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Posts posted by Nuwtfly

  1. 59 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    This is spot on. My friend knows someone who passes him info that has been 100% accurate so far.

    From what I gather, he must know someone who works at moor farm either there or on the media team as he knows who we have signed and that they are in the building normally the day before its announced.

    He tells my friend and says do not tell anyone (which he obviously does, as he tells me but thats it) and as much as I want to pop on here and go right we have signed xxxx, I can't because for all I know, my friend is the only person he has told. So if he tells one person and then it ends up on here, its not fair. 

    I miss the days where I used to know about signings by walking to the shop and looking at the backpage of the Derby Telegraph.

    Out of interest, when you were the resident ITK on this forum, were you detracted from sharing information by the posters who badger you for names/details and then simultaneously moan constantly about the accuracy of your info? Or did it not phase you?

  2. 18 minutes ago, Eoghan1884 said:

    Was used as a right winger all season for Ipswich and even started some big games like against Southampton. Good addition to the forward department on a free but shouldn’t be a starter and definitely won’t be the starting striker.

    Yep - also would be one of a number of strikers we will inevitably sign this summer, so you have to take that into account too. 

    If he was the only striker we signed this summer I’d be a little concerned, but he won’t be.

  3. 1 hour ago, Alty_Ram said:

    I know what you mean. Personally I tend to hang back in situations like this just in case it is someone who is struggling with their communication skills. It may well be a wind up or a wildly impatient post but I tend to give the benefit of the doubt rather than just assume someone is being completely unreasonable. Perhaps other folks are just better at spotting these things than me but I'd rather not take the chance, just in case. I wouldn't want to be the one to put someone off posting on here and on DCFCFans we know how important an outlet these forums can be for some folk.

    Great post and well said 👏 

  4. Just now, jimbobram said:

    Marc Leonard has six offers on the table with Brighton ready to sell the midfielder  for £400,000. Clubs from Championship, League One and abroad all interested in striking a deal. 

    derby being one of them 

    darren witcoop 


  5. 29 minutes ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

    Pretty sure the WarCat is a WUM or Bot hence I blocked it in the first couple of days. The posts don’t read right to be genuine. 

    Or possibly a user who may find typing/communicating more challenging...

    Either way it might be worth posters thinking a bit more about who's behind the keyboard before they respond to certain posts, no matter how much they disagree with the points being made.

  6. Interesting. Usually if it's just an agent trying to drum up interest, Pete links a player to multiple clubs. This story is just about us. Suggests to me that it might have some legs. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, ollycutts1982 said:

    Been told that keeper is signed as is a midfielder. As others have suggested waiting for kit announcement, no firm date on that. Interviews have been done. Will be interesting listening to them if there’s any clue when they were done. As always time will tell. 

    I wonder who that might be?

    A lot of noise going around at the moment that it's Rodak and Murphy.

  8. 1 hour ago, Chester40 said:

    Think most of what you wrote was fair, sensible....

    But, I totally disagree with this bit.

    On the terraces there are more much extreme views expressed all the time. I'm quite liable to lean over and say to my mate 'oh ffs what the **** is abc doing today, he's been absolutely **** all game'.

    Or...'why the **** is Warne not making any changes, any idiot see they are going to concede any minute' etc etc.

    My mate may agree with my knowledgeable thinking... or say he thinks something totally different. 

    The difference is that its left there. Its a brief moment. We both know its desire to see us win that's driving what we say. We move on. We feel better for a moan. On here, it just lingers, gets repeated...over and over at times, gets dissected, over analysed...  the devil makes work for idle hands.



    34 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    I take it you weren’t at the the Stevenage away game, what Warne had to endure was about as far away from civilised debate as you could get.

    Fair points both - I should clarify what sort of comments I'm referring to!

    I don't mean the sort of general negative comments that you absolutely do hear a lot in the in the terraces and at the bar before the game. I'm definitely guilty of a groan to the person left or right of me!

    I mean the sort of responses you seem to get on here now to reasonable comments/criticisms.

    For example, if I'm sat on a supporters bus and I turn to the person next to me and say "I'm a bit worried about how we'll get on in the division above under Warne next season due to X, Y, Z..." I think it's pretty unlikely that that person will turn to me and say they think I'm a victim-blaming bullsh11er and to stop feeling oppressed. Nor are they likely to tell me to "go and sit somewhere else if you don't like it."

    If I'm being honest it's the sort of thing that just ends up making me feel less inclined to come on this forum anymore. Which sucks because I live over 200 miles away from Derby so, for me, it's my primary outlet for this sort of stuff. But why bother if that's what the responses will be like now? 

    I just think it's a shame. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Archied said:

    people have the same right to see me as they see me and say as much , that’s not bullying it’s just being honest , we live in a world where it’s increasingly frowned on to be honest with each other 

    I've got no problem at all with people being honest - everyone has an absolute right to their own opinion and a right to vocalise it!

    But how you vocalise it is another matter. You don't have to be rude to people just because you can be. It not only makes you look like a bit of a bamford but it lowers the quality and standard of the forum as a whole (be it this literal forum or just the general forum of ideas, public discourse etc)

    In fact, I think what ends up happening is that the interesting points some of these posters are making gets just ends up getting completely lost between the snide comments and jibes. 

