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Posts posted by chezzyram

  1. 11 hours ago, Boycie said:

    Inflating the attendances was another accusation made by MM.

    But I can’t see how that helped? Surely it incurred extra tax on non sold tickets?

    It all went quiet, would he clear things up if he came back? Would he be able too due to a Melvyn nda?

    There would be a cloud hanging over him surely if he was to come back and just carry on?  Mud sticks on social media.

    We pay tax? 

  2. 14 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    IIRC Gibson’s argument was that we had used our extra financial headroom to outbid them on buying Waghorn. And apparently having Waghorn, for reasons that science can not yet explain, gave us an advantage ?‍♂️.

    If this is true then his little curly head must have been close to exploding when Waghorn did more than anyone to keep us up in the last match  of last season

  3. 3 hours ago, cheron85 said:

    If you let a bully win he'll just come back and do it again

    If you stand up to them you may well get the snot beaten out of you but you'll have showcased to others that their behaviour isn't acceptable 

    We're currently getting seven shades of snot beaten out of us but I don't see that as a reason to back down and let the bully have their way

    Agree totally with the sentiments but not sure that we're showcasing to others the Efl's unacceptable behaviour, if anything the rest of the league are having a good old chuckle and reaching for the popcorn

  4. 18 hours ago, Bianoic said:

    Is this thread a parody ? A kind of Monty Python/Not the nine oclock news pisstake ? 

    I have been in the away end manys the time - out of choice 

    The idea that people on here want to claim it as some kind of conquest is astonishing

    Like throwing bricks at other people somehow made them proud

    Its the kind of thing 13 year old boys and girls might want to brag about and glorify

    All very pathetic and sad 

    Not everyone was in the DLF or intentionally looking for trouble! I mentioned Bradford simply because it was a very scary experience being on the receiving end of chunks of concrete raining down with no cover, not glorifying in throwing them back. Football in the 70s and 80s was in a very different place and situations like this on away days were almost unavoidable. If you wanted to follow your team home and away every week you knew what to expect, knew the risks and took your chance. The only safe option was to stay at home and for many of us this was simply not an option, the adrenaline rush was part of the day

  5. 2 hours ago, Bearwood Ram said:

    Anybody remember the away game at Bradford around 1984? About 15 of us were in the back of a transit van, no windows, complete darkness. Went in a very hostile pub and left. Got to the ground and were pelted with concrete chunks from the crumbling terrace. Rams fans responded in kind and the slabs rained back and forth until kick off. My mate got smacked straight in the ear, blood everywhere. No sympathy from cops or stewards. The ref blows for kick off. Huge chant of DLF from the main home stand and around a hundred Derby stand up gesturing to a group next to them. Another chant goes up, 'Leeds Leeds Leeds'...A pre arranged scrap Then 90 minutes of all out fighting. Graham Richards apparently described the chaos as 'like a scene from Zulu dawn'.. Can't remember the game or the score. 

    I remember this game well, it was 6 months or so before the Bradford fire disaster. It was absolute carnage, one of the worst I can remember. As I recall the end terrace was divided in two and we were in the left hand side. I think there may have been some work happening on the terrace and they had helpfully left piles of rubble, but whatever the cause there were chunks of concrete flying back and to. I saw several of our fans covered in blood and looking back it was a miracle nobody was seriously hurt or worse. Incidentally we lost 3-1 although I don't think I saw much of the match! Football was a different world back then. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Roger Davis, Scoring all 5 goals against Luton Town and 2 goals disallowed


    Good as he was in that game I think his hat-trick in the 5-3 Cup win away at Tottenham was Big Rog's finest hour, it was a remarkable comeback against a team with some massive names at that time

  7. 1 hour ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    I was round at neighbours for dinner yesterday and he's an ex partner at Ernst and young plus a Leeds fan so I described our accounting issues. 

    He snorted with derision at the EFL - there is no theoretical justification as to why a straight line amortisation method is superior to any other. 

    In the context of football players he made the further point that a better amortisation method would likely be age dependent as players values typically increase whilst young/gaining experience then flat then decline as they age and lose physicality. 

    Thankfully the dinner conversation moved on.... ?


    The only thing I can find to disagree with in that is having dinner with a Leeds fan. 

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