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Posts posted by Nuwtfly

  1. 8 minutes ago, David said:

    There was a software update that removed it and introduced a new achievement based system that I haven’t activated as yet.

    Why did it remove it? I don't personally think that the sheer quantity of posts is a good metric by which users should be differentiated 

  2. I'd argue that the divisive manner in which the club has been run has trickled down into the fanbase and caused it to fracture to such a point that I enjoy coming on this forum a lot, lot less.

    I live 200 miles away from Derby, despite being born and raised there. This forum has always been my No.1 way to connect with fans. But controversial decision after controversial decision, be that managerial appointments, buying certain players, the sackings of both such, and the constant dipping of our toes, feet, bodies into dodgy waters has just given us all so many things to constantly disagree on. No wonder this fanbase feels more toxic and beaten up than it has for some time: it has been getting beaten up for years. 

    For me, bringing Wayne Rooney in (as a player and then as a manager) was the last hammer blow on an already fractured material. I don't think it'll start to heal until the whole thing falls apart.

    There are some posters on this forum who are very quick to point fingers at "wrist slashers" (horrible term) who perhaps need to have a look in the mirror and see how they themselves have contributed to this division.

    Sorry for the negative overtone, but I feel negative about this club and its fanbase and it won't fix if it's ignored. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

    Two quick questions I have in regards to the meeting, rather than for it:

    1) Has it been confirmed yet who else has been invited to attend this meeting and, if so, how those selections were decided. I am interested to know whether those who have been openly very critical have been invited (such as Nick W - sorry can't remember Nick's username on here)?

    Second question was:

    2) Will everything that is discussed in this meeting be made public to all Derby County supporters, or will NDAs be put in place to prevent this? 

  4. Two quick questions I have in regards to the meeting, rather than for it:

    1) Has it been confirmed yet who else has been invited to attend this meeting and, if so, how those selections were decided. I am interested to know whether those who have been openly very critical have been invited (such as Nick W - sorry can't remember Nick's username on here)?

  5. 8 minutes ago, StarterForTen said:

    This team might be Rooney making a point.

    Not sure who he’s making the point to though. The EFL?


    6 minutes ago, Stockyram92 said:

    That's not a team selection, it's a cry for help 

    It’s a clear message to the board. We are in deep, deep trouble if something doesn’t change ASAP. 

    Whether you like or loathe Wayne Rooney as the manager of this football club, surely we can all agree that he is being absolutely sold down the river by the shambolic ownership. 

  6. Quietly impressed by Tom Carroll. Shinnie is doing Shinnie things and Morrison’s quality is there to see.

    Can see Aluko and Baldock are without clubs, though. Cannot help but feel like this current squad would struggle in league one, let alone next seasons Championship. 

    If we can’t sort out our situation in the transfer market, the question of whether Rooney is or isn’t a good manager will be completely pointless.

  7. Interesting to see a decent number of you say that you don't really have a problem with the manager of your club getting pi55ed up to the point where he falls asleep in the hotel room of a group of young woman (and gets subsequently snapped doing so) just a few hours after saying he was looking to bring some "dignity and pride" back to the club.

    I was expecting more to have a problem with it considering our recent history with staff members getting drunk. 

    Is it now a problem for Wayne and Coleen? Yes, but let's not pretend this isn't a problem for us, too.

    Once again we are having our name dragged through the mud. When is this going to stop happening?

    Does he deserve to get the boot for this? Probably not. He deserves to get the boot for nearly getting us relegated to League One (thanks again, Marlon Pack). But it certainly isn't going to win him any supporters, in my view. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    No coaching team whatsoever based on the pics. Unless I'm mistaken, these are the only people we've seen in pics:

    Byrne   Davies   Buchanan
    Watson   Shinnie
    Kazim   Stretton

    We’re going down, aren’t we? ??

  9. It's a fair question, but largely irrelevant at this stage.

    If we want to focus on the Rooney up until this point, then the answer to the question is: no, absolutely not. Under his management, our Championship status went down to the final day. That is a sackable offence. It would be for any other manager. You can make as many excuses, loopholes, bend over backwards as many times as you like to try and defend his frankly awful start to his management career, but it doesn't change what has been and gone.

    But this is the key point: it has been and gone.

    Last season is now over (thank god), and our focus now needs to be on the season rapidly approaching. We can continue to argue about it, and Rooney, until the Rams come home, but it means nothing now. Whether he deserves/has earned the opportunity to manage us next season is debatable; it doesn't matter. He is going to be here no matter what, maybe because he is too expensive to sack, maybe because Mel really is convinced that he has got it in him to do a good job. That remains to be seen. 

    So what do we do now?

    If you were Rooney In: Get behind him.

    If you were Rooney Out: Get behind him.

    That's all you can do at this stage.

    I for one am very much looking forward to seeing what this "style of play" is going to be, and why he was seemingly unable to implement it last season. He is going to get his chance. Time for him to prove the considerable (and understandable) doubters wrong...or right. 


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