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The Administration Thread


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5 hours ago, Tombo said:

That is one hell of an accusation. At best, they're trying to say we don't want to defend the claims. At worst, they're claiming we're HIDING in administration from Boro and Wycombe. Neither is even close to true


This is an absolutely ducking outrageous statement, not befitting of a professional body. It really lays bare their stance and should be taken up by MPS immediately who have already said they suspect the EFL is not working in the best interests of all of its members. 

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This saga is so infuriating, absolute shambles. A football debt is like any other debt surely? Non payment of an amount owed for services provided, whether that be £3.50 for a pint, £200k for a house or £8m outstanding for Beilik. You enter into a contract whether written or verbal for goods or services provided I.e. a legitimate debt if not paid. The amount owed is clearly defined. If one party is claiming they might have made X if Y had / had not happened then it’s a claim for “projected loss of damages” no? So, how the hell does a claim for damages or compensation become defined as a debt?

Surely it has to be agreed by both parties that services or goods have been provided without payment? And the value had to have been agreed upon. A debt is transactional. No transaction has taken place. A claim. For loss of earnings has been made essentially. But not a cut and dry loss of earnings in the sense of “I’m going to make £2k this week but I didn’t because I was in a car accident  that was someone else's fault and if they hadn’t hit me I was guaranteed to make £2k”But, in the sense of, “if I wasn’t in a car accident, I might have made £2k, or I might have made £4m or I might have not made anything.” 

This whole thing is an absolute farce. The governing body that sets the rules by which we operate has set the penalty as minus 9 points plus 12 for entering administration. So by the logic of allowing the claims by Middlesborough and Wycombe they’re essentially saying, anyone affected by our actions can make a claim for compensation against us regardless of that fact that they as the governing body, have already decided on the offence and set the punishment.

Meanwhile, instead of standing up and leading and helping to find a pragmatic solution or trying to mediate, they pass the buck back to all the parties in disagreement and say “you sort it out”

Absolute flipping nonsense 

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4 hours ago, StrawHillRam said:

I will be sickened to the back teeth if  Quantuma decide to go for arbitration or mediation. It has to be Court and only Court

I would hope that Quantuma have finally learned the lesson that Mel learnt: that the EFL lie and cannot be trusted. It needs to be escalated out of their authority - immediately. 

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28 minutes ago, GeneralRam said:

Does anyone else feel like we're ducked? There's too much mess to unwrangle and too much crap going around.

At least if we do there is a middle finger to both Mel and Gibson.

Nope. Not yet.

It might happen, of course it might. But it might not too. There’s still a long way to go and at some stage we had to get past this point.

Unless the 2 clubs withdrew their claim or the EFL said it wasn’t a football debt then we were always going to have to get to this point - we either negotiate a settlement (agreed with a or all the bidders) or settle it in the High Court or get liquidated and someone picks up the pieces cheaply (or not at all).  
The only other possibility was that someone very rich was going to pay off all the debts. We know that isn’t going to happen so we’re now left with the other options. It’s moving forward at last. Still don’t know the outcome but it has to move forward. 

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the interesting thing about the EFL statement is that they say that the ball is in Q's court. The EFL is waiting for them to say: yes, let's arbitrate. The problem for Q is, they've been told they will almost definitely win - but if they don't then liquidation begins to look the most likely scenario. That makes it difficult for Q to push the button on arbitration (even if the EFL can get M/W to the table)   

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I do actually agree with the EFL that all parties involved need to meet, get inside a room, stay there until it is sorted. 

We are where we are and big egos will have to compromise to find a solution. If it is the muted seven million for the parasites to move forward, let's do it and move on as quickly as possible. 

We want to preserve this club and this incredible fan base will ensure brighter futures lie ahead. It might take a few years but a lot less than a phoenix club that just won't be the same. 

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Can supporters make a claim for stress against the EFL and Middlesbrough FC? 
Surely we all have grounds for a claim for the stress this is causing us. 

