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Tedious and boring

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Lot of talk re "eventual/inevitable sacking" going on. 

Am I the only one that sees him being headhunted/poached by one of "The top six"... if not a real life European Giant...  and heads off into the sunset, leaving poor old Mr Clowes with a pair of dangling bobbles between his legs.





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20 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

Most on here, even those who are very pro-Warne, can’t fail to acknowledge that he has limitations even though what he has achieved to date has been acceptable.

With respect, is there really anyone on here suggesting that Warne does not have limitations? Conversely, are there some who suggest he gets next to nothing right and has only achieved what he has to date by blind luck and huge budgets? I could provide dozens of citations to support one construct, the other not so much. 

20 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

Paul Warne is not going to be hounded out by the views of this forum. That’s laughable.

I'm not sure Rowett and his kids didn't found it that funny. Warne has kids too.

20 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

I don’t think staying up by finishing 21st will be enough for Warne to gain total fan support

I doubt anyone does i-Ram. I'd be surprised if anyone reacted to a 21st position finish with anything more than a sigh of relief and perhaps some hope for improvement the following season.

Edited by Comrade 86
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4 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

With respect, is there really anyone on here suggesting that Warne does not have limitations? Conversely, are there some who suggest he gets next to nothing right and has only achieved what he has to date by blind luck and huge budgets? I could provide dozens of citations to support one construct, the other not so much. 

I'm not sure Rowett and his kids didn't found it that funny. Warne has kids too.

I doubt anyone does i-Ram. I'd be surprised if anyone reacted to a 21st position finish with anything more than a sigh of relief and perhaps some hope for improvement the following season.

I flick in and out on here nowadays, so in truth I can’t and won’t be able to debate with you the accuracy of the first paragraph. I don’t doubt you may be right, however.

i am also totally unaware of what Rowett (and his kids) suffered from re. negative posting on this forum. I can imagine Twitter messages were well over the top, but that has always (in my view) been a cesspit for extreme views on any subject matter. Whilst I fully accept the basic premise that some posters are getting boring and tedious on here, I haven’t personally seen any posts that are anything other than what you might expect on a football fan’s forum.

As a supporter of the club for 54 years, I will be perfectly happy for the club to simply retain Championship status this year, however we might perform. But I am no longer, as I was up to my early 50’s, making any great effort to pay for and watch what is being served up on Matchday. Those who do pay their money, give up their time, drive the miles, do need an outlet to let off steam if they are not happy. Better on here, even if it is boring and tedious, than at matches which might actually have a negative affect on the team and management.

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I know it’s difficult for the mods but the forum is becoming more of a petty game of oneupmanship and forum archeology rather than simple differences of opinion.

For example, one poster, who has been absent for a while, appeared again yesterday and was belittling another poster because of their English within about 4 posts.

Each petty post isn’t necessarily a problem in its own right so not normally worthy of reporting them but it’s like those little niggly fouls that tot up and become worthy of a yellow card.

Is it possible to have a ‘boring’ / ‘tedious’ / ‘petty’ emoji that can be pressed by sensible posters that doesn’t show on the post but is highlighted to the mods?

if a poster accumulates sufficient tedium emojis they can have a little break.

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19 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

I flick in and out on here nowadays, so in truth I can’t and won’t be able to debate with you the accuracy of the first paragraph. I don’t doubt you may be right, however.

i am also totally unaware of what Rowett (and his kids) suffered from re. negative posting on this forum. I can imagine Twitter messages were well over the top, but that has always (in my view) been a cesspit for extreme views on any subject matter. Whilst I fully accept the basic premise that some posters are getting boring and tedious on here, I haven’t personally seen any posts that are anything other than what you might expect on a football fan’s forum.

As a supporter of the club for 54 years, I will be perfectly happy for the club to simply retain Championship status this year, however we might perform. But I am no longer, as I was up to my early 50’s, making any great effort to pay for and watch what is being served up on Matchday. Those who do pay their money, give up their time, drive the miles, do need an outlet to let off steam if they are not happy. Better on here, even if it is boring and tedious, than at matches which might actually have a negative affect on the team and management.

Fair points, well made, though I don't think one need necessarily visit Twitter to find stuff written about your old man that would cause some angst. The gap is closing. FWIW, Rowett said his kids were reading stuff on SM and also getting abuse at school.

Modern day support, perhaps, or maybe it's always been this way and it SM merely shined a light on it. FWIW, I don't think our views are as disparate as you may think, not that I suppose that especially matters.

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I have to admit...I don't find this forum tedious and boring, Quite the opposite, The last 2 games have given me some good entertainment, A few posters who seem to think a magic wand should appear after 2 years when we almost went T!ts up, I understand what they are posting but disagree with their view point, So I'll quote and await a reply, Usually the reply is like a shovel...they only dig their grave deeper.

