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Posts posted by i-Ram

  1. 1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

    Never heard of him, doesn’t seem to find the net a lot - regardless of level he’s been at. Cardiff fans have him down as a trier who lacks quality to be a Championship player. Me, I’d prefer to find players who have ability but may need coaching up to progress as a footballer. 

    A low quality footballer, who runs a lot, isn’t exactly what we’re lacking to be honest. 

    A low quality footballer, who runs a lot, is exactly what we will be looking at to be honest.

  2. 3 hours ago, CBRammette said:

    "We didn’t get promotion but it wasn’t the end of the world". 
    what an excellent interview. I love this man and his family. I saw his wife in the toilets at pride park and thought it would be inappropriate to hug her but wish I had!

    If she was seated at the time, I for one think you probably exercised good judgment.

  3. 1 hour ago, brady1993 said:

    From my side its a mix of things coming together. The big ones being time, ability to watch games, being more wary over time on my phone and how it effects me mentally, moving to Australia, complex feelings over the club's direction and waning interest in paying attention.

    On the football side of things I've been hesitant to chime in because I'm often catching up on games quite a bit after or not at all. And even then I feel like last season I'd have been repeating myself over and over, it just gets tiring to do it after a while. I just don't feel I have much interesting to add to a discussion that quite frankly I feel there often isn't much to discuss. 

    I do feel like Warne is tactically naive, demonstrates a lack of appreciation for the game's complexity, doesn't seem to have the best technical coaching and isn't the best long term move. I do feel like he will end up effectively wasting a generation of really gifted academy players by turning us into a functional outfit. And I do feel like he underachieved last season and his position should be in question. 

    But he's not going anywhere. He knows the type of players he wants to get to play the way he wants and that will almost be certainly good enough for this division  with his motivation skills and the club's resources. 

    I think most people see some close variation on that and it mostly comes down to how each fan feels about the following as to how they come down on things:

    Functional vs attractive football?

    Possession vs kick n rush football?

    Warnes skill at league 1 vs warne's ability to manage beyond that?

    Are the academy players worth focusing around?

    Success now vs more sustainable growth down the line ? 

    I feel like if I know a fan's answer to those questions there isn't much for me to debate them over. It just becomes the same conversation over and over.

    A lot of what interests in me in talking about football and Derby in general is direction and tactical stuff (or things adjacent to it like selection). The direction is pretty clear to me and it goes against what I personally would like to see and the tactics are pretty basic so there just isn't much to delve into.

    To be clear I'm still a fan, I still want to see derby do well and I hope I'm wrong about Warne and wish him well. He seems a good person and I believe he's doing what he thinks is right be the club and because of that I don't like harping on him too too much. It's more I'm happy to take a more a distant following for now and I've often had periods like this since joining this forum.

    God I miss well written common sense like this.  Good luck in Australia, and look after yourself. You Ram!

  4. 2 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Perhaps @i-Ram is right. It’s not my place to police other people’s thoughts, my initial intention when contributing has always been to try and promote a little rationale, calm and balance where possible, though I recognise I’m typically more on the positive/optimistic with my views so perhaps it has mutated into something I didn’t intend where perhaps I’m being antagonistic myself.
    If it’s irritating one poster it’ll be irritating others and I’ve only truly got control over my own thoughts and rationale, people will feel how they feel about Warne, players, the club, whatever…. I’m on here to engage with a community of fellow Rams fans as I have limited contact with other Rams in the real world, being trapped here in deepest darkest Wales. I don’t want to be driving any division or negativity between fans so I’ll temper those sort of interactions and leave it to others. Life’s too short.

    You really shouldnt take much notice of me; hopefully not many do.

    I post for my own amusement and entertainment. You should do the same. If it pleases you to 'balance out' the negativity on here then knock yourself out, but I think you do need to appreciate that many on an internet forum, me included, often post for reaction rather than necessarily having any serious conviction behind the point being made.

    I can agree with you on two things. Caerphilly is deep and dark, and life is too short.

    Up the Rams!

  5. 26 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    You’ll be pleased to know they’ve done some ball work today

    I sometimes wonder what you do all day Caerphilly? Every 15 minutes it does seem like you are on here defending the club, or a member of the club, or a fan of the club, from any negative reaction, even when it might be made in the lightest of humour. Have a day down at Barry Island and chill a little. 

    Summer Time GIF by Merge Mansion

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    No one has said it's enough. There are 2 months until the transfer window closes!

    Currently, our first team squad contains: 3 GKs, 4 CBs, 2 WBs, 6 CMs, 3SSs, 1CF

    Whilst we don't yet have a squad, we certainly do have enough to pull a team together to run around a few fields prior to our first pre-season game, which is still over a week away.

    I agree. I doubt Warne will let the current squad play with a ball until at least next Thursday.

  7. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    LMAO. Brum only got the 9 points penalty in March and here they are spending a million on Bielik less than 3 months later. Weren't we under umbongo for the majority of three years, pending, during and after, even before admin? Football is indeed a 'funny old game'.

    https://www.efl.com/news/2023/may/efl-statement-birmingham-city/#:~:text=Following a thorough investigation%2C the,prior approval of the EFL.

    Fake news old bean. 

    Donald Trump GIF by CBS News

  8. 2 minutes ago, simmoram1995 said:

    Big Trav any ideas on positions do you know ?

    i’d  guess another CB + LCB/LWB cover on loan 

    Another midfielder who is more versatile on loan 


    a mcgolderick replacement 

    another two  SK one hold up one goal scorer 

    another winger who can play across the three 

    maybe a defensive cover for RB/RWB 


    id imagine 

    X1 free 

    x3 -4 loans 

    2-3 players bought 


    knight gone by the end of the window 

    Bielik obviously 

    odourah Thompson on loan 


    Angry Aubrey Plaza GIF by Parks and Recreation

  9. 7 hours ago, sage said:

    My source who said 6 or 7 weeks ago that Flint had signed, told me it was all agreed but 2 other clubs have offered him 7k a week and we wouldn't match it. 

    How much of this is correct, I don't know, just passing on what I've been  told.

    @Foreveram was pretty confident that Flint was on board too. Any news from your end @Foreveram. Actually, let’s hear it from the Oracle. What’s going on @Big Trav?

  10. 3 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    You're regurgitating the same old rubbish as many others. 

    In terms of end product, Bird's end product is exactly what you expect from a holding mid in a 3 man midfield.
    From open play, he was only 4 goal contributions behind Hourihane (1 more assist) despite playing as the deeper of the two.
    A lot of people keep suggesting Brannagan due to his end product, yet 6 of his goals and 1 assist came from set pieces. He has fewer open play contributions than Bird (8) despite playing a role further up the pitch closer to Hourihane's. Wing is another one - 7 out of his 14 contributions came from set pieces.

    Bird matched Plymouth's best CM, whilst only Morsy bettered him from Ipswich's squad (10),

    I've also gone into great detail to show out 2 man midfield of Bird and Hourihane matched anything Plymouth and Ipswich had last season. Both in terms of goals/assists and defensive contributions. That's before we factor in the other midfielders who contributed when Bird and/or Hourihane weren't on the field.

    Bird would be sorely missed, and his true value to the team will only be appreciated by many after he has gone. Much more important to keep than Knight in my opinion.

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