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Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward

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8 hours ago, SirBrian said:

Ashley was my original choice, however he sold Newcastle for a reported £350 million, he could have bought Derby for around £50 million making himself a very good return of around £300 million, yet he has sat back and watched the club disintigrate with the loss of the future academy players for peanuts, and alongside established senior players that the club have had to sell.

The structure of the club is broken and the rebuild of the club need not have been needed if Ashley had stepped in and bought the club, 2 to 3 months ago he would have had a team along with a fantastic academy already in place,

Ashley is a big NO

Derby are nowhere near the size of Newcastle who pack out 52k every week so not sure what relevance £350M has. And in terms of wealthiness of buyers to be paying that sort of money then Ashley sold to arguably the richest entity in the world, the Saudi state. They are in a club of one in terms of purchasing power to pay a fee like that. He must've thought he'd been dreaming when they came along.

He'd have done well to sell us for £100M. And having bought us for £50M (your numbers) requiring a whole new playing squad and 2 promotions to even get a chance of a 8 figure valuation then I'd suggest the risk isn't worth the reward at that price hence probably walked away if the number can't go low enough. With a business head on we should all be able to see the same, like Ashley will have no doubt done, so stripping out the emotion of being a fan, I've no issues whatsoever with him.


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2 hours ago, SillyBilly said:

Derby are nowhere near the size of Newcastle who pack out 52k every week so not sure what relevance £350M has. And in terms of wealthiness of buyers to be paying that sort of money then Ashley sold to arguably the richest entity in the world, the Saudi state. They are in a club of one in terms of purchasing power to pay a fee like that. He must've thought he'd been dreaming when they came along.

He'd have done well to sell us for £100M. And having bought us for £50M (your numbers) requiring a whole new playing squad and 2 promotions to even get a chance of a 8 figure valuation then I'd suggest the risk isn't worth the reward at that price hence probably walked away if the number can't go low enough. With a business head on we should all be able to see the same, like Ashley will have no doubt done, so stripping out the emotion of being a fan, I've no issues whatsoever with him.


Yes, this is exactly why DCFC hasn't attracted many serious bids. More than likely Kirchner is willing to throw the non footballing creditors under the bus. This is not a great way to start, considering many of those creditors will be local businesses and supporters of the club. I guess we will never get to see Kirchner's business plan, but it would make interesting reading. I imagine it would be a plan loaded with optimistic forecasts on gate receipts and merchandise sales. This could be a problem if the team languishes and crowd numbers drop below the break even point needed to service the cost of new debt and the stadium rent. In all likelihood it will be a minimum 4-5 yrs  of austerity football. On a positive, if Kirchner does complete, the club is saved from liquidation. In no way are we looking at a happy ending, more of a 'live to fight another day' ending.....

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This is either going to be an exciting,  confident guy who is determined to take us places to match his own ego....or a complete disaster. 

Gotta admit it's more exciting than Appleby. Really don't know. 

But in hindsight his actions before Xmas make me feel better not worse. He made an offer he thought was reasonable- was largely derided - and walked away. Now it appears his understanding of the finances of the club were better than everyone else gave him credit for.

Edited by Chester40
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20 minutes ago, angieram said:


Well he is certainly being open and communicating with Wayne and now fans which is a criticism many rightly levelled against MM. Also it is heartening that Punjabi Rams mentioned this publicly not CK as far as I know which I like. My only word of warning to CK would be dont get too close to fans unless you are willing to be when there are hiccups as well. 

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2 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

What is crypto mate

You might have heard of Bitcoin or even Ethereum, B4. These are proposed as new forms of money, and since 2008 (when Bitcoin began) these things have risen in value by massive amounts. If you were able to acquire Bitcoin in the first couple of years you would be a serious multimillionaire now.

There's a thread in the Jim Smith room but I'm not sure how informative it is.


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Can’t be bothered to read the thread but I’m surprisingly annoyed by the title, both options, Risk or Reward, should have the same element of “potential” against them, or neither should. But by suggesting Reward is only “potential”, readers could subconsciously infer that Risk is guaranteed whereas Reward is less likely. Disingenuous. 

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1 minute ago, Mostyn6 said:

Can’t be bothered to read the thread but I’m surprisingly annoyed by the title, both options, Risk or Reward, should have the same element of “potential” against them, or neither should. But by suggesting Reward is only “potential”, readers could subconsciously infer that Risk is guaranteed whereas Reward is less likely. Disingenuous. 

Was literally just looking at the title myself.
Was thinking if the reward is only "potential", then the risk is there by default, so the answer has to be "Both"!   ?

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