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Posts posted by i-Ram

  1. 4 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    "Stability. Integrity. Progress" probably comes in to it.

    Clowes has clearly chosen the path he wants to go down and believes Warne to be that man. 1 season in and we narrowly missed out on the playoffs. It's not the end of the world, and there are some very simple areas to improve on to ensure we meet our target next season - promotion. Stability means we stick with the manager who has a very realistic possibility of winning promotion.
    The progress bit will come in to it next season. Limping along between 5th and 10th all season wouldn't be progress, but Warne would still have the chance to finish the season to achieve the target. Failure should be a sackable offence IMO. A very strong attempt at challenging for top 2, but not going up would probably be enough for him to keep his job.

    You say he's been rubbish, and in a lot of aspects of management I would tend to agree with you. Squad management, recruitment, academy integration, in game management, etc. The reality is, we don't know what has been discussed in the boardroom to justify the decisions which have been made. But, there's very little margin for error next season and the actions shouldn't be excused by 'EFL restrictions'.

    Thanks for the reply GOC. My post actually was very tongue in cheek, and my idea of paradoxical humour. Warne is not my cup of tea at all, but clearly he must have something as Clowes is clearly no mug. I hope his investment in Warne works out as Clowes deserves it to, but I am not convinced we are going down the right road (and promotion in itself might not persuade me otherwise). All the best.

  2. I’m up for Warne having all of next season. Irrespective of contract length Clowes has to give him a further 12 months to objectively determine his performance, and our general direction of travel.

    As much as we need a step up in team/squad depth and quality, we also need to see Warne make the step-up. He still seems like a Rotherham manager to me, both in terms of style and mentality. 

  3. Haven’t read through this thread since 11.30 yesterday. My two penneth, for what worth, is that we played well, deserved something - at least the point - but were let down yesterday by our 3 players of the season:

    1) Mendez Laing looked shot. I think I could have done more with the ball than he did, and I am 61.

    2) McGoldrick’s miss just before half time was shocking. He tried to be cute, with a worldy chip, but he just needed to put his boot through it a yard either side of Dawson.

    3) Wildsmith lacked bravery or nous with that Davies pass back.  He should have been putting his boot through that ball. It was a poor pass back yes, but it was at worst a 50 50 for Wildsmith and he could have done so much better.

    Not a Warne fan, but didn’t think he did too much wrong yesterday. Davies was unlucky to be penalised for his pull back, and the dismissal was a terrible way to end his playing career at the club.

    I still think this season has been a failure. We should have got in the top 6, and looking at Wednesday yesterday, if we had we could have had a stab at Wembley.

    Ahh well. It’s only football, not life and death. Up the Rams!

  4. 2 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    As a Plastic, I agree with you. This deal does nothing to enhance the experience of a match-attending football supporter. But no one should be surprised by that. Football sold its body and soul many, many years ago, and die-hard supporters have been royally f***** ever since.

    Oh and by the way, the football clubs voted for this. How will they use these new monies? To balance the books? Perhaps a small few.   But the majority are more likely to line footballers, and their grubby agents, pockets. Will clubs improve the matchday experience and facilities? Will clubs implement the twenty is plenty policy? Don’t hold your breath.

  5. 13 hours ago, angieram said:

    BTW, you can immediately tell people who don't go to games on here.

    Don't ever moan again about the atmosphere at games because we already put ourselves out big time to provide the atmosphere for your entertainment. That's going to get even more difficult,  whichever division we find ourselves in next season.

    As a Plastic, I agree with you. This deal does nothing to enhance the experience of a match-attending football supporter. But no one should be surprised by that. Football sold its body and soul many, many years ago, and die-hard supporters have been royally f***** ever since.

  6. 1 hour ago, Andicis said:

    But top half isn't necessarily a great metric. Playing Ipswich or Wednesday is not equal to playing against Charlton, Fleetwood or Lincoln. Rosenior didn't beat any of the latter 3. Also lost to Plymouth, but beat Barnsley and Peterborough and Wycombe. 

    Form smooths out over the season sure, but factors when we actually played the teams in question are relevant. It's not giving him a free pass, in fact in not considering these things I would say it would be being disingenuous. Rosenior had Barnsley, Peterborough, Plymouth and Wycombe at home, all the ones he won. 

    You should be a Tory MP

  7. 16 minutes ago, Rich3478 said:

    Would imagine they’ll pick two games to show Sunday.

    us and Wednesday, Barnsley and Peterborough the obvious ones

    plymouth and Ipswich going for the title is nowhere near as interesting.

    So two teams vying to be Champions against Derby playing for 6th position. I wonder what your interest would be if you weren’t a Rams fan?

  8. 8 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    I miss not feeling under immense pressure and strain almost every hour I'm not sleeping. 

    I think a tremendous number of young people feel the same way. The pressure, much of it from peer groups, but also media and parental, to be seen to achieve and succeed nowadays is hugely out of whack. Look after yourself. 

  9. 8 hours ago, S8TY said:

    This is annoying .....I was sat near a family ( well at least i thought they were ) and they were chatting away during the game and even asking who certain players were??! grrrrr plenty of fans didn't get tickets , there has to be a way of making sure proper fans get first dibs on tickets and leave the have a day out brigade until last if theres any left 

    Hear hear.

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