather than him not wanting to play. He kept himself fit, and played for the youth teams, therefore I think you are being harsh. I would have probably sat on my contract in his situation. Another Mel classic signing for a manager he got rid of a few weeks later.

  5. 8 hours ago, Raich Carter said:

    Are we sure we owe anything to Arsenal? I thought paid off/settled as part of the Administration process. Can't see why Clowes would take that debt on when Arsenal, along with all the other creditors, were made an offer of Xp in the £.

    Football creditors have to be paid at 100% to retain EFL membership. There was no advantage to Clowes paying Arsenal off early, when 4 year payment terms were in existence. We still owe instalment(s) due under the contract. I don’t know the figure, but many seem to state it to be £1.5m outstanding in total. I can’t see any club coming up with that personally over the summer, but I would be happy to be surprised. Very poor value for money. Anyaesque.

  6. 23 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    Well today guys on my way home on the way home this old man in his late 70s decide to wreck this poor little girl for sitting the disabled bit I oh no need for that just say excuse me I want to sit there he told me f off I said manners cost nrothing.

    Thing is this old man on those scooter things decided to tryed run our little dog over I shouted at him what has he done to you go around him he was going to say something to me I throught go on make my day.



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