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v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread


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2 hours ago, belperram9 said:

Thought we did okay today. Final third is where we need to improve.

I thought Forsyth was excellent, real outlet in terms of his aerial ability when it is pinged out to him.

Centre half pairing was steady, thought their strikers suited them however as it was a wrestling match most of the time. Be interesting when they play against a pacey striker that likes to run in behind. Think they will struggle. 

Bird okay, missing at times. Shinnie wasn’t great IMO, as we all know tackling and breaking up play is his strength. Clear to see anything technical he struggles with.

Colin held the ball up well against their giant centre half and linked up play. Watson was excellent before he came off. 

Sibley and Festy were great. Festy is a real athlete, strong and pure power and pace. Gets in the team above Jozwiak for me. He was woeful, weak and nothing about him. Hates a battle and has no winger qualities (did he even cross the ball once?) I’d sell as soon as a bid comes in from some foreign club.

Overall an enjoyable afternoon with some decent play at times. We will play better teams than Hudds however.


I just can’t agree about Joz. He isn’t great in the air but he’s a gutsy fighter with the ball at his feet. Compared to Festy it’s horses for courses. Love festies  strength and athleticism. Depends on the opponents  I like both of them for different reasons 

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1 minute ago, Mick Brolly said:


What has happened to these two? I look forward to watching the youngsters try to knock Rammys block of at half time. 

Rammie's contract expired and the EFL wouldn't let us renew it. As for Ewie, I'm not sure, but we are now serving mutton burgers on the concourses.

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I actually thought the players did brilliantly today. They competed with a Championship side, which with all the off field stuff, was pretty impressive. 

Forsyth was clearly man of the match. Roos and Kazim both performed well. Lawrence worked hard and was trying to drive the team on - maybe that armband wasn't quite such a stupid idea. 

Jozwiak's decision making is still poor in a Derby shirt and Bird was anonymous. Overall though, it was a decent performance. Which is made far more impressive by the context.

Great to be back at PP though. Actually slightly surprised to see Mel there. 

And only realised today that I'm going to be on holiday for the Forest game...duh!

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17 minutes ago, Wistaston Ram said:

Apparently we were lucky to get a point against poor old Covid hit Huddersfield.



I think they were at a different game to me. A draw was a fair result. Both teams could have won it near the end. No mention of the penalty incident in the report? Or Lawrence being clear through? I wonder why.

And ‘COVID ravaged’? They had 4 players out! Not exactly ravaged is it - we had as many players out injured but I suppose that didn’t fit the pre-conceived narrative. 

As for the match, I really enjoyed it. We aren’t very good but we battled and that is all you can ask. It is going to be a tough season but if we can get behind them like today we might just be able to stay up. Forsyth was magnificent today and Curtis’ interview after the game just as much so. 

Nice touch by the EFL in stepping in to supply the ref instead of the FA as well. Much appreciated - I love a crap ref, nothing gets us going more! 



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2 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

You misunderstood my point Angie, what’s going on politically and in society today has almost legitimised the comments the racist made. I detest them. But this is more for the political thread ?

I don't think that's true to be honest Jimbo,there always have been and always will be racists and unpleasant people and their presence gets more unacceptable to society as every day goes by,I don't believe it's in any way legitimised by today's society,certainly not in the uk in any case.

Edited by kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong
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7 hours ago, IslandExile said:

Where's @SaintRam?

Now we don't get every game streamed - in the UK - I rely on the text commentary.

Yea, sorry - as mentioned I can't really afford the doubled price. On top of that I work nights so waking up (and having time to sit down and watch football) for anything other than late kickoffs is a challenge.

In short, I don't think Derby (currently) is worth the effort necessary on my part. That could change, of course.

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1 minute ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

I don't think that's true to be honest Jimbo,there always have been and always will be racists and unpleasant people and their presence gets more unacceptable to society as every day goes by,I don't believe it's in any way legitimised by today's society,certainly not in the uk in any case.

Have to agree to disagree Kash, which is unusual as I think we usually are singing from the same hymn sheet ?

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