    I'm not saying it all needs to be peace and love on here but I think it is a shame that there is an increasing inability to have a civilised debate about pretty much anything without it becoming nasty. I don't see conversations/debates take place like that in the terraces or on the supporters bus, so why online? 

    (just to clarify, when I say you i don't mean you specifically @Archied)

  10. 7 hours ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    It's not really odd though, those terms are being thrown about because it's true to those people's experience of posting on here. My own engagement with the forum has very much been affected by it, and I'm certainly not just making it up.


    (very long post incoming)

    Everyone's allowed an opinion just long as they remember that a group of about 10 posters (not including yourself) have decided which opinions are the correct opinions, and that if you have a view that doesn't align with them - or if you offer up any kind of critical thought whatsoever that puts even the slightest doubt on the agreed narrative -  you should expect to be mercilessly ganged up on, ridiculed, accused of trying to ruin the mood for others etc. Every slight criticism (and even stuff which isn't a criticism) will be portrayed as a stick you're beating the manager with.

    All 'Kevin' had to do yesterday was point out that Warne didn't take over the squad in a decimated state (fact) and that most teams would be more than happy with the squad we assembled in a few short weeks (fact) and there was a whole page of rebuttal, piss taking and propaganda in response within a few hours.

    Aside from a very remote few (including yourself), nobody else will take the time to try to understand where someone's coming from with their post before attacking it, or to consider that they may have some valid points, they'll just try to find the first thing they can jump on and dismiss both the person and their opinion. 

    If you're extra lucky you'll get someone publicly praying that you get banned from the forum. Lovely behaviour.

    If you don't like it then apparently you should just suck it up, grow a pair, stop being oversensitive etc ("it's your problem"), stick people on ignore and just allow yourself and anyone else willing to put their head above the parapet to be rudely and aggressively dismissed (as was pointed out earlier about one particularly egregious offender), talked to like you're an idiot, and be subject to countless, mostly unprovoked (unless of course you count someone having a different opinion to the echo chamber as provocation), insidious little digs worded carefully enough not to fall foul of the rules of the board. 

    Anyone who's spoken up about this has been accused of 'playing the victim card', and had a string of laughing emojis directed toward them while the ranks are closed on the notion that there's any kind of bullying (or whatever else you wish to call it) going on. The response to 'bullying' behaviour (again, call it whatever name you're most comfortable with) being called out has been to treat it exactly as a gang of bullies would. It's almost poetic. 

    There will be a demand for evidence, but those demanding it know full well that the aforementioned insidious comments aren't directly quotable and and don't stand on their own as examples one can pick out, or report (as useless as it would be to do so when such comments are actively encouraged and perpetrated by some of those who'd see the report), but form the backbone of the hostile and oppressive atmosphere that some of us feel is very much alive and (sadly) thriving on this forum. 

    The effect is either that some feel they can't post at all (which then gets picked up on as a 'victory' for shutting up the naysayers), that they have to be careful of what they say (walking on eggshells) or that they feel goaded into responding negatively - which just invites further ridicule. Let's punish and demean people for reacting though, give those who elicit the reaction a big old round of applause and a pat on the back.

    Everything positive that's been achieved under Warne gets weaponised, any potential negatives for next season preemptively dismissed before they can even be voiced (and immediately met with ire the second they are), and it looks like that will be the case for as long as he's in charge because some posters simply can't treat others with any degree of civility.

    The pretense that all this is all just a response to abuse aimed at Warne or aimed at posters for supporting Warne, or 'fighting back against those who want this to think we had a s*** season'  has long since worn out any validity it may have once had, and even that was utterly disproportionate to begin with. 

    This forum is still fun if you look in the right areas, but for the past 6 months or so its largely felt mean spirited, hateful, and almost controlled by posters who's primary thought process is that 'negative' posters are there to be attacked from a position of strength afforded to them by our results. It's really quite dispiriting.


    This is a really well written post and I think probably summarises how a decent chunk of posters feel about the current state of things on here nowadays. 

    I’m also sorry you feel that way. I think everyone bears the responsibility for that, not just the offenders in question. We should call out this sort of behaviour more often and try and encourage a better quality of dialogue. “Play nice!”

    The only point I’d like to add to it is that I really resent the idea that if you don’t like what someone is saying, you should block them. 

    I have been on this forum for over 10 years and never blocked someone. The whole reason I’m on here is to read and engage with people that I don’t necessarily agree with. Why would anyone want to just sit in an echo chamber and hear their own opinions getting chucked back at them? 

    But yesterday what was essentially put to me was: “I’m going to be rude to you, if you don’t like it, block me!”

    Wouldn’t a better outcome just be that we try and converse with each other a bit more civilly? Then we might actually get somewhere, change someone’s mind, understand someone else’s point of view, and not all get aggy with each other over…football?