On average a payout for stress may range between £39,000 to £83,000. 
If we take the middle figure, that would be £61,000 each.
If 30 thousand of us claim the total would be over £1.8 billion. 
Us supporters could buy Derby and have money left over. 
It would also bankrupt Middlesbrough and maybe even the EFL. 

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17 minutes ago, Raminphilippines said:

Can supporters make a claim for stress against the EFL and Middlesbrough FC? 
Surely we all have grounds for a claim for the stress this is causing us. 

On average a payout for stress may range between £39,000 to £83,000. 
If we take the middle figure, that would be £61,000 each.
If 30 thousand of us claim the total would be over £1.8 billion. 
Us supporters could buy Derby and have money left over. 
It would also bankrupt Middlesbrough and maybe even the EFL. 

Sounds very reasonable. Except there are more than 30,000 of us . So make it a £3billion claim, then we will have enough to outbid Ashley.   

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Well I can't sleep as a result of continuously being elbowed in the ribs for snoring so I've decided to get up for a cup of tea. 

I can't help but think the EFL are akin to a bully's sidekick trying to extort the dinner money off a fat kid.

No idea why I think that but that's where I'm at with all this.  I can't see beyond this season.

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20 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

Sounds very reasonable. Except there are more than 30,000 of us . So make it a £3billion claim, then we will have enough to outbid Ashley.   

I suspect if Middlesbrough and the EFL were bombarded with claims for stress, they would drop their claims and everything would be sorted very quickly. 

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its nearly 3 o clock in the morning and the same things keep going round and round in my head....how on earth is this going to be sorted??? After the EFL statement last night I really think we are now basically being backed into a corner to try and negotiate a deal against two parasite chairman and only 7m is the supposed figure that will make them happy!!?

Where on earth has any compensation   figures been calculated from ? Its a farce why not make it 100 million ? 200 million?

These claims must not be entertained or even considered and why?? For the sake of the very game we fans love...Football....

The EFL should be protecting the game and its clubs but it is corrupt as hell and has zero interest in looking after the game itself....If those claims from parasite clubs is given any creedance Football is ducked!

Every club could sue another club for any misdemeanors or so called breaking of the rules and this cannot happen

On one hand the EFL are saying that the actual Insolvency law is not relevant as they have there own rules signed by 72 football clubs and saying we are hiding behind insolvency yet cannot quash or tell the parasites that we have been punished with a 21 point deduction 

Gibson and Boro are the poison here make no mistake he threatened to sue the EFL then was apeased by the EFL saying they would go after us!!!! and he's right behind them pulling the strings no doubt!!

We are in admin FFS and the admin team are here to do there job and try and sort creditors but yet the EFL are saying we should meet and negotiate and deal with two other clubs!! Its none of there business who we owe money too yet Gibson seems to know all about our business who we owe how much etc etc .....I would tell the EFL that parasites like Gibson and WW bloke are not welcome at Derby County FC ...No negotiations and if we ever ( and its looking less and less likely ) get out of this mess both Chairman are banned from PP 

We are a founder member Football club who have contributed a lot to the history of our game so stop treating us like poo on your shoe....30,000 fans on sunday and we are bottom....both tinpot parasite clubs on a good day wouldn't get that many fans with both attendances added together

I cannot see a way out but the hatred i feel for parasites like Gibson I've never felt for anyone to be honest.....a horrible little man who thinks sueing everyone is the way...this is what he also done to a team playing in the local church league because he said they had copied the boro team badge...bloke is total and utter disgrace and if all chairman were like him the game would soon cease to exist because so many would go out of business.....


Edited by S8TY
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2 hours ago, S8TY said:

its nearly 3 o clock in the morning and the same things keep going round and round in my head....how on earth is this going to be sorted??? After the EFL statement last night I really think we are now basically being backed into a corner to try and negotiate a deal against two parasite chairman and only 7m is the supposed figure that will make them happy!!?

Where on earth has any compensation   figures been calculated from ? Its a farce why not make it 100 million ? 200 million?

These claims must not be entertained or even considered and why?? For the sake of the very game we fans love...Football....

