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Posts posted by Nuwtfly

  1. Just now, Anag Ram said:

    If this was true, and it’s a big if, I suppose it’s possible Rooney may know well the company or individual showing an interest from his time in the MLS and perhaps well enough to make the suggestion.

    Is that what’s been suggested? That it’s got something to do with the MLS? I just don’t like the idea of Rooney bringing in an owner. The whole concept of that just doesn’t sound right to me. Might as well rename the club officially to: Wayne Rooney’s Derby County while he’s at it ?

  2. Apologies if this has already been answered/discussed/dismissed, but:

    Is the current manager (and his agent) trying to force Mel into selling the club to owners of their choosing? Specifically an American consortium? Or is this just an internet whisper?

    I would seriously fear for any club who are allowing a manager to pick the owner. What are the implications to that? No fear of ever being sacked no matter how bad a job you do? Sounds about as rotten and corrupt as the modern game could get. Hopefully this is not true, anyway. Someone will know the truth. 

  3. 31 minutes ago, therams69 said:

    Sorry for thinking about my family for the past year. I do apologise. Next time I will ensure that my business is not taken care off and i lose my home. 

    The reason, as I said, is because things are that bad. I wasn't the one that stopped the communication within the charter group, top brass were.

    So I mean seriously, rather than get personal, why dont you actually take on board what I am saying here.


    You don’t have to apologise to anyone, Nick. The last year has been incredibly challenging and your commitment to Derby shouldn’t come into question after what you’ve put in over the last 10+ years.

    Met you at Bristol City away years ago under Wassall I think - great guy!

    You make some great points in your OP. There will definitely be an inquest, and so there should be. How this club has been run in recent times, from the finance to the recruitment to management, needs really looking at. I think we just need to get through tomorrow first, and then go from there!

  4. Just now, ThePrisoner said:

    I was sulking at his comment, not yours! Whatever happens tomorrow, I don’t want him around a second longer. 

    Oh I know! I didn’t think you were ? I was just veering off topic!

    We need a clean slate whatever division we end up in, in my opinion, but if we lose to Wednesday he has to go immediately. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Mmmmm, me thinks I missed nothing. This sorry saga Roy Mac reminds me of someone who tells a little white lie that goes on and on, eventually getting bigger and bigger and finally catches up on the person. But it gets to the stage that it has gone on so long, they have taken it that far that the person feels they can’t own up as they will lose face, hence they keep the charade going on however silly it makes them look. My advice to the person in that situation is to own up, admit they got things wrong, much the better option in the circumstances and everyone involved can move on ?

    To be fair, @RoyMac5has consistently said that he has stuck behind Rooney because he thinks the biggest reason behind this seasons debacle is how poor the squad is. He thinks WR should get an opportunity to build his own side, or at least the amount of windows Cocu got, and has said multiple times that, based on what he did with Bielik, he has enough about him to get a team going with decent enough players.

    I may not agree with him, but he has at least been consistent in his reasoning behind supporting Rooney. 

  6. 1 minute ago, angieram said:

    I wrote my comment because I think posters need to recognise that not everyone has the same capacity as them. 

    I think that the general tone of the Forum recently is greatly influenced by a few posters who are not only aware of their effect on others but take a certain delight in doing so. If I had my way, I would have removed them long ago but we have to tolerate all opinions. I have made a lousy moderator for this reason.

    Now if you disagree with my assessment,  that's fine, but I find the forum a depressing place to be in recent months not because of the football but because of certain posters piling in with rhetoric that is not considered or balanced. I know from the circle of people that I speak to face to face, that they are discouraged from posting because of this. Me too. Now some would say that's no great loss and I would agree! 

    What I am saying is that if the Forum makes me feel like this, then it must make others likewise. I have spoken privately with people who think the club is going into administration because they have read it on here and that this will be the end of their club for ever. 

    They read and are affected by hysteria. That's what I think it is. I don't think it's healthy and I am trying to point that out. Maybe the problem is mine.

    Fair enough and well put. I don't disagree with anything you've said and, for what it's worth, I think it would be a very great loss indeed if you were not posting on here.

    I know what you mean about the forum feeling quite depressing. I have felt this, too, though likely for different reasons. A good friend of mine has vanished off here entirely. I think a combination of the pandemic and the way it's been going for us on and off the pitch, I would say since the Joiners Arms debacle, has steadily led to this.

    However, I also think, for whatever reason, disagreements seem to be much more heightened on here in recent times. I felt this in a big way back in December for the first time from some posters, some more renown than others. However, I personally think this is just a reflection of us all struggling to deal with what's going on at the club, though, in our own ways. The club isn't in a good place at the moment, so perhaps it's no surprise that the fanbase isn't.

    There probably needs to be something of a "coming back together" over the summer. The first thing I would do, for example, is take the "Wayne Rooney" out of the DCFC Fans and set down a general rule of thumb that we don't try and turn this forum into a personality cult for one person anymore, and not for any manager in the future. We should just be DCFC fans. Not Lampard's Fans, Cocu's Fans, Rooney's Fans. 


  7. 15 minutes ago, angieram said:

    What I would like to say is that while some posters may find it therapeutic  (or even amusing) to whip themselves and others up into a frenzy on here with their collective bed-wetting, that these posts are being read by those same vulnerable people. People who may not be able to interpret the facetious nature of some of those posts and are taking them literally.

    It might make some think twice about the effect of their actions.

    Not trying to have a pop here Angie, but I find it somewhat flabbergasting that you want to shift the focus, from a thread that is specifically about helping posters who are struggling to cope with the situation our club finds itself in, to supporters that you don't agree with. Supporters that you refer to as bed-wetting, facetious and that you accuse of deliberately trying to upset other people because they find it amusing...

    Are these supporters you're referring to not also struggling with the situation, albeit in a way that you may not like?

  8. 11 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    I think we might go into administration if we get relegated.

    I am very worried about this too, Curtains.

    The financial blow of relegation, coupled with the impacts of COVID, might be one that is just too heavy for the club to take. We have been walking somewhat of a financial tightrope for quite a while now, apparently. 

    I think this is why, on a Tuesday morning, I've found myself waking up just feeling so, so annoyed. Annoyed that the club have sleepwalked into this situation.

    When we started this season so badly, and sacked our manager when we were two points from safety, it seemed so obvious to me that this was not the right season to roll the dice on a rookie manager. That too much would be a stake should it go wrong, and that an experienced head was needed, even if that was just until the end of the season.

    But sadly, choices were made, and we are where we are.

    Let's we can find a slice of luck from somewhere in time for this weekend. 

  9. Having started this yesterday, it is fair to say that I am absolutely flying through it at the moment. Just finished The Clough Years: Part 2. 

    Perhaps its the ease of the prose or just the genuine intrigue of reliving my lifetime as a supporter, but I have truly enjoyed reading this book. An absolute beaming smile shot across my face on the reminder of Robbie Savage's "Ain't nobody" videos.

    Thank you, @HuddersRam- I needed reminding of why I fell so madly in love with Derby County, and your book is doing it for me, sir.

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