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Posts posted by i-Ram

  1. 20 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    For what it's worth - and I know the usual suspects won't care - the reason I posted the GB News tweet was specifically in response AND AGREEMENT with the comment @David made

    It was bad timing that the tweet in question was thrust into my Twitter feed at more or less the same time.

    I didn't  intend for it to spark the same old debate, just highlighting that what we all clearly think, as sensible, sensitive human beings  - that idle speculation on the perpetrator and his motives is absolutely wrong. That innocent people have died and that should be respected - was being 100% ridden over roughshod by scumbag media (who lest we forget - we've all been advised by one poster we should all be following in order to get a "balanced view") - who couldn't wait to start posting gossip on their Twitter feed using the perpetrators race as a dog whistle for the dregs of humanity to all come out and start advocating for race wars etc

    That is all. Let's not discuss it further out of respect for the victims

    @GboroRam when you log on can you note Stive would like you to close down discussion on this thread. In fact, perhaps wipe the hard drive for him while you are at it. If you are good at IT could you have a look at his Twitter feed too. I don’t like the idea of him having information thrusted upon him. Perhaps there is simply a knob which you can dial down for him?

  2. 31 minutes ago, David said:

    On this planet, we have good and bad people of all nationalities, skin colour, and genders.

    Do not let outlets like the Daily Mail or GB News let you believe otherwise, distracting the story away from 3 innocent lives being taken yesterday.

    Not only are they 3 innocent lives, it's a city where many on this forum live and may have connections to those that sadly lost their lives.

    That's the real story here. 

    This is not the platform to bring attention to any of the race baiting content freely accessible on other platforms, or to score points against those of you that like to lock horns derailing topics in this particular board.

    3 innocent lives were taken yesterday.

    All very fair points David - as ever you distill the position beautifully.

    However, we now live in the age of social media where everyone has a platform for their views. Sadly we are almost at the point where life has become cheap, and good and bad people of all nationalities, skin colour, and genders use events such as this kind of tragedy to push their agendas.

    As you say, 3 innocent lives were taken yesterday. Tragic.

  3. 38 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Fair enough, these threads get a little complicated at times between what has actually been said and Archied's version of what has been said.

    I'm not sure what my normal posting mode is, but I don't think it's to use a tragic thread like this to moan about right wing news methods of generating revenue.

    FWIW I have you down as part of the deluded metropilitan elite. Itching to debate the hot topics of the day with someone like @Stive Pesleyover a latte and croisant in a boho cafe house on a leafy street in Islington. 

    Which for the record is perfectly fine, and amuses me greatly. Have a good day and enjoy your broccoli pangrattato pasta dish later. Delicious!

  4. 21 minutes ago, Anon said:

    Good to see you're laser focused on the pertinent issue as usual. Innocent people literally stabbed to death in the street, whatever, just part and parcel of living in a modern vibrant city. People saying nasty things online, now this is the real problem.

    Inspiring Tim Tebow GIF by Home Free

  5. 1 hour ago, Rev said:

    The missus went into meltdown on spotting Danni, claiming a last minute victory. 

    Unfortunately, she couldn't claim the point, as it was really was her, not a lookalike. 

    She only calmed down when I remarked A place in the Sun obviously had a great make up artist, and she wasn't all that in real life.

    Complete lie obviously, she was absolutely stunning.

    I hear your missus only pretended to calm down.



  6. 11 minutes ago, David said:

    Completely understand the feeling of disappointment with McGoldrick leaving.

    Can't completely understand the frustration with the club.

    In terms of that departure, I'm not sure what we could have expected the club to do in that situation? 

    The player has dropped a level, even took a pay cut to join Notts County, whilst our rivals may see that as some kind of embarrassment, they are clearly ignoring minor details such as seeing out his career at the club he supports.

    Absolutely no embarrassment or shame in that transfer, in fact it's refreshing to see whilst the superstars of the game are chasing that Saudi money.

    You can't help but wish him all the best and hope he has that fairy tale end to his career.

    In terms of our own transfer activity or lack of so far, even if we were to sign 10 players today, our first pre season friendly is 5 weeks away.

    We're not on the eve of the first game with no pre season training with the new players.

    If you want to fully believe every single transfer rumour, that's more on you than the club itself, if you have been a football fan for any length of time during this social media era, you should know how it all works.

    I personally wasn't expecting much if anything until the end of the month at the earliest. The transfer window itself doesn't even officially open until Wednesday.

    I thought the forum would be also be pretty quiet without the drama.

    Anyhow, McGoldrick, you won't be reading this but once again, thanks for everything, wish you all the best at Notts County, hope it works out for you and you can help lift them into League 1.

    It's reasoned posters like you that inhibit the amount of traffic seen through this website.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    I mean I called for Warne’s sacking in March, we’ll ahead of the curve on that one.

    If I remember right weren’t you training to be an actuary? I hope you aren’t looking at my pension with that level of life expectancy.

  8. 1 hour ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Derby are favourites to win the division, you would think players would be jumping at the chance to join us.

    They may also being looking at the ramblings of our online fans and thinking fook that, they are a fickle lot, too demanding with high levels of expectation. 

    Us Army Reaction GIF by GoArmy

  9. @ronnieronaldo - thick skin. Entertaining.

    @Paul - not so thick skin. Enjoyed many of his posts, but he didn’t like to be challenged it seemed at times. Hope he is well as I recall he had some health issues.

    @easthertsram - left, fed up with someone, or something, as I recall. I enjoyed his pithy interjections.

  10. 1 hour ago, Srg said:

    It’s based upon fact of today’s current date.

    If we end up signing no one or waiting til the final week of pre season then have your moans. 

    Most posts on here are based on opinions, not fact. The only facts we have at the moment are:

    1) we have not signed anybody, but the strongest rumour is our first signing will be Rotherham’s reserve keeper.

    2) we couldn’t convince McGoldrick to continue the project.

    3) we seem to have missed out on Roberts who it might have been thought would have been a target for us.

    4) Hourihane didn’t give a convincing answer that he will be with us come September.

    5) it is only 10 June, and the window has not opened yet/players are still on holiday.

    6) it is some 2 months before said window bangs shut.

    I am happy to consider a wide range of differing opinion at the moment. However, personally, I will judge Warne on his achievements (albeit he really is not my ‘cup of tea’). The key benchmarks for me being what the squad looks like come September, and where we are placed in the league come December.

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