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Posts posted by Nuwtfly

  1. 6 hours ago, David said:

    Lampard took us to Wembley, that’s how far McClaren took us. Did it without Martin as well, something McClaren couldn’t do.

    Not that I dare wade into this debate with you as neither of us would end up changing our minds, but Lampard did it with Harry Wilson, Mason Mount, Fikayo Tomori...two of these plays in the actual Chelsea first team...and one of these now plays for England! THE England! 

    Both commendable achievements in their own rights, but let's not suggest that Lampard's was more impressive than McClaren. It definitely wasn't. Especially considering how the McClaren side had started that season under our Nigel! ?

  2. Is there any way to mute the small group of idiots that sit near the RamsTV team on matchdays? I don't want to have to listen to them moaning "forward" or "ger a move on" for the first 20 minutes of every game.

  3. On 06/07/2019 at 10:42, Lander said:

    What pc games are people playing at the minute? I’m looking for something to get stuck into, in addition to my World of Warcraft grind ?

    Fair play for you for sticking with that!

    I played BFA when it first came out but they have done so much mad stuff with the storyline/gameplay now that I don't even recognise the game I got into 13 years ago, now!

    Will definitely be getting WoW Classic in August, though!

  4. Just now, OwenB87 said:

    Radio Derby’s problem, I’m told (I assume you’re referring to the audio commentary).

    Yeah I thought it might have been. Think quite a few others had the same problem for ten minutes but it came back eventually.

    I should have taken the hint and switched it off! ?

  5. Just finished God of War (a little late to the party, I know).

    BLOODY HELL, BOY! What a game!

    Probably the best thing I've played on my PS4 since The Last of Us. Amazing stuff. Definitely recommend it for everyone, whether you've played the old God of War games, or not!

  6. Can't just be me who finds Fortnite boring? Way too repetitive for me.

    Can thoroughly recommend Detroit: Become Human, especially if you're a fan of David Cage games. Easily his best one yet and (for me) it's streets ahead of Heavy Rain.

  7. 1 minute ago, Squid said:

    Anyone else enjoy the Telltale series? They announced today that there is another wolf among us, batman & a final walking dead coming out. Despite it being slated, I thought game of thrones was pretty good. 

    Loved the Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. Currently playing through the Game of Thrones one now too, which has been very good. It's free on PS plus!

  8. 16 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Yes someone said it! KOTOR is one of my favourite games of all time, remember being astounded as a kid that your character was darth revan, need more games with stories like that please!

    Never going to happen :( 

  9. 2 hours ago, r4derby said:

    James Bree is a highly rated young RB, played fairly well this season. That's a good sensible signing by Villa. Hourihane has made Barnsley money there, wasn't seen as a £3mill player till final year of his contract

    They've got an admirable transfer policy. By young players, improve them under top coaches, and sell them on. Great for the club, frustrating for the fans. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

    “At the moment, we are not active, we are not looking. If anything does develop, then fine, but I don’t see it at the moment.” 

    Just to be clear, we arguably only needed to bring in a new LW, an attacking midfielder and a LB on loan this window.

    Instead we've brought in David Nugent and Julien De Sart.

    Who is in charge of recruitment at this club? 

  11. 1 hour ago, SuperDerbySuperRams said:


    Not really heard much other than snippets. Think a few more will be going. We still want a winger and central midfielder, think people know the targets there, but hard to do. If I hear anything new pops up then I'll let you know if the times right. But I don't hear everything, like I didn't hear about Nugent being close until it was in the press, so it depends. 

    “At the moment, we are not active, we are not looking. If anything does develop, then fine, but I don’t see it at the moment.” 

    Doesn't look like we are, which I find pretty puzzling. 

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