    Great post again, @May Contain Nuts

  11. 11 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Just tired of the incessant victim card BS. I don't see it, I really don't. If you feel oppressed then that's for you to deal with. You've been on here more than long enough not to need this explaining. If you can show evidence and it's even half as bad as you imply,  you need to alert the mods, or better still, make use of the ignore function like everyone else. 

    Again, such a needlessly rude response. I don't know why you post like this so much nowadays but I will take your advice and make use of the ignore function.

  12. 3 hours ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    I cant imagine many squads are looking too healthy at the moment considering the transfer window isn't open yet. Not to mention the fact that we were close to extinction 2 years ago and could only sign players on 2 year deals, which have now ran out, meaning the squad is threadbare.

    It is also worth nothing that when he left Rotherham to come here in October 2022, they were 8th in the league.

    Warne is essentially going to be able to build the midfield he wants from scratch and probably the strikeforce too, which he wouldn't have had to do before.

    Possibly around 10-12 players coming in, without restrictions. Lets see who we bring in and wait for the window to shut before judging if we have a healthy squad or not?

    I definitely won't be assessing our chances this season until the window has shut - agreed.

    But a lot of the points you were making seemed to be on assumed potential, and rather optimistically! Some people sit on the other side of the fence. Neither is right or wrong necessarily. 

    All I'm arguing is that it's not mental to be concerned about how we'll get on under Warne this season, judging by both his record at Championship level and by the quality of the football that was on display last season. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Has anyone actually posited any of the arguments you cite? Can you quote an example please?

    Seems to me you're addressing statements that have never been made, least not on here. For clarity, I've not seen even one post stating we're good to go with what we've already got, nor that Warne's prior record in the Championship fills them with confidence for the challenge ahead.  The only folk who have unwittingly suggested we have sufficient quality are those who claimed we should have walked the league last season because we had a Championship level squad to work with whilst in L1. In so much, is there even a debate to be had?

    You seem to be suggesting that I'm saying that people are happy with the current state of the squad or that they have 100% faith in Warne at this level. I've said neither. I'm just attempting to justify why people may have the opposite opinion to that. I think that it's more than fair for people to be concerned going into this season, and I certainly don't think the post that @MACKWORTHRAMwas replying to was "mental".

    For what it's worth I don't think we can really even begin to predict how we'll do this season until the window has slammed shut. But I don't think we should shoot down people who have concerns, which is definitely happening on this thread and others. As I said previously, Warne's record at this level doesn't fill me with confidence at least, and I personally thought the quality of the football over the course of last season was pretty abject. 

  14. 19 hours ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    This is mental this.

    From October onwards we accumulated more points than anyone else in the league and were it not for Portsmouth's unbelievable start (where I think hey won their first 10) we would have won the league. The start can be forgiven giving it was a squad that had a lot of new players in finding their feet at a new club.

    But as soon as we got going, we earnt more points than anyone else.

    Also we conceded 3 goals in the last ten games. THREE. And two of them were in one game.

    The last 11 games we won 8 drew 2 and lost 1. If that is inconsistent then you gave give me inconsistency any day of the week.

    Paul Warne was appointed here because he knows how to get out of this league, you need to be solid. Playing good football is fine, but not really a pre-requisite of getting out of League One. Bolton probably played the best football on the eye last season and they are still down there.

    Warne will not play the same way in the Championship, he's not stupid. He wants athleticism and a high press to suffocate teams.

    I will openly admit after Stevenage and Shrewsbury I wanted Warne out but I can hold my hands up and admit I was very wrong. 

    I can't believe a man who seems to be a genuinely nice human who has got us promoted with the highest points total we have ever had, the most away wins we have have had still gets criticism.

    He gets beaten with a stick every time we get linked with a player who has played for Rotherham. (I think we only have Vickers and Washington) Its pretty common for managers going to other clubs, 1. To get linked with nearly every player who has ever played for him and 2. To actually like players they have had before, trust them and wants them at his current club. Eddie Howe signing Lloyd Kelly today for as an example.



    Good post and all fair points, but just for the sake of debate...

    Paul Warne's record so far for keeping a team in the Championship isn't great, is it? People keep saying "oh but look at the quality of the Rotherham squad"...is our squad looking that healthy at the moment? 

    Is it not fair for fans to be a bit concerned about how we'll get on going into this season under him? We do after all only have his previous track record in this division to go by. 

    Not saying I think we are in trouble - but just that the reservations (which I think get interpreted as criticism) by some are understandable and definitely not "mental"  

  15. 2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Nothing to do with the fact that he actually knows very little then?

    He knows a hell of a lot more than your average twitter user, to be fair.

    Nixon has always had contacts in clubs in the North (particularly Wigan). He's like a lot of these journalists - he gets fed information by agents/parties to the players and shares it.

    That information he's being given is also necessarily true. Agents do this sort of thing all the time to try and manoeuvre their clients moves/better contracts.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    Has it been posted anywhere else other than by that account? The bloke (probably kid) is just a wind up account, I remember seeing him regularly spouting off about how the best team in the league were going to beat us to autos. He then had the meltdown of all meltdowns after they lost the play-off final.

    Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just made that one up because he’s bored in his bedroom.

    Not sure, but it is a rumour at least!

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