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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. Whatever his future intentions are he conducted himself with dignity and class whilst at our club …our first ever foreign manager and for me never really got the backing that other managers got like Clement buying poo ? 

    had a lot to put up with it seems with the whole Keogh fiasco and a squad short of top quality when he took over but think he helped our youngsters a lot 

    really wanted him to succeed here but think the whole Rooney thing helped derail things ….I wish the bloke every success in the future 

  2. This really is a calamitous mess and could've all been sorted ages ago now the EFL will appeal ducking Wycombe are on about suing us and we don't have a pot to p*** in ....This could all have been avoided and as much as we've been guilty the EFL could've nipped this in the bud ages ago...its a ducking joke and as usual has Zero to do with the actual game we love...I'm sick of all of this .....the EFL are a bunch of complete *******

    How about trying to help clubs stay afloat during tough times,,,No!!!! instead lets look at books from years ago!! complete and utter joke!!

    Why don't we now go after QPR and Villa for breaking FFP and beating us at wembley ( not that I'd want us too! ) 

    This has spiralled out of control and not sure how its going to be resolved now but one thing I know is....the EFL could've handled this much better....bunch of *****

  3. I don't agree Mel is blameless at all and in fact think he's been a bloody nightmare especially over the last couple of seasons and didn't IMO need to go on talksport and in a way stoke up the EFL  but do agree we as fans need to get onside with this and stand together because we are in a mess....when Mel and co have gone WE WILL STILL BE HERE supporting this club home and away

    Players,Managers,Chairman,Owners etc come and go but we as fans are forever.............................

    I do like the idea of us fans raising the 100k and presenting it to the EFL on DCFC's behalf...it would be great publicity and send a message to all the bamfords in the EFL including arses like Gibson that we are Derby and we are not going away

    We have been good members of the EFL over the years with good attendances and a good record and we need to stand together and be heard.

    I don't know if David could possibly organise a fund raising appeal but someone said 4000 at 25 quid which I think sounds reasonable but I will be happy to put a 100 quid in ....i've saved well over that not being able to travel to games 

  4. 34 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

    I really don’t see why the EFL are a disgrace, we “bent” the rules, I think we would all agree we broke a number of rules. Therefore we should take whatever punishment they want to dish out. I think only one party is a disgrace and it’s Derby County Football Club. 

    This has to be the post of the day....I mean do you really think the EFL are anything but a total disgrace...we are not blameless I've said as much but the fact its only a 100k fine says a lot and then to put out two sets of fixtures is nothing short of laughable!!

    I love football but the game is going to the dogs and the EFL do not help one bit...we have all ben through so much over the last 18 months or so and every football club has suffered so do dig into figures regarding amortisation is a joke when clubs are struggling ...there is absolutely no point anyone with any big money behind them getting involved with EFL clubs 

    The EFL is supposed to be fair and look after clubs with FFP rules etc but yet dig and dig and appeal and bring clubs down rather than helping in any way and it is a disgrace....many clubs bend the rules but seem to be left alone but this is looking like a witch hunt to me with morons like Gibson sticking his oar in

    Why look over the accounts from 4 years ago?? why ?? wasn't they checked at the time then ? 

    The damage that this uncertainty is doing could be felt for years and yet ALL clubs worldwide have had a disastrous period of uncertainty and yet the EFL want to keep going until they get what they want...we are not blameless no but the EFL are a bunch of ******* and thats a fact

  5. Absolute joke and the efl are a disgrace …we are also a shambolic disgrace of a club 

    The implications of this are far worse …who will sign for us not knowing what league we’re going to be in?

    who will invest in us knowing the mess we’re in and the efl are basically encouraging Wycombe to appeal so we can be relegated …if we decide to appeal this will also take ages and also hold us back on both player and investment fronts …joke!!!! Absolute ******** joke!!!

  6. IMO No ....Cocu did not have the Beilik factor whereas Rooney did and  we may well have had a better start to the season if Beilik had played and Rooney was as sharp and fitter as he was the previous season 

    The youngsters have not improved for me under Rooney and we seem bereft of a playing style with results papered over with Beilik in the side, he literally made such a difference.