The EFL should be protecting the game and its clubs but it is corrupt as hell and has zero interest in looking after the game itself....If those claims from parasite clubs is given any creedance Football is ducked!

Every club could sue another club for any misdemeanors or so called breaking of the rules and this cannot happen

On one hand the EFL are saying that the actual Insolvency law is not relevant as they have there own rules signed by 72 football clubs and saying we are hiding behind insolvency yet cannot quash or tell the parasites that we have been punished with a 21 point deduction 

Gibson and Boro are the poison here make no mistake he threatened to sue the EFL then was apeased by the EFL saying they would go after us!!!! and he's right behind them pulling the strings no doubt!!

We are in admin FFS and the admin team are here to do there job and try and sort creditors but yet the EFL are saying we should meet and negotiate and deal with two other clubs!! Its none of there business who we owe money too yet Gibson seems to know all about our business who we owe how much etc etc .....I would tell the EFL that parasites like Gibson and WW bloke are not welcome at Derby County FC ...No negotiations and if we ever ( and its looking less and less likely ) get out of this mess both Chairman are banned from PP 

We are a founder member Football club who have contributed a lot to the history of our game so stop treating us like poo on your shoe....30,000 fans on sunday and we are bottom....both tinpot parasite clubs on a good day wouldn't get that many fans with both attendances added together

I cannot see a way out but the hatred i feel for parasites like Gibson I've never felt for anyone to be honest.....a horrible little man who thinks sueing everyone is the way...this is what he also done to a team playing in the local church league because he said they had copied the boro team badge...bloke is total and utter disgrace and if all chairman were like him the game would soon cease to exist because so many would go out of business.....


Great Post. But the EFL won't do a damn thing. They'll protect themselves but not the game. They're killing it for everyone. High court immediately, take it our of their hands.

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Similar to most people - I didn’t get hardly any sleep 

my morning conclusions are -

The administrators have to follow the law and do their job - the EFL will do whatever they want to do to Derby County with Gibsons permission to proceed.

I suspect the politicians will go after the EFL Hard - telling court appointed administrators that they won’t accept the laws of the land being used and if they were the Football club gets victimised by expulsion from trading in its normal market place. 

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Gibson demanded to be told details of how much money was proposed to go to creditors including HMRC in the statement put out by Boro (which is absolutely none of his business). Now the EFL want all main creditors and HMRC in a room with Boro to divvy up any money that’s available….

Those of a suspicious and cynical outlook may wonder if there has been an element of collusion between the two parties……

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This is what Q are dealing with.  If he is petty enough to go after these guys then his drive to do us over is unlikely to allow him to unlock his jaw from our leg…


the EFL have made their stance clear.  They have completely skipped over their responsibilities for fear of being sued themselves and have hidden behind “protecting the other 71 league clubs”.  I fear for the game as a whole if this is allowed to proceed.


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23 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

Gibson demanded to be told details of how much money was proposed to go to creditors including HMRC in the statement put out by Boro (which is absolutely none of his business). Now the EFL want all main creditors and HMRC in a room with Boro to divvy up any money that’s available….

Those of a suspicious and cynical outlook may wonder if there has been an element of collusion between the two parties……

And what about all the small local creditors such as our David and St John Amb? Its disgraceful that the chairman of a club representing a town where many are not affluent (being polite) should be taking this stance at the detriment of such creditors. @david is there any sort of grouping of small creditors who can highlight the human stories and loss behind the effect of these claims? or are you having to rely on Team Derby/MPs and Q?

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7 hours ago, Beetle said:

The administrators either liquidate Derby or take the EFL to court. It's already obvious no one will buy the club with the extra risk if these claims. It's progress even if it is bad news.

If they'd said the opposite we'd probably have a preferred bidder announced tomorrow.

I agree and on that basis isnt court the only option for Q. If the club is liquidated all creditors loose. Go to court, win against some dodgy claims and the path is clear for bidder(s). Do it and and do it quick.

At the moment Boro and Wycombe are playing a waiting game which costs them zilch and could bring rich rewards. When we say see you in court, it's a very different game.

Edited by EtoileSportiveDeDerby
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