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V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00


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1 minute ago, OssieEnd said:

This is becoming a trend. We play like Real Madrid for 15 mins in the first half then just melt away ... 


Its actually faffing me off big time now coz Warne was brought in to address this 






Was he 

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6 minutes ago, Rich3478 said:

I don’t understand why we seem to be going backwards in recent weeks.

we don’t seem to have a plan b. 

We have a paper thin midfield unfortunately that gets bullied which is far from what warne would play in the middle. Smith needs to move back there until bird comes back but the problem then is who goes to right back. Need to replace Collins up top and our centre half’s have regressed the last couple of games looking shakey getting done and making silly mistakes. If we didn’t Have mcgoldrick we wouldn’t be in the top 6 

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We let Plymouth bully us and so did the ref. When they hit their stride they made us look like boys.

Not the same side without Bird, can’t help think you’d have been better with Korey Smith in the middle with Rooney at RB (who is clearly talented)

Just not Harvey White’s skill set to play as that lone DM, not a bad player but not the right player in a game like this.

Ref was a piss take, possibly worse than Mike Dean at Boro last season. Appalling performance, have you ever seen anyone more excited to give a pen? What a dopamine hit when he heard that cheer!

Edited by Leicester Ram
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We got diddled by a ref again!

That said, you aren’t going to win games if your midfield is wide open, especially away from home. Warne got it wrong here.

Need Smith back in there till Bird returns, maybe even give Hourihane a rest for Sibley.

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Looked as if Warne was going straight off but could have been bad camera angles and focussing on Plymouth who obviously just qualified for Europe. Please tell me staff and players came over to you fans? Well done travelling fans - wish so much they could have done it for you. Did yourselves proud could hear you throughout. Safe travels

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