What would life be like if we all agreed with each other...now that would be tedious and boring, I have 1 poster on ignore, Some asswipe away fan from a couple of years back...they just got boring mocking DCFC...the silly billy☺️

There's a few threads I steer clear of...all non football related that I have no interest in, Otherwise I'll read and If I can add to the debate I will, There's more laughs on here than a Trump with a hole in the ear 😁


Edited by Ram-Alf
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3 hours ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

I know it’s difficult for the mods but the forum is becoming more of a petty game of oneupmanship and forum archeology rather than simple differences of opinion.

For example, one poster, who has been absent for a while, appeared again yesterday and was belittling another poster because of their English within about 4 posts.

Each petty post isn’t necessarily a problem in its own right so not normally worthy of reporting them but it’s like those little niggly fouls that tot up and become worthy of a yellow card.

Is it possible to have a ‘boring’ / ‘tedious’ / ‘petty’ emoji that can be pressed by sensible posters that doesn’t show on the post but is highlighted to the mods?

if a poster accumulates sufficient tedium emojis they can have a little break.

Do you only display that option to sensible posters, and if so who decides who's sensible or not?

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11 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

Fair points, well made, though I don't think one need necessarily visit Twitter to find stuff written about your old man that would cause some angst. The gap is closing. FWIW, Rowett said his kids were reading stuff on SM and also getting abuse at school.

Modern day support, perhaps, or maybe it's always been this way and it SM merely shined a light on it. FWIW, I don't think our views are as disparate as you may think, not that I suppose that especially matters.


8 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

It works just fine

Are we talking about Rowett here or @i-Ram?

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18 hours ago, Loughborough Ram said:

Not the football, this forum! 

I think that most people come on here to have a 'chat' about the Rams or even football in general but increasingly it reminds me of the old Monty Python sketch, "are you here for the five minute argument or the full half hour".

Everybody is entitled to post what they want in a manner they chose but after 50 pages of "you're wrong", "no, you're wrong" it just becomes pointless. I know that the idea of these forums is to generate debate, but very little of what happens on here is debate. 

Take the issue of Paul Warne. To come on here after every game and tell everyone, essentially how rubbish he is and tell everyone where he is going wrong tactically, because you play football manager, or coach you sons under 8s on Darley Park, is just howling at the moon as your theories will never be tested, so they will always be correct in your head

I doubt anybody on here thinks that Paul Warne is the best manager we've ever had, or even in the top five, but he is our manager and will be until David Clowes decides differently. Ultimately you will have your way and you will be able to say "I told you so" because he will be sacked at some point.

If you want an idea of sensible debate look at the Mickley Arthur thread on the cricket. There is probably more to be upset about at the cricket club than the Rams but it's all reasoned discussions where people put forward opinions, rather than confrontational statements, aimed at pitting one side against another.

Funnily enough it doesn’t bother me. There are those posters who have very rigid views, that would find complaint after a 4-0 win and simply refuse to acknowledge even the essence of a counter argument. BUT, many really do chew the cud, consider what others say and are open to have their own position, if not changed, then shifted a few degrees. 
For the most part I enjoy exchanging views, am amused by the dogs in mangers and it’s fun justifying one’s own opinion. It is good for the brain to genuinely think and construct an argument/proposition .. what was it in the Python sketch ?

”An argument is a connected series of statements intended to put forward a proposition” .. The last word is the important one. 

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It does make me chuckle when you’re told you’re not supposed to have an opinion on team selection or have any opinion at all because you’re not a football manager or you play football manager lol 

Football over its entirety has been a subject of discussion in pubs all over the country with friends etc etc and nothing wrong in that whatsoever 

we all pay our money to go and watch and are all entitled to an opinion and debate on the game the team the manager the tactics etc etc or you might as well close the forum down 

some may feel there opinion is more valid than others but regardless of your background or vocation it would be a dull place if everyone just agreed with each other …even Pep has got things wrong and he’s the best imo keep the chat and opinions flowing 👍🏻

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9 minutes ago, S8TY said:

It does make me chuckle when you’re told you’re not supposed to have an opinion on team selection or have any opinion at all because you’re not a football manager or you play football manager lol 

Football over its entirety has been a subject of discussion in pubs all over the country with friends etc etc and nothing wrong in that whatsoever 

we all pay our money to go and watch and are all entitled to an opinion and debate on the game the team the manager the tactics etc etc or you might as well close the forum down 

some may feel there opinion is more valid than others but regardless of your background or vocation it would be a dull place if everyone just agreed with each other …even Pep has got things wrong and he’s the best imo keep the chat and opinions flowing 👍🏻

Thats a very reasoned view S8TY and thats the point for me, its very reasoned. Dogmatic statements focusing on the negative ad infinitum can get very tiresome. 

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