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Warne Out Out


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14 hours ago, Kernow said:

If our budget for next season was £2mil, hypothetically, then I’d rather spend £1.5m of that getting rid of Warne & have a new bloke with 500k, rather than Warne with £2mil.

The season isn’t a write off, we can still easily make the top 6. I think that only happens if he goes.

I doubt Eustace is taking £500K and a limited/no player budget! 

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15 hours ago, Eatonram said:

One year into a four year contract. He isn’t going anywhere. We just have to be patient. If we played like we did at Blackpool this thread would not exist. 

perhaps the players could bear some responsibility? Just a thought. 

Well if he isn’t ‘going anywhere’ Mr Clowes had better be prepared to adjust next seasons budget to allow for sub 20,000 attendances and the loss of revenue streams across the whole club, because the level of interest will collapse among a sizeable section of the support. 
As for the players bearing responsibility, how about the manager taking responsibility instead? It’s his crap football that has decent players looking like Sunday league donkeys and leaving us as near to the bottom three of this crap league as we are to the top three. 

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Big game Tuesday.

If the players, manager and chairman weren't aware of how the fans have been feeling recently then they certainly got a flavour of it yesterday.

If the players truly back Warne, they will run through brick walls for him Tuesday, we will win and the cracks will be papered over.

Lose however and the atmosphere turns sour and there is no where to hide.

Clowes would have to act.

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I think that the best way to look at this is whether a manager, like Warnock for example, would achieve better results with our current squad. Increasingly I believe that he would.

There are absolutely no guarantees when you change managers but sometimes it just seems inevitable that it's not going to work for a manager at a certain club. I think that's probably where we are now.

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15 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

I thought you'd need company.


That is such a baffling interview

It's the sort of interview you might give after you've just had 20 shots on goal and somehow lost 1-0, not when you've just been deservedly beaten.

"We need to take our chances"

So do Shrewsbury! If both teams took all there chances yesterday, we still would've lost .

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12 minutes ago, Shuff264 said:

That is such a baffling interview

It's the sort of interview you might give after you've just had 20 shots on goal and somehow lost 1-0, not when you've just been deservedly beaten.

"We need to take our chances"

So do Shrewsbury! If both teams took all there chances yesterday, we still would've lost .

Absolutely correct they score the penalty (although it wasnt one) they score twice,if we were still playing this morning we wouldnt of got three 

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warne came with a bus trip of advisers ,coaches,hangers on,whatever.i can understand one mans obsession with s**** football,but surely,its that bad,none of the bus trip can be obsessed with it,why do these people not have the balls to say this isnt going to work here paul,we need to change

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1 hour ago, Oldben said:

I started to read that then thought Oh no not more of his rubbish and self promotion. Sod off Paul and takes your mugs and your wonderwall with you

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5 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Of course we dont. So if the solution is that simple then why hasn't Clowes actioned this yet?

Well I’m sure he believes that you have to give managers time, which is true. He will also be mindful of the cost, which we appreciate. I suppose as well that he has developed a personal relationship with Warne and to be fair although he is proving a bad fit for us, he’s a good guy and an intelligent one. So I can appreciate why he won’t be a hair trigger, knee jerk responder. I’m not saying the solution is simple it’s a tough one. But as supporters we have the luxury of making our minds up without having the responsibility

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Just now, Gerry Daly said:

Well I’m sure he believes that you have to give managers time, which is true. He will also be mindful of the cost, which we appreciate. I suppose as well that he has developed a personal relationship with Warne and to be fair although he is proving a bad fit for us, he’s a good guy and an intelligent one. So I can appreciate why he won’t be a hair trigger, knee jerk responder. I’m not saying the solution is simple it’s a tough one. But as supporters we have the luxury of making our minds up without having the responsibility

You sort of didn't answer my question but skirted round it 

You said that supporters don't have to put up with this crap to paraphrase you which as a statement I'm neutral on. 

But then basically you're saying that supporters do have to put up with this crap as DC doesn't seem to be, for the time being, in any rush to remove Warne from his job. 

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