    This is why I don't get why we didn't get a CDM in on loan for the remainder of the season Bangime hardly played so surely was imperative to get a holding player in when we had the chance to try and fill the gap

  7. 8 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Not at all, it's about the stuff you post. All based on totally ignoring any anti-Rooney bias you have. I've said that after a pre-season and when he gets in some players, that will be the time to judge how well Rooney is doing. But carry on judging him on a situation he was put in that wasn't of his making.

    But you constantly belittled Cocu and he was put in a bad situation too ...please don't tell me he wasn't ??

    No transfer budget when he joined and lacking all of the loans and appointed just before the season started because the Frank to Chelsea situation just dragged on and on even though we all knew it was happening!

    Cocu actually signed some decent players in Byrne,Beilik,Jozwiak,CKR when he eventually could sign players and still think despite his poor start to the season never really seemed to have been backed properly and maybe because the club was already in decline.

    I also think the younger players progressed under Cocu certainly Buchanan, Knight,Sibley and Bird seemed to benefit from his tenure

    It just seems though that you see no wrong in Rooney yet  don't think we are any better off......

    I don't think Rooney will walk away either for a fraction of what he's owed unlike Cocu did 

    Just my opinion but if we get taken over I'd like a new broom situation and clear out all of the coaching team and lets get someone who knows what he's doing 


  8. Been off here for a bit enjoying the Euros and summer sunshine then come back on and read this thread and wham!!!! back to reality !!

    It's no ones fault on here and of course its an important debate but I don't know about anyone else but the seemingly endless problems that are ongoing is really getting to me.....I'd love to be just talking about what we love but that seems way down the list and the EFL and us have really become a laughing stock its embarrasing and draining ...the EFL appeal...The Fine...The points deduction....The Takeover...will we sign anyone...the transfer embargo blah blaaah blaaaah I'd just love it if we could just get this sorted and move on!! It feels painful to be a Derby fan at the moment and yet I love this club and love football , win lose or draw football is why I choose to follow this club all over the country ....it just seems never bloody ending........................sad times indeed ................COYR 

  9. 12 hours ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    I bet this will have been mentioned a number of times but I’ll state the obvious.

    MM wants to sell the club but under the current climate the club is not a good investment. Even if there was no pandemic the club isn’t a good investment but it is better with match day income. 
    I’m not even sure I would want to buy it even if I won the Euromillions record jackpot. If fans were allowed back in and things returned to near normal then it would be easier to take on. I don’t think people are giving MM the credit he deserves by keeping the club afloat. 

    Are we the ONLY club suffering because of the pandemic then ? Some real misjudgments seem to have been made well before any pandemic and would anyone be seriously interested in not only buying the club but being saddled with huge debts 

    I think Mel has tried to help DCFC but mistakes have been made and asking for too much money for the club now will elongate our problems when we need to be moving forward

  10. 31 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    Wow, George is still alive. I thought he dies decades ago like Mildred.

    That was a useful 15 minutes of my life, watching G & M clips on YouTube.

    Saw Brian Murphy walking alone  at Victoria Train station a while back and not one person appeared to recognise him and at first I thought he was a vagrant .... but was definitely him...looks very old now but still very much alive ....

  11. I love football and I love this club but when is it just going to be about football !!! You can blame players and managers and coaches for bad performances on the pitch but how the club is run is down to one person and that’s Mel .....he’s a fan and Thankyou for trying and using your own money to try and help us go forward but the fact is the mess off of the pitch with the efl etc is down to Mel ...I for one will be glad when he’s gone and that is meant with no disrespect to Mel Morris 

  12. Cocu brought in better more consistent players than Rooney has...FACT  I think we'd be gonners already if it wasn't for Clarke,Byrne,Beilik , Colin....just what was the point of bringing in the Everton lad Bangime .....

    Also something  that  really rankles me is this...why did Rooney not keep himself in good enough shape to be able to come on for the last 20mins or so in some games when required and play CDM and use his experience on the pitch to see games out...why? 



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