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Posts posted by i-Ram

  1. 19 hours ago, Foreveram said:

    Wouldn’t miss the party, wouldn’t want to miss the party, all the family will be there, but it will potentially be my first away game miss for about 5 years.( apart from the Covid season).

    It will have to be radio Derby in an earpiece discreetly in one ear like I did at my daughters wedding a few years back when we played Yeovil away.😂

    Bloody half fans. It will be up to us diehards then to cheer the boys on in the semi, and final. Don’t all rush to PM me with ticket offers. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, On the Ram Page said:


    I am generally a serious individual but I can can take a joke too. The majority of the topics on this site are “serious” though and people care deeply about their club. There is a time and a place to be flippant and when someone tries to give praise where it is totally due (I.e. Rams TV) it is annoying to read comments like yours. I know you probably don’t mean to offend people but just take a moment to see if your comments are apt, rather than just make a jokey headline. Peace.


    Mothers Day Lol GIF by reactionseditor

  3. 1 minute ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I'd like to think I'm pretty impartial when it comes to judging penalty decisions against us. I certainly don't think there's a grand EFL conspiracy (sorry @uttoxram75).

    But I can't understand how anyone can watch that clip and think it's a penalty. I'd think we were very lucky if it were the other way round.

    Their player got ahead of White, and was arguably in a goalscoring position when White ran into him. Not an intentional foul, and yes, soft, but I can see why the Ref gave it. I can’t see why Warne would argue so strenuously against it, other than a) frustration and b) to deflect from the performance. More often than not, a Ref will give that. 

  4. 4 hours ago, sage said:

    Last week white was pushed over with 2 hands in his back and then fell on the player who fouled him.

    This was a trip. Completely different 

    In his back? And despite that, White then somehow fell on him in that split second of contact. I’ve had a few beers today, but that all seems a stretch to me. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    You're right! Last week's was a foul by their player and this week's was a foul by their player...

    Mmmh. Carnero, my friend, we both know that on each occasion the defending player got ‘surprised’ by the attacker coming at pace from behind, and the attacker gets caught by a clumsy foot. Both penalties, but arguably unlucky on the part of each defender. On both occasions too, the Managers were using the opportunity to moan about the penalty to deflect from a poor performance overall by their side.

  6. 12 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    I think that you need to Google 'Specsavers near me'. Follow the link and get an appointment.

    Come on Mr Magoo. Tell me the difference in the two penalties. The one Warne moaned about and the one he didn’t.

  7. 8 hours ago, Sufferingfool said:

    Aside from a disjointed first 10 minutes or so we looked a coherent unit out there today. The wingbacksi pushed up high in support of the front three and despite the need for an out and out striker we created chance after chance. Thought Burton defended very well and were never truly out of the game though we dominated. 
    Had with me Boro and Palace supporting relatives who both commented on our energy throughout the game and the high number of balls we were getting in the box, 4 nil would not have flattered us. 
    Knight was at his best at wingback, Roberts was excellent for periods and Sibley Didzy and ML work well up front.
    A word for Curtis who I thought was finished…. that word is legend. 
    Keep this up for two more games and we will enter the playoffs with just a sniff of a chance. 

    Wingbacksi? I hope he offers better value than Bielik and Jozwiak. Bloody Poles, coming over here, with their high energy, fixing our taps, and using up our supermarket fridge capacity with spicy sausage and Tyskie.  Bloody Poles.


  8. 3 hours ago, David said:

    In response to all the soft talk over Burton.

    When the handful Burton fans start singing “Derby’s a poo hole, I want to go home” today, which they will, it’s the generic away fan chant, will those on here upset by the comments on Burton be equally offended by such vile chanting about the city of Derby?

    Or will you just brush it off, call it football banter?

    I suspect the latter. As you should.

    For those with fond childhood memories of Burton, great, I have fond childhood memories of pink custard. I won’t sit on here and be offended by those that wish to mock my pink custard, nor will I attempt to force some kind of close connection to all of our childhoods with pink custard as it simply won’t be there for some.

    I was born in Derby, lived there for the first 17 years or so of my life, I have zero connection to Burton as a town. The only memories I have is holding my nose as we passed through. That smell might trigger fond memories, as does the fresh smell of fish in Grimsby, it is a smell though and just like aftershave, perfumes and flowers, we all either love or hate the smell. I hate the smell.

    I have never been to a Burton game because Derby were away.

    I did not like the appointment of Nigel Clough from day 1.

    I do not like having to hear about Burton Albion on Radio Derby.

    I did not feel any special connection over a pre season friendly, likewise with Mickleover Sports, Alfreton Town, Chesterfield and all these smaller clubs around us.

    So I personally won’t sit here and fake some kind of relationship with the town or club and if that offends anyone, well I don’t know what to say. Maybe look away until this game is over if it’s that distressing for you.

    Go listen to their manager trying to talk this game up as a local Derby, a rivalry, doesn’t sound like a brother and sister close relationship from their side.

    If I was to talk about having a close connection to our genuine rivals Forest, being offended when anyone mocks the city or how many fingers they have, I would be laughed out of here. 

    It’s just a town, it’s just football and it’s having a laugh.

    For those might be unaware, I met @Boycie over on a Forest forum where we were taking the piss, from that this forum was born.

    We had a similar sense of humour, enjoyed the ribbing and wanted that humorous atmosphere. Whilst I appreciate since then the forum has blown up and others do not wish to come here for any kind of humour, that is the roots of this forum. Chill out a bit, it’s really not that serious.

    This forum used to have humour? I wish I had joined then.

  9. 4 hours ago, On the Ram Page said:

    While we are all in a good mood following the win at Exeter and over the next 2/3 weeks filling this website with our opinions of our next 3 performances, can I take this opportunity to have an early shout out for RAMS TV.

    Over the last turbulent couple of years the one thing that has remained a quality constant has been Rams TV, providing us with a professional, objective assessment of our matches (take note Radio Derby). I remember Owen Bradley occasionally commentating on Radio Derby and thought how good and informative he was at the time. He has risen to new heights over the last couple of years and (despite a few dodgy suits) is perfect for Rams TV,  keeping his commentary succinct and to the point. Shaun Barker is the perfect foil and his professional insight is well worth listening to - I can  “see what he was trying to do there” being his catchphrase. Getting Owen to Rams TV a was probably the best decision Mel Morris made during his time in charge!

    Obviously, they are the frontmen for a quality team in the background and well done to all the nameless helpers in producing a great service.

    So personally, thank you Owen & Shaun for your fantastic work. Hopefully, every one else who appreciates your work will show that by “Loving” this post in a mark of respect, as I know you do read this website.

    Is this on Freeview? If so what channel? I might give it a go.

  10. 2 hours ago, David said:

    2 of the 4 games have been against Real Madrid, Chelsea despite spending all that money still have that minor issue of no strikers.

    But he played Bennett ahead of Marriott at Wembley right, that’s all that matters 🤪

    You still a Fanboy? I accept, but disagree mostly with your views on his time with Derby, but surely you must acknowledge the guy has little tactical nous as a Manager. Talks nicely, and quite probably is a very nice man, but the guy from the Independent article above nails his ineptitude. Time for him to look after the kids and let Christine plan for the next 7 matches.

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