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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. 6 hours ago, Eaststander7 said:

    The clough years…..rebuild job,great signings, the last period of really shrewd recruitment at DCFC, great team spirit…. Completely undervalued in terms of the job he did….

    interesting that the players from that era agree about this too….ward, Bryson, bucko, Russell etc 


    Brilliant post this ….let’s show these names to Macs lad and our supposed scouting team  …how is he still here is beyond me …jobs for the boys ….part of the reason we’re in this mess 

  2. 6 hours ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Just watched the MOTD highlights of the 0-0 in the cup at the Green Army in 84. Me and dad behind the goal. Surprisingly can remember very little about the game other than their shot hitting both posts. That period has to be even worse than this. Going so close to going bust, other than Bobby a team of ageing players on one last pay day and not an awful lot of hope that things would change. Then came Arthur and the rest is history….

    I was there away at Plymouth packed in like sardines on the terracing and we were woeful that day …it was so dull someone started singing “ you only sing when you’re fishing “ and it was the highlight of the day was a proper poo performance … 

  3. I have to say when I wake up I’m ok until I think of the mess we’re in and it makes me sad because it was avoidable 

    I’ve been home and away when we got relegated to division3 and that felt low but that was mainly football related this is mainly off the pitch stuff not helped by the guardians who were supposed to be looking after the club!!

    what really annoys me though is the years when Nigel was here and we were frugal we brought in players like Martin,Brayford ,Bucko,Ward,Russell,Bryson , Shackell,Keogh without seemingly putting the club in any jeopardy then we spend big money on time wasters like Anya Blackman and co for much more money and much less actual input on the pitch and it really makes me wonder just how macs lad is still in work at our great club when it was necessary to continue finding gems for not big money 

    I’ll always follow but to me we’ve caused this ourselves from the top … sad days indeed 

  4. When Mel took over he inherited a good squad and then supplied the funds for Mac to bring in Thorne on a permanent and a few other players …at that stage I felt we couldn’t be in a better place and we were heading in the right direction 

    A few seasons on and it is a total and utter shambles and although some poor managerial appointments haven’t helped what we as fans have no insight into is how the books are being balanced are the HMRC being paid are staff wages being paid etc etc in other words running a business

    The embarrassing shambolic mess of a once great football club is down to Mel and his associates I’m afraid whether anyone thinks he has good intentions or not …his side of it was to maintain the football club we love and he has failed 

    I’m sick to death of hearing our club being spoke about in such low terms and Mel seemed ok on talksport boasting that he’d had one over on the efl etc but I’m sorry all we as fans asked of Mel was to run the club we adore ….properly !!! He has failed and for me I certainly will never forgive him for the mess we are in ….managers make bad decisions so do players but that’s part of the game …but crossing the tees and dotting the I’s on the business side we trusted Mr Morris and he has let us down …good intentions or not 

  5. 5 minutes ago, nottingram said:

    Easy to criticise the EFL but they do deserve some credit for showing some common sense here. Would’ve been easy for them to sit behind their rules that didn’t allow for this.

    Still a bunch of bankers though

    Disagree and this is not a dig at you or anyone on here but the EFL are a ducking disgrace …where is it right that an organisation with input from fellow chairman like wankpot Gibson can literally dictate who we can sign and how much we can offer etc it’s a disgrace and they should be ashamed of themselves but they won’t be all the time chairman of other clubs in our division have an input …the way Sheff Weds and us and Bury and Macclesfield Bolton etc have been treated is abysmal it should be independent at all times for fairness but we are now supposedly happy that we can sign a few players for a few months ffs ….what has happened to our great game ? I’ve never seen so many pages and pages of talk about finance and things we fans don’t really want to know about  I find it tedious and I love football the game not all of this finance amortisation crap I really believe this is turning fans away …I will never stop going to games but even my enthusiasm to sit on motorways for hours on end up and down the country is waining…pre season used to be a time of excitement a new signing or two a new season yet this great game seems to dragged back time after time by the efl and there bunch of hangers on with motives of there own …rant over …sorry guys COYR





  6. He’s being loyal? Roy I’d expect any manger we have to be loyal as you call it 

    The problem I see here is this…we are quite obviously in a right mess and my question is Roy is Rooney the correct person to be taking this on?? 
    he may sound great in interviews etc but at this moment in time take a step back and ask if we didnt have a manager would Rooney be the choice ??

    ive thought long and hard about this recently and I don’t think it’s fair on Rooney so here’s my ten penneth worth 

    of all the managers out there out of work I’d go for Alex Neill ( not my first choice by any stretch ) but know this division and can work on limited budgets ….we need experience  at the helm because this league will soon fall away from us if we get off to a bad start …Rooney is a top guy but for me the wrong choice at this moment ….

  7. 18 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    Defensively Byrne is a pretty average player but he was our most dangerous player going forward last season in terms of chance creation I believe. If we sell him I'd be extremely disappointed, he is one of the few assets we actually have in the team that provides width and is a reliable option in his position.

    He’s defensive covering especially on crosses to the back post though are much better than what Bogle provide and for me was massively overrated 

    Byrne was one of our best players last season we must try and keep him if possible 

  8. 16 hours ago, Terry Hennessy said:

    I liked Clarke but I'd say 1. He was never coming back 2. For saying how good I thought he was - we have been susceptible to crosses for so many years and Clarke never seemed to make much difference to that....we still switched off and let in "howlers" 3. The fact that he's gone out on loan for a 3rd season indicates that nobody is willing to gamble on him with a permanent move.... time to move on.

    It’s not just down to one person that we conceded headers Clarke rarely lost a header that’s a fact and yes of course we move on!!! What bloody choice do we have I don’t care if no one is willing to sign him permanently we don’t know all of the facts but I’d have signed him permanently on a long deal and made him captain he’s still young and players of Clarke’s ilk are well out of our range instead we are now shopping not only in Lidl but in the reduced aisle in Lidl 

  9. 3 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    WBA outbid Sheffield United then - Brighton have made some money out of Clarke haven’t they? 

    he was ok for us but a long way from being excellent so good luck to him 

    He was excellent for us without a doubt and will be sorely missed I would’ve made him captain he’s so reliable and virtually unbeatable in the air ….such a shame ?

  10. On 07/07/2021 at 17:05, GenBr said:

    We've got no money and we're under a transfer embargo. You can blame our scouting team for a lot of things, but they've got both their hands tied behind their back whilst trying to walk a tightrope with a blindfold on atm. Don't really think you can critcise them too much this time.

    This is when we need a good scouting network/set up...we have no money and we're not after players on big wages and fees etc we need a scouting team who can unearth some talent without it costing a fortune.

    Jagielka is not a player scouts need to get involved with as most know him ...what I'd like to see is us signing a few players no one has heard of and then them turning out to be decent signings...this virtually never happens with our inadequate scouting department 

    lets have a look in Ireland and Scotland etc maybe....I don't wear this arms tied behind there back...there stipulation should be go and find some good young players from lower leagues and abroad etc if they can't do that which I doubt they can then lets get a new team in because it doesnt work 


  11. ffs well hearing that Jagielka and Stearman might be options really gets the pulse racing …wow!! I mean come on surely there are some younger lower league players who we could be looking at ffs there has been a lot of players been let go by there clubs due to financial reasons and yet we are looking at Statler and Waldorf !!! 
    Stearman is utter poo I’m afraid I’d rather try Buchanan there than sign him ….our scouts are the envy of the league 

    This really is sad times at our club ….going to be a long hard season 


  12. 1 hurdle cleared and another one to clear....two things spring to mind for me

    1. If they want us to re-evaluate the books regarding amortisation what happens if we are just outside of FFP? when they approved them originally when submitted ? if they dare to give us a points deduction like some are saying how is that right if we've already had them approved ?

    2. The statement from the EFL saying " regrettably" is nothing short of an utter disgrace and looks to be very personal rather than professional, we are either guilty or not guilty and if they can't pursue an appeal because of advice given to them they should realise that maybe it is best to move on and draw a line under the matter but the statement tells you how much it is personal probably fuelled by others like Gibson....it really is quite amateurish and think after reading that they'll try there best to give us a hefty points deduction this season but after accepting our original figures think they're once again making it look like a witch hunt.....they really are a bunch of absolute bankers and Gibson can duck off as well .....would love to see us do well this season just to show them but think its going to be very tough 

  13. Just now, RoyMac5 said:

    For the last time. When Rooney has had a pre-season and some opportunity to sign/loan players then judge him.

    You didn't cut Cocu any slack for a rushed pre season where he had to evaluate all of the players then got given players who seemed not to fit Dowell for example ...but Rooney gets a full pre season and players before he's judged?? and he's had enough time to have at least got some form of playing style but instead we try to match teams like Rovrum up !!  ....astonishing!!!! lets move on !!!

  14. 5 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Yeah. Cocu kept picking him and you say he didn't want to lose his job?! ?

    Why do you see Rooney as any better than Cocu ...I accept you didn't like Cocu that is obvious...you were very quiet when we played well and always found fault yet Rooney with a worse record and seemingly devoid of any direction/progress can do no wrong ?? Why ? 1 win in 15 games was woeful against some pretty poor teams as well 

  15. 3 minutes ago, rynny said:

    No I didn't say that. Rooney was meant to help with communicating what Cocu wanted, if the message wasn't clear then Rooney should have said something. As Rooney said himself, he was the link between the management and the players. So if the players were confused why hasn't it been said to Cocu, Twan and Chris that they didn't understand, why didn't the players say to Rooney we don't understand, what didn't Rooney say that they didn't understand?

    I could see what we were trying to do under Cocu, I could see what the plan was, but he got dealt a poo hand, didn't have a proper pre season with the squad, he didn't have a proper transfer window and was hampered by injuries to key players. The players he bought were nearly all improvements on who they replaced. The youth players were managed correctly, and were improving consistently, when the football clicked last season it was brilliant to watch, at times it didn't and it was slow and ponderous and frustrating, but that annoyed Cocu as much as the fans. 

    Everyone sees what they want to see, you didn't like Cocu but you do Rooney, I liked Cocu but not Rooney. Rooney could change my mind but Cocu will never change yours now, unless he was crazy enough to come back (which won't happen). 

    Great post sir....

  16. 25 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    The thing where this 'Cocu would have had them...' falls down is, the players were confused by what Cocu was doing, it wasn't working. They may have liked the man but they couldn't get his football aims. Curtis Davies' comments on the training under Cocu back that up.

    And yes if he was able to bring in a bit more quality who could understand his philosophy we may well have seen better progress, we played some great stuff at times Stoke 4-0 at home for example but it was falling down last season with some poor performances I agree....but maybe the problem was not all Cocu's fault.....maybe bring in players who could understand what he wanted mightve helped    not players he seemed to have been given rather than chose like Dowell and Paterson, they didn't seem like his choices to me 

    He brought in Beilik and his few games for Rooney were key as it papered over cracks ....I think we would've gone down without those Beilik games 

  17. 21 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    The thing where this 'Cocu would have had them...' falls down is, the players were confused by what Cocu was doing, it wasn't working. They may have liked the man but they couldn't get his football aims. Curtis Davies' comments on the training under Cocu back that up.

    it is no better with Rooney but you can see nothing wrong with someone who's record is worse....the younger players progressed under Cocu Bird for example was a much better player and like some others seem to have regressed under Rooney 

  18. I believe Cocu would've helped the younger players he also made good decisions like letting Bogle and Lowe go and got Beilik Byrne, Colin and Joz in....it was never going to be a quick fix using so many young players and we are no better off now ....worse in fact I'd say

    I'm all for change if it makes us better............. and it hasn't